Presenter | Title | Thematic Area | Abstract | Poster |
Sarah Seiwald | Human Breast Milk Enhances Cellular Proliferation in Cornea Wound Healing | Basic Biomedical Science | Seiwald Abstract | Seiwald Poster |
Courtney McDonald Mangham | GlobalSurgBox: A Portable Surgical Simulator for Surgical Trainees Worldwide | Global Health | McDonald Mangham Abstract | McDonald Mangham Poster |
Lauren Barbera | HIV and COVID-19: Review of Clinical Course and Outcomes | Clinical Science | Barbera Abstract | Barbera Poster |
Hannah Kyllo | Adaptive Responses in Uteroplacental Metabolism and Fetoplacental Nutrient Shuttling and Sensing during Placental Insufficiency | Basic Biomedical Science | Kyllo Abstract | Kyllo Poster |
Salman Ashraf | Therapeutic approaches for UCPPS management: research advances, experimental targets and future directions | Clinical Science | Ashraf Abstract | Ashraf Poster |
Thy Nguyen | Analysis of Inflammatory Markers in Response to Induction of Reprometabolic Syndrome by a Eucaloric High Fat Diet in Normal Weight Women. | Basic Biomedical Science | Nguyen Abstract | Nguyen Poster |
Laura Meimari | A Critical Analysis of Community Based Substance Use Interventions in Refugee and Immigrant Populations | Global Health | Meimari Abstract | Meimari Poster |
Anthony Smyth | How Do Rotator Cuff Repair Study Designs Correlate with Revision Rates? A Systematic Review | Clinical Science | Smyth Abstract | Smyth Poster |
Adriana (Sofi) Hall | Neurodevelopmental and Mental Health Outcomes in a National Clinical Sample of Youth with Sex Chromosome Trisomies Compared with Matched Controls: A PEDSnet Study | Clinical Science | Hall Abstract | Hall Poster |
Sarah Vangi | Utility of the Social Vulnerability Index in Risk Stratification of Critically Ill Neonates with Surgical Conditions | Clinical Science | Vangi Abstract | Vangi Poster |
Rachel Demby | Incidence of Bone stress Injuries in Division I Collegiate Athletes | Public Health and Epidemiology | Demby Abstract | Demby Poster |
Jasmine Polkowske | Placental DEPTOR inhibition restores maternal vasodilation in fetal growth restricted mice. | Basic Biomedical Science | Polkowske Abstract | Jasmine Polkowske |
Melissa Smith | Ethical Considerations for Clinical Care on Short Term Medical Missions in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: A Scoping Review | Global Health | Smith Abstract | Smith Poster |
Jane Song | Advanced Vessel- and Cell-Size MRI to Assess Chemo-Radiation Treatment Response in Pediatric Ependymoma Models | Basic Biomedical Science | Smith Poster | Song Poster |
Preston Le | Completeness of Common Outcomes from RCTs | Clinical Science | Le Abstract | Le Poster |
Joy Huang | Successful Extension of Vascularized Composite Allograft Perfusion Cold Storage to 24 Hours in a Rat Hind Limb Transplant Model | Basic Biomedical Science | Huang Abstract | Huang Poster |
Nicholas Cleland | Altered Metabolism and DAM-signatures in Female Brains and Microglia with Aging | Basic Biomedical Science | Cleland Abstract | Cleland Poster |
Jonathan Zakrajsek | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) for Severe Asthma Exacerbations Requiring Mechanical Ventilation | Clinical Science | Zakrajsek Abstract | Zakrajsek Poster |
Ronald Yang | Tzanck Smear in Dermatologic Practice | Clinical Science | Yang Abstract | Yang Poster |
Boston Gubler | Characteristics of Electronic and Paper Questionnaire Users in an Academic Memory Clinic | Public Health and Epidemiology | Gubler Abstract | Gubler Poster |
Madison Kim | Connecting older adults with students through interorofessional telecare (COAST-IT): A program evaluation | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Kim Abstract | Kim Poster |
Andrea Lorenz | Predictive Value of 1-Hour Glucose Elevations during Oral Glucose Tolerance Testing for Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes | Clinical Science | Lorenz Abstract | Lorenz Poster |
Emma Lamping | Analysis of Time Between Skin Lesion and Lymph Node Biopsies and Lymph Node Metastasis in Patients With Melanoma | Clinical Science | Lamping Abstract | Lamping Poster |
Rachel Anderson | Describing postoperative void patterns following cesarean delivery without the use of urinary catheterization | Clinical Science | Anderson Abstract | Anderson Poster |
