What's Going on Here?

March 3, 2014


Dear colleague:

I had a very short week here last week since I returned from a week-long trip to Tokyo to visit with our newest grandson, who is three months old.  Three to six months is, from my perspective, the golden age of babyhood.  They are amazingly social and not yet mobile. Soon he will be driving…. 

I returned to Colorado Thursday afternoon and  gave my lecture in Life Cycle Friday afternoon. (Thanks to the students who came that afternoon when the original time was supposed to be Thursday morning.)  The rest of you can find it on the curriculum intranet. 

Last week I acknowledged several departments for accommodating our colleagues from the Department of Immunology who are moving to the Anschutz Medical Campus this summer, but, because I was writing from memory while jet-lagged in Japan, I neglected to mention Dan Theodorescu, MD, PhD, director of the CU Cancer Center. Without Dan’s offer of space, we would have been in a serious bind finding enough space for our relocating colleagues. Dan and the CU Cancer Center deserve special thanks for their particularly generous contribution of space. 

I also neglected to mention Richard Schulick, MD, MBA, chair of the Department of Surgery, who hosted the 10th International Course of the Brazilian Cancer Society’s visit to campus Feb. 17-20. This was a group of 40 Brazilian surgeons and medical oncologists who visited operating rooms and clinics here and at Denver Health. As with any event like this, there’s always a crew of people who make it work and they all deserve credit. Thanks to all for showcasing our wonderful campus. 

Training for prevention of discrimination and sexual harassment is mandatory for all University employees within three months of hire and it is your responsibility to make sure you have completed the training. There are many who have not. Information is available on the human resources website. Please make sure you have completed it. 

Also a reminder to those responsible for completing the Personnel Effort Reports that you need to get these done to avoid causing other problems for your Department’s general fund budget and also triggering repeat certifications by you. The Personnel Effort Report is a certification system that documents employees’ effort on projects for the sponsoring agencies. Federal law requires such documentation, so please check into it if you are responsible for such reporting. 


Have a good week,

Richard D. Krugman, MD
Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and
Dean, School of Medicine




"What’s Going On Here" is an email news bulletin from Richard Krugman, MD, Dean of the CU School of Medicine, that is distributed to inform University of Colorado School of Medicine faculty members about issues pertaining to the School’s mission of education, research, clinical care and community service. See the UCH-Insider →

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