Peer Mentored Care Collaborative

Care occurs more efficiently when it's collaborative


The Peer Mentored Care Collaborative (PMCC) is home to two innovative and highly regarded programs: ECHO Colorado (Extension for Community Health Outcomes) and eConsults. Through these programs, primary care providers can access tools to partner with colleagues at the Anschutz Medical Campus, creating a virtual, patient-centered medical neighborhood that enables communication, reduces the potential for fragmented care, promotes enhanced coordination and ultimately improves access to specialty care. PMCC aims to improve quality of care and patient experiences while reducing overall costs.

PMCC leverages partnerships with organizations and communities across the state of Colorado to meet rural providers where they are with the goal of improving each domain of the quadruple aim: increasing access to care, reducing costs and unnecessary care, improving patient outcomes, and improving patient and provider satisfaction with care.

Through the data collected from PMCC program utilization PMCC can anticipate and identify health trends in local communities, share and exchange vital resources and best practices, shape patterns of care to assure high quality care that costs less and keeps the patient and the local provider at the core of care delivery.


eConsults, a program that launched in 2018 as part of the Association of American Medical College’s Project CORE, facilitates asynchronous communication between primary care providers and specialists at the Anschutz Medical Campus. eConsults are integrated into the electronic health record system. The program has facilitated over 20,000 consultations, empowering PCPs across Colorado with access to specialist expertise, enabling localized care and reducing the need for referrals. The program expanded its reach in 2021 to include federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) through an external eConsult platform, fostering partnerships with Salud, Peak Vista, Valley-Wide and High Plains.


Established in 2016, ECHO Colorado’s mission is to leverage the knowledge and experience of geographically-diverse communities for workforce development and improved health for all. ECHO is an education platform that provides health professionals the opportunity to be part of a community where experts and peers share knowledge and experience using technology, not proximity, to connect.

We use Zoom to disseminate curated medical knowledge to frontline providers and to promote best practices to reduce disparities in health equity.

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