Andrew Mariotti | Operational outcomes of propofol sedation versus fentanyl, midazolam and diphenhydramine sedation for endoscopies and colonoscopies at an academic medical center | Clinical Science | Mariotti Abstract | Mariotti Poster |
Hyun Kim | Impact Of COVID-19 On Adults With Cerebral Palsy Among Cohort Of The Cerebral Palsy Adult Transition Longitudinal Study | Clinical Science | Kim Abstract | Kim Poster |
Jayden Peacock | Forty-Year Update of the Obstetric Anesthesia Workforce Survey | Clinical Science | Peacock Abstract | Peacock Poster |
Michael Skaggs | Drive-Through Efficiency: How to Prepare for and Execute a Mass-Vaccination Event | Public Health and Epidemiology | Skaggs Abstract | Skaggs Poster |
Cole Bortz | Critical Incidents in Colorado€™s Opioid Treatment Programs: A Comparison of the COVID-19 Pandemic to Previous Years | Public Health and Epidemiology | Bortz Abstract | Bortz Poster |
Marisa Sobczak | Glycemic Control in Relation to Technology Use in a Single-Center Cohort of Children with Type 1 Diabetes | Clinical Science | Sobczak Abstract | Sobczak Poster |
Ethan Coit | Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is not sufficient to initiate an inflammatory response in human alveolar epithelial cells in vitro | Basic Biomedical Science | Coit Abstract | Coit Poster |
Ernie Arnouts | Examination of Diffuse Myocardial Fibrosis in Pediatric and Young Adult Fontan Circulations: A Retrospective Cohort Study | Clinical Science | Arnouts Abstract | Arnouts Poster |
Haya Kaliounji | The consequences of on-going conflict in Syria on quality of life and health, and the role of NGOs. | Public Health and Epidemiology | Kaliounji_Abstract | Kaliounji Poster |
Reed Campbell | Socioeconomic status and antidiabetic drug prescription in comorbid COPD patients | Public Health and Epidemiology | Campbell Abstract | Campbell Poster |
Fei Daly | Health Screening for Internationally Adopted Children: A Systematic Review | Global Health | Daly Abstract | Daly Poster |
Setareh Ekhteraei | RESEED - the perceived impact of an enhanced usual care model of a novel, teacher-led, task-shifting initiative for child mental health | Global Health | Ekhteraei Abstract | Ekhteraei Poster |
Victoria Cates | "Circulating CD8+ mucosal-associated invariant T cells correlate with improved treatment responses and overall survival in anti-PD-1-treated melanoma patients. | Clinical Science | Cates Abstract | Cates Poster |
Jacob Fang | White blood cell nadir to zero following intensive chemotherapy as a predictive factor for patients with acute myeloid leukemia | Clinical Science | Fang Abstract | Fang Poster |
Weston Durland | Diversity Documentary: A Cohort of Resilience | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Durland Abstract | Durland Poster |
Brandon Wolfe | Intramedullary Fixation for Metacarpal Fractures: A Multi-Institutional Prospective Outcomes Study | Clinical Science | Wolfe Abstract | Wolfe Poster |
Melody Jan | Model of Disability Healthcare Disparities | Public Health and Epidemiology | Jan Abstract | Jan Poster |
Rachael Branscomb | Understanding Pancreatic Development Using a Ferret Model | Basic Biomedical Science | Branscomb Abstract | Branscomb Poster |
Kaitlyn Johnson | Standardizing Elder Abuse Data Collection: Development of Multi-Institution Database for Hospital-Based Consultation Teams | Public Health and Epidemiology | Johnson Abstract | Johnson Poster |
Olivia Starich | Composition of the CD27+ Memory-B-Cell Compartment Delineates Immunoglobulin Deficiency Endotypes | Clinical Science | Starich Abstract | Starich Poster |
Michael Persinger | The Response of Hinsdale County, Colorado to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Case Study | Public Health and Epidemiology | Persinger Abstract | Persinger Poster |
Vijay Shimoga | Ultrasound OSCE: Standardized Assessment of Ultrasound Proficiency in Undergraduate Medical Education | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Shimoga Abstract | Shimoga Poster |
Amira Otmane | LCME Re-Accredidation: Independent Student Analysis 2024 | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Otmane Abstract | Otmane Poster |
Jacob Edwards | Progression of Small Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms and Undefined Cysts of the Pancreas: A Systematic Review | Clinical Science | Edwards Abstract | Edwards Poster |
