The overarching goal of the CUSOM Dashfolio is to create a visual display of student performance to help students identify areas of strength and weakness and guide learning.
Given the amount of data in the Dashfolio, access is limited to specific individuals. For each student, the only individuals who can access their Dashfolio are:
Other individuals including Course Directors, Content Directors, and Phase Deans do not have access to individual student data in the Dashfolio.
If you think you should have access or need assistance with access please email
All the links below require a user to be on the CU Anschutz campus network or be connected to the VPN if off-campus.
To set up the VPN: You will need to download the VPN and follow instructions for installing it.
Demo Dashfolio (no VPN required) : The data contained within the Demo Dashfolio is compiled from more than a dozen students so patterns seen herein may not be truly reflective of a single student or common performance.