CQI — Continuous Quality Improvement

Trek Curriculum Continuous Quality Improvement

The goal of ongoing continuous quality improvement (CQI) for the Trek Curriculum is to gather data from multiple sources that can be used to evaluate the program quality and guide ongoing improvements both to assure we are meeting the needs of our stakeholders (students, faculty, patients, and the community) and maintain Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) accreditation. 

For any aspect of CQI there are three main steps (that mirror the steps we expect our students to take in looking at their own assessment data):

  1. Engagement with data: Provide data to curriculum leaders in a timely fashion
  2. Analysis: Encourage reflection and interpretation of the data
  3. Impact: Create specific and actionable goals for change

CQI is a joint effort between the Assessment, Evaluation, and Outcomes (AEO) Office and the relevant curricular phase/pillar leadership. AEO oversees providing the data and supporting faculty in the analysis phase. We use of dashboards that can provide clear visual depiction of the data and are easier to access and update. The curricular phase/pillar leadership is also involved with analysis and then primarily tasked with determining a plan for change. Across all areas of the curriculum, we utilize a discussion-based format to CQI that involves discussion about strengths and areas for improvement. This meeting and plan for moving forward is then summarized in a CQI report. Individual CQI reports are designed to encourage analysis and to capture the discussion and changes planned. All CQI reports are available to anyone in the CUSOM community to allow for transparency and clear communication between areas.

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