Sarah Ellsworth | Availability and delivery capacity of medical oxygen in emergency care settings in 14 African countries per SARA and SPA reports | Global Health | Ellsworth Abstract | Ellsworth Poster |
Courtney Wham | Prehospital ETCO2 is Predictive of Mortality in Intubated and Non-Intubated Patients | Clinical Science | Wham Abstract | Wham Poster |
Megan Aguilera | Representation of Racially Minoritized Patients on Dermatology Private Practice Websites | Public Health and Epidemiology | Aguilera Abstract | Aguilera Poster |
Lukas Sloan | Ambulatory Blood Pressure, Sleep Quality, and Acute Mountain Sickness in the Setting of Acute High Altitude Exposure: The Colorado High Altitude Monitoring Pressure Study (CHAMPS) | Clinical Science | Sloan Abstract | Sloan Poster |
Gregory Dyba | Does 25-OH vitamin D Insufficiency Predispose Young Children to Multiple Fractures from Minimal Trauma? A Preliminary Analysis | Clinical Science | Dyba Abstract | Dyba Poster |
Lukas Ommen | Assessing Physiologic Measures Using the Empatica E4 Wristband in ICU Nurses | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Ommen Abstract | Ommen Poster |
Alan Makedon | Indocyanine Green Angiography for Use in Robotic Spermatic Cord Denervation | Clinical Science | Makedon Abstract | Makedon Poster |
Zachary Trottier | Lewy body dementia | Clinical Science | Trottier Abstract | Trottier Poster |
Shreyaas Aravindan | Open Fixation of Posterior Malleolus Fractures Increases Morbidity: An Important Consideration For Fractures Involving Less than 25% of the Articular Surface | Clinical Science | Aravindan Abstract | Aravindan Poster |
Madison Pelton | Exploring the Use of Visual Learning Tools in Neonatal Resuscitation Education: A Scoping Review | Global Health | Pelton Abstract | Pelton Poster |
Zoe Lee-Chiong | Pelvic Exam Experiences Among Spanish-Speaking-Only Patients | Public Health and Epidemiology | Lee-Chiong Abstract | Lee-Chiong Poster |
Victor Trevisanut | Feasibility of Outpatient Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy | Clinical Science | Trevisanut Abstract | Trevisanut Poster |
Woro George | Nuclear Medicine Shunt Study to Assess Shunt Function | Clinical Science | George Abstract | George Poster |
Whitney Kelly | Medical Student Perceptions of LGBTQIA Inclusivity in Anesthesiology€‹ | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Kelly Abstract | Kelly Poster |
Danielle Gilbert | A Critical Analysis of Community-Based Substance Use Interventions in Refugee and Immigrant Populations | Global Health | Gilbert Abstract | Gilbert Poster |
Keanu Chee | The role of the piriform cortex in temporal lobe epilepsy: A current literature review | Clinical Science | Chee Abstract | Chee Poster |
Bruck Gezahegn | Complex Interplay of Forkhead BoxP3, Interleukin 22, and Interleukin 17 in Multiple Sclerosis Patients on Disease Modulating Therapy | Clinical Science | Gezahegn Abstract | Gezahegn Poster |
Kisha Thayapran | Prostacyclin Analog Treprostinil Enhances Neonatal Rat Lung Endothelial Cell Growth And Angiogenesis In Vitro | Basic Biomedical Science | Thayapran Abstract | Thayapran Poster |
Wyanet Bresnitz | Potassium Channels in the Uterine Vasculature: Role in Healthy and Complicated Pregnancies | Basic Biomedical Science | Bresnitz Abstract | Bresnitz Poster |
Romney Hanson | The presence of submucous cleft palate in patients with isolated cleft lip and middle ear dysfunction | Clinical Science | Hanson Abstract | Hanson Poster |
Lauren Arguinchona | SARS-CoV-2 Mediates TGF-β Hijacking and Immune Dysregulation Through a Novel Gain of Function Mutation in its NSP15 Protein | Basic Biomedical Science | Arguinchona Abstract | Arguinchona Poster |
Abby Thorne | Clinical Utility of Repeat Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies Among Children with Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis | Clinical Science | Thorne Abstract | Thorne Poster |
Marie Stewart | Community voices: Documentary education on racial disparities in infant and maternal healthcare | Public Health and Epidemiology | Stewart Abstract | Stewart Poster |
Austin Almand | A Qualitative Investigation of Space Exploration Medical Evacuation Risks | Global Health | Almand Abstract | Almand Poster |
Madelyn Mendlen | Investigating Wellness and Burnout Initiatives for Medical Trainees -- The Gratitude Journal Mobile Application | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Mendlen Abstract | Mendlen Poster |
Alexandra Verosky | Patient comprehension of breast pathology report terminology: The need for patient-centered resources | Clinical Science | Verosky Abstract | Verosky Poster |
Ashlyn Richie | IMAGINE: A Trial of Messaging Strategies for Social Needs Screening and Referral | Public Health and Epidemiology | Richie Abstract | Richie Poster |
Rebecca Henkind | Left Out in the Cold: Homicide Amoung Persons Experiencing Homelessness | Public Health and Epidemiology | Henkind Abstract | Henkind Poster |
Adom Netsanet | Antenatal Betamethasone Improves Lung Structure and Function, Prevents Pulmonary Hypertension, and Promotes Placental Pro-Angiogenic Signaling in an Animal Model of Chorioamnionitis-Induced Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia | Basic Biomedical Science | Netsanet Abstract | Netsanet Poster |
Gavin Chiem | Effect of Femoral Nerve Stimulation on Patellar Redislocation Rates After Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy in Pediatric Patients | Clinical Science | Chiem Abstract | Chiem Poster |
Nicholas Girardi | During Postless Hip Arthroscopy, Male Patients, High Body Mass Index, Low Beighton Scores, and Limited Range of Motion Require High Traction Force | Clinical Science | Girardi Abstract | Girardi Poster |
Nisha Batta | Implementation of Extreme Risk Protection Orders in Colorado from 2020-2022: Firearm Relinquishment and Return and Petitioner characteristics | Public Health and Epidemiology | Batta Abstract | Batta Poster |
Vivian Lu | Risk factors and outcomes of delayed presentation of diabetic retinopathy patients to a county hospital | Clinical Science | Lu Abstract | Lu Poster |
Jordan Stellern | Emotion Regulation Across Psychiatric Conditions | Clinical Science | Stellern Abstract | Stellern Poster |
Jeffrey Wong | University of Colorado SOM Diversity Documentary: A Cohort of Resilience | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Wong Abstract | Wong Poster |
Brian Carter | Mucosal Ulceration in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor is an Independent Predictor of Progression-Free Survival | Clinical Science | Carter Abstract | Carter Poster |
Alec McCranie | Exploration of Patient Retention in Seeking a Second Opinion | Clinical Science | McCranie Abstract | McCranie Poster |
Cian O'Sullivan | Identifying Factors Underlying Readmission via Retrospective Chart Review | Clinical Science | O'Sullivan Abstract | O'Sullivan Poster |
Micah Pascual | Dermatology Access and Needs of American Indian and Alaska Native People | Public Health and Epidemiology | Pascual Abstract | Pascual Poster |
Gabrielle Montalbano | Positive Toxoplasma IgG Serology Is Associated with Increased Overall Mortality - A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis | Clinical Science | Montalbano Abstract | Montalbano Poster |
Arman Saeedi | Comparison of Handheld Ultrasound Devices used in Carotid and Abdominal Aortic Vascular Studies | Clinical Science | Saeedi Abstract | Saeedi Poster |
Courtney Olson | The Impact of Nutrition Classes at Urban Peak on the Nutritional Status and Dietary Patterns of Unhoused Youth | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Olson Abstract | Olson Poster |
William Herold | Adolescent Trust in Sex Education | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Herold Abstract | Herold Poster |
Nikita Deng | Re-examining the Pre-medical Years as an Integral Part of Professional Identity Formation: A Narrative Literature Review | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Deng Abstract | Deng Poster |
Michaele Francesco Corbisiero | Medicaid coverage and access to obstetrics and gynecology subspecialists: findings from a national mystery caller study in the United States | Public Health and Epidemiology | Corbisiero Abstract | Corbisiero Poster |
Nicole Russell | How Do Colorado Public Libraries Respond to Patron Queries About Opioid Use Disorder? A Secret Shopper Study. | Public Health and Epidemiology | Russell Abstract | Russell Poster |
Laveen Khoshnaw | "Iraqi Migrant Mental Health Needs, Perceptions, and Experiences: A Qualitative Analysis | Public Health and Epidemiology | Khoshnaw Abstract | Khoshnaw Poster |
Christopher Le | Diagnostic yield of workups ordered by pediatric ophthalmologists for bilateral pediatric cataracts at a tertiary pediatric hospital in the United States | Clinical Science | Le Abstract | Le Poster |
Ahmed Alsafar | Targeted Approach to Improve Diversity in Phase I Oncology Clinical Trials: A Single Institution Experience at the University of Colorado Cancer Center | Clinical Science | Alsafar Abstract | Alsafar Poster |
Nazar Akhverdyan | Changes in Transient Elastography with Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonist Use in Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease | Clinical Science | Akhverdyan Abstract | Akhverdyan Poster |
Paige Romer | Learning How to Learn Medicine: A Student-Led Initiative to Foster Active Learning Strategy Adoption | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Romer Abstract | Romer Poster |
Maya Katz | Caring for Homebound Veterans during COVID-19 in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Foster Home Program | Clinical Science | Katz Abstract | Katz Poster |
Vivian Rajeswaren | Healthcare Resource Utilization and Costs in an At-Risk Population with Diabetic Retinopathy | Public Health and Epidemiology | Rajeswaren Abstract | Rajeswaren Poster |
Brittni Driscoll | Surgeon Perceptions of the Integration of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures into Clinical Practice | Clinical Science | Driscoll Abstract | Driscoll Poster |
Folake Adegboye | Barriers to Mental Healthcare for Vulnerable Populations: Lessons Learned from Online Public Testimonies and Implications for Medical Education | Public Health and Epidemiology | Adegboye Abstract | Adegboye Poster |
David Duarte-Corado | Impact Of Culturally Competent Care In Post-transplant Clinical Outcomes Among Hispanic Kidney Transplant Recipients | Public Health and Epidemiology | Duarte-Corado Abstract | Duarte-Corado Poster |
Moriah Mabry | New Frontier: The First Year of an Adult Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Clinic | Clinical Science | Mabry Abstract | Mabry Poster |
Gary Shahinyan | Technical Aspects of Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Fistula Repair: Case Report and Retrospective Cohort Analysis | Clinical Science | Shahinyan | Shahinyan Poster |
Christina Cheung | Parent and provider perspectives on family navigation for early identification of children with autism spectrum disorder | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Cheung Abstract | Cheung Poster |
Mary | Participant Diversity in Stroke-Related Medical Device Trials: Historical Context and Ongoing Challenges | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Fuhlbrigge Abstract | Fuhlbrigge Poster |
Benjamin Schenkel | Correlations of Opioid Intake During Different Predischarge Time Frames with Postdischarge Opioid Use Following Inpatient Surgery | Clinical Science | Schenkel Abstract | Schenkel Poster |
Camila Vargas | Do adult patients with congenital colorectal conditions know their diagnosis? | Public Health and Epidemiology | Vargas Abstract | Vargas Poster |
Khashayar Rishsefid Mahalleh | Iraqi Migrant Mental Health Needs, Perceptions, and Experiences: A Qualitative Analysis | Public Health and Epidemiology | Rishsefid Mahalleh Abstract | Rishsefid Mahalleh Poster |
Kaden Parks | The Hidden Cost of Chronic Pain: A Narrative Review of the Environmental Impact of Outpatient Spine and Musculoskeletal Care | Clinical Science | Parks Abstract | Parks Poster |
Salina Goff | Testing of Multiple Autoantibodies Identifies Expansion of Targeted Antigens and a Method to Identify Imminent Onset of Clinical Rheumatoid Arthritis | Clinical Science | Goff Abstract | Goff Poster |
Hashem Anabtawi | Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in a Guatemalan Agricultural cohort and Virus-Specific Antibody Kinetics | Basic Biomedical Science | Anabtawi Abstract | Anabtawi Poster |
George Burnet | Muffins and Meditation: Combatting Burnout in Surgical Residents | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Burnet Abstract | Burnet Poster |
Ahana Ghosh | A narrative review of rural access to vascular care | Public Health and Epidemiology | Ghosh Abstract | Ghosh Poster |
Medha Gudavalli | Colorado Physicians€™ Preparedness, Attitudes, and Practices for Management of Intimate Partner Violence | Public Health and Epidemiology | Gudavalli Abstract | Gudavalli Poster |
Lily Kong | Secondary Placement of Adjustable Continence Therapy (ProACT„¢) Using Open Perineal Technique: Case Report of ProACT Placement in a Man with a Devastated Urethra Following Pelvic Trauma and Multiple AUS Erosions | Clinical Science | Kong Abstract | Kong Poster |
Sterling Lee | Opioid Prescribing Practices for At-Risk Pediatric Populations Undergoing Ambulatory Surgery | Clinical Science | Lee Abstract | Lee Poster |
Lorena Ramirez-Renteria | Assessing Literature of Efforts in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Within Cardiothoracic Surgery Training Programs | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Ramirez-Renteria Abstract | Ramirez-Renteria Poster |
John Schutz | Establishing the Role of Inflammatory Markers in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Hand Infections in the Pediatric Population | Clinical Science | Schutz Abstract | Schutz Poster |
Robert Sumner | System Interventions to Increase MDPOA Documentation at University of Colorado Hospital | Clinical Science | Sumner Abstract | Sumner Poster |
Heami Yi | Emergency contraception in a historic southern city: mystery caller study in Birmingham, Alabama | Public Health and Epidemiology | Yi Abstract | Yi Poster |
Alla Yousif | Assessing Barriers Among HIV, Substance Use Disorder, and Trans Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Public Health and Epidemiology | Yousif Abstract | Yousif Poster |
Carson Platnick | Adipose Insulin Resistance Relates to Perturbed Renal Hemodynamics in Obese Youth with and without Type 2 Diabetes €‹ | Clinical Science | Platnick Abstract | Platnick Poster |
Sarah Groover | Development and Distribution of a Know Your Rights Car Sticker | Public Health and Epidemiology | Groover Abstract | Groover Poster |
Avalon Swenson | The Role of Religious Leaders in Public Health: Historically Informed Approaches to Promoting Novel Vaccinations and the Equitable Provision of Care | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Swenson Abstract | Swenson Poster |
Sarah Nofal | A Retrospective Analysis Investigating Racial Bias in Police Encounters at a Medical Research University | Public Health and Epidemiology | Nofal Abstract | Nofal Poster |
Rita Molem | Just-in-Time Simulation-Based Mastery-Learning for Internal Medicine Residents in Primary Care Procedures | Clinical Science | Molem Abstract | Molem Poster |
Cheril Patel | Improving Discharge Coordination for Abscess Drain Patients | Clinical Science | Patel Abstract | Patel Poster |
Ellie Rhodes | Inpatient Management of Infectious Keratitis at Denver Health Medical Center | Public Health and Epidemiology | Rhodes Abstract | Rhodes Poster |
Yaswanth Chintaluru | Title: Combination of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) gene therapy and deep brain stimulation (DBS) into the subthalamic nucleus (STN) in Parkinson’s disease (PD) | Clinical Science | Chintaluru Abstract | Chintaluru Poster |
Benjamin Wharton | The Effects of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Risk on Post-Operative Recovery Following Rotator Cuff Repair | Clinical Science | Wharton Abstract | Wharton Poster |
Kevin Kamel | Surveying Student Health Professionals to Assess Source of Information Utilization early | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Kamel Abstract | Kamel Poster |
Sydney Tyler | Mixed Methods Evaluation of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Immigrant Families | Public Health and Epidemiology | Tyler Abstract | Tyler Poster |
Lisa Viltz | Investigating the Role of ApoE in Alzheimer's Disease | Basic Biomedical Science | Viltz Abstract | Viltz Poster |
Natasha Garamani | Exposure of Medical Students to Topics of Interpersonal Violence in Medical Education: A Scarcity of Training | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Garamani Abstract | Garamani Poster |
Sameer Andani | Proof of Concept Clinical Decision Support Tool for Chronic Rhinosinusitis Assists Providers in Guiding Patients Considering Endoscopic Sinus Surgery | Clinical Science | Andani Abstract | Andani Poster |
Carly Setterberg | Development of H5P Interactive Learning Modules for Medical Education and the Comparison of Student Perception, Satisfaction, and Performance | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Setterberg Abstract | Setterberg Poster |
Lilia Maeda | The Efficacy of Pre-lab Assignments in First Year Medical Student Gross Anatomy | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Maeda Abstract | Maeda Poster |
Daniel Bollinger | Stray Energy Injury During Robotic Versus Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair: A Randomized Clinical Trial | Clinical Science | Bollinger Abstract | Bollinger Poster |
Katie Martin | Prospective Validation of the Venous Excess Ultrasound (VExUS) Score | Clinical Science | Martin Abstract | Martin Poster |
Jonathan Repine | Hyperglycemia in Critically Ill Patients | Basic Biomedical Science | Repine Abstract | Repine Poster |
John Precoda | Pain Reprocessing Therapy: A Literature Review | Clinical Science | Precoda Abstract | Precoda Poster |
Rose Castle | Sleeve Gastrectomy for Liver Transplant Candidates with Obesity and Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis | Clinical Science | Castle Abstract | Castle Poster |
Margo Wohlfeil | The Role of CDK12 in Pediatric Medulloblastoma | Basic Biomedical Science | Wohlfeil Abstract | Wohlfeil Poster |
Presenter | Title | Thematic Area | Abstract | Poster |
Jessica Saifee | Addressing Refugee Health During COVID-19 and Future Pandemics | Global Health | Saifee Abstract |
Saifee Poster |
Ani Oganesyan |
"Abnormal pulmonary flow is associated with impaired right ventricular coupling in patients with COPD" |
Clinical Science |
Oganesyan Abstract |
Oganesyan Poster |
Evan Cornish | "Evaluating middle school students€™ understanding and emotional outlook on the COVID-19 pandemic COVID Virtual Summer Camp Project " |
Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Cornish Abstract |
Cornish Poster |
Matthew Paulson |
A descriptive analysis of battlefield first responder and combat lifesaver interventions during the Role 1 phase of care |
Clinical Science |
Paulson Abstract |
Paulson Poster |
Omar Samara | Proinflammatory Cytokines levels in Sepsis and Healthy volunteers, and Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha associated sepsis mortality: A systematic review and metaanalysis | Clinical Science | Samara Abstract |
Samara Poster |
Linh Nguyen |
Attitudes towards deprescribing among adults with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction |
Clinical Science |
Nguyen Abstract |
Nguyen Poster |
Frances Vernon | Income Inequality Is Associated With Low Cumulative Antiretroviral Adherence in Persons With Human Immunodeficiency Virus | Public Health and Epidemiology | Vernon Abstract |
Vernon Poster |
Amelia Barber |
Rural Track Module: Managing Dehydration and Other Illnesses of the Mountains |
Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education |
Barber Abstract |
Barber Poster |
John Hesling | Characterizing Pediatric Supermassive Transfusion and the Contributing Injury Patterns in the Combat Environment | Clinical Science | Hesling Abstract |
Hesling Poster |
Nancy Moran | Integrating Family Medicine at the Chanda Center for Health, an Integrative Clinic for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries | Public Health and Epidemiology | Moran Abstract |
Moran Poster |
Brissa Mundo-Santacruz | A Mixed-Methods Study on Maternal Perspectives on Postpartum Depression Screening: Beliefs, Concerns and Level of Comfort | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Mundo- Santacruz Abstract |
Mundo- Santacruz Poster |
Kristen Vossler |
Postoperative Outcomes After Staged vs. Coordinated Mastectomy and Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy |
Clinical Science |
Vossler Abstract |
Vossler Poster |
Jin Huang | Mental Health and Substance Use in Colorado Healthcare and Graduate Students During COVID-19: A Mixed-Methods Investigation | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Huang Abstract |
Huang Poster |
Jessica Chandrasekhar |
Universal, School-Based Mental Health Program Implemented Among Racially and Ethnically Diverse Youth Yields Equitable Outcomes: Building Resilience for Healthy Kids |
Public Health and Epidemiology |
Chandrasekhar Abstract |
Chandrasekhar Poster |
Hailey Buckingham | Modified Written Exposure Therapy Feasibility and Acceptability in Mental Health Healthcare Providers | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Buckingham Abstract |
Buckingham Poster |
Caterina Zagona-Prizio |
Cadaveric emergency cricothyrotomy training for non-surgeons using a bronchoscopy-enhanced curriculum |
Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education |
Zagona- Prizio Abstract |
Zagona- Prizio Poster |
Jacob Steins | "The Utility of Fertility Awareness Based Methods in Primary Care: A Narrative Literature Review" |
Public Health and Epidemiology | Steins Abstract |
Steins Poster |
Stephen Smiley |
Torsed Ectopic Intra-Abdominal Liver Rest within an Adolescent Female |
Clinical Science |
Smiley Abstract |
Smiley Poster |
Grace Katzenson | Factors in Comfort and Preparedness with Advance Care Planning in Pediatric Clinicians; A Review | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Katzenson Abstract |
Katzenson Poster |
James Rhodes | Healthcare Barriers Impacting HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Uptake for Youth in the United States |
Public Health and Epidemiology | Rhodes Abstract |
Rhodes Poster |
Nikolai Harroun | BMPR1A Specific Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome : A Specific Gene with Specific Needs |
Clinical Science | Harroun Abstract |
Harroun Poster |
Eugene Ng |
Specialty Care Access Needs Assessment for Aurora, CO |
Public Health and Epidemiology |
Ng Abstract |
Ng Poster |
Wesley Tran | Retrospective Analysis of Bladder Perforation Risks in Patients after Augmentation Cystoplasty using an Extraperitonea | Clinical Science | Tran Abstract |
Tran Poster |
Sophia Sugar |
Keep Your Pin Up: Students Combating Opioid Use Disorder Stigma with Lapel Pins |
Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education |
Sugar Abstract |
Sugar Poster |
Quy Tat | Preemptive Analgesic E ect of Intrathecal Applications of Neuroactive Steroids in a Rodent Model of Post-Surgical Pain: Evidence for the Role of T-Type Calcium Channels | Basic Biomedical Science | Tat Abstract |
Tat Poster |
Corey Meehan |
The Incidence of Post-Dural Puncture Headache in Patients Undergoing Posterior Spinal Fusion is Lower in Those That Receive IT Morphine Compared to Patients Who Do Not | Clinical Science |
Meehan Abstract |
Meehan Poster |
Austin Mallory | Covered Stents for Endovascular Treatment of Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease | Clinical Science | Mallory Abstract |
Mallory Poster |
Mitchell Frydenlund |
Inpatient Pediatric Palliative Care Consult Requests and Recommendations |
Clinical Science |
Frydenlund Abstract |
Frydenlund Poster |
Alexandra Hazen | Metaplastic Breast Carcinoma | Clinical Science | Hazen Abstract |
Hazen Poster |
Violette Simon |
Validation of Orthopedic Hip Fracture Data from the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) Database |
Clinical Science | Simon Abstract |
Simon Poster |
Lexie Ross | Impact of concussion, playing surface, and sport contact status on time to lower extremity musculoskeletal injury | Clinical Science | Ross Abstract |
Ross Poster |
Candace Cephers |
Hip Arthroscopy and Peri-Acetabular Osteotomy: Same Day versus Different Day Outcomes | Clinical Science | Cephers Abstract |
Cephers Poster |
Matthew Genelin | Patient Pill Organization Strategies and Adherence Measured in a Cross-Sectional Study of Hypertension |
Clinical Science | Genelin Abstract |
Genelin Poster |
Elizabeth Konon |
Impact of COVID-19 on Asthma Control in a School-Centered Asthma Program |
Public Health and Epidemiology |
Konon Abstract |
Konon Poster |
Ephrat Fisseha | Factors Associated with and Management of High Viral Loads Among Pregnant and Postpartum Women Living with HIV in Southwestern Kenya: A Mixed Methods Study | Global Health | Fisseha Abstract |
Fisseha Poster |
Lauren Pitzer |
WNT4 Balances Development vs Disease in Gynecologic Tissues and Women’s Health |
Basic Biomedical Science |
Pitzer Abstract |
Pitzer Poster |
John-Paul Tsai | COVID19 Pandemic Provider Burnout: A UCH Staff Study |
Public Health and Epidemiology | Tsai Abstract |
Tsai Poster |
Sarah Stroup |
A Review of Adolescent Contraceptive Counseling- Patient Autonomy or Provider LARC Bias? |
Public Health and Epidemