Dean's Weekly Message

November 10, 2014


Dear colleague: 

I am writing this message from the Association of American Medical Colleges’ annual meeting in Chicago where a lot is going on. I have been on the road all week, attending the annual meeting of the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program in New Orleans before coming to Chicago. At both meetings there was considerable speculation about what the election results will mean for all of us. The one thing I know it means is that the hundreds of political ads and dozens of robocalls are over for another 20 months. 

There are 3,800 faculty from all specialties, deans of all types and administrators, health and hospital system directors, residents and students here in Chicago. The sessions have been very good. There are several dozen of us from Colorado here and most of us were able to get together for a dinner Saturday night. It is a bit of a nostalgia trip for me since this will be my last meeting as Dean here. In truth, dozens of my dean colleagues thought I was already gone (the search has gone on a long time). I did find out at the business meeting of the Council of Deans that there are 28 open dean positions in the U.S. as of today (it was only 26 two weeks ago). 

Chad Stickrath, MD, has been named assistant dean for education, Colorado Springs branch. Chad completed his residency and served as chief resident for the internal medicine residency program at the University of Colorado. He has been an assistant professor of medicine and as a hospitalist at the Denver VA Medical Center since 2009 and currently serves as assistant director for the School of Medicine’s Teaching Scholars Program. 

The Foundations of Doctoring Curriculum (FDC) is seeking applicants for the associate director for physical exam position. This 25 percent position requires a faculty appointment and a doctoral-level degree. The position develops and administers physical exam curriculum for first- and second-year medical students and will be responsible for integrating that curriculum with the overall FDC. Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest and CV by Friday, Nov. 21, to Tina Roquemore, FDC Coordinator. 

The Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation is inviting applications for its fifth class of Macy Faculty Scholars. The program is designed to nurture careers of promising educational innovators in medicine and nursing. Scholars receive salary support up to $100,000 per year for two years and get at least 50 percent protected time to pursue educational projects. The application deadline is Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015. More details about the program are available at the Macy Foundation website. Our own Wendy Madigosky, MD, MSPH, director of the Foundations of Doctoring Curriculum, was a Macy Faculty Scholar in 2012. 

I want to express gratitude to M. Douglas Jones, MD, senior associate dean for clinical affairs, and his wife Ann, and to their daughter Monica Federico, MD, and her husband, Steven Federico, MD, who are giving $20,000 for a diversity scholarship for a medical student. Their generosity is featured in an article published recently on the University of Colorado Foundation website. Supporting our school by investing in the education of our students is just one more way to care for our community. Thanks Doug, Monica and Steven. 

The fall issue of CU Medicine Today magazine has been published and in it you can find articles about the amazing cancer care on this campus, an orthopedic surgeon who has returned to the rodeo, an infectious disease specialist who has been helping the World Health Organization with a respiratory outbreak in Saudi Arabia and much, much more. 

I heard last night that Professor Emeritus John H. (Jack) Githens, MD, died on Nov. 5. Jack was a renowned pediatric hematologist who was recruited to Colorado from Kentucky in the 1960s. He studied combined immnunodeficiency disease and later started the Sickle Cell Clinic at Colorado General Hospital. He was also Dean of Students for several Deans in the 1970s. His son, Jim, and daughter-in-law were with him when he died. Jim would like to receive calls or emails from anyone who knew Jack with their remembrances. Jim can be contacted at 970-366-8061 or The family will be having a memorial service in the spring and will let us know when and where that will be. 


It looks like fall is over and very cold weather is here.  If you haven’t unhooked the outdoor hoses at your house, get it done today…. 


Have a good week,

Richard D. Krugman, MD
Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and
Dean, School of Medicine



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