All SOM Faculty:
All Faculty receive a link in their Letter of Offer (LOO) to the Educator Resources and by signing your annual LOO you are attesting that you received and reviewed the following information under Educator Resources (, including review of these subcategories:
CU GME Onboarding & Annual Education:
Step 1. Review all materials under the Educator Resources (, including review of these subcategories:
Step 2. GME Residents/Fellows will attest automatically by signing your CU GME training agreement.
Annual training:
Step 1. All residents/fellows receive a link in their CU GME Training Agreement to the Educator Resources ( and by signing the training agreement they automatically attest to receiving this information
Non-CU GME Onboarding & Annual Education (Visiting Residents):
Step 1. Review all the materials under the Educator Resources (, including review of these subcategories:
Step 2. Complete GME attestation linked in the Rotator Template form that is required for EPIC access by prior to your CU rotation start date.
CU GME Visiting Resident Attestation of Receipt of Education Resources for Medical Students
Annual Training:
Step 1. Annual attestation is delivered annually to these programs as well for the above LIC Education by our Phase 2 Dean & AEO Education Ad Hoc. Program specific education that currently exists.
Step 2.Complete GME attestation by prior to your CU rotation start date
CU GME Visiting Resident Attestation of Receipt of Education Resources for Medical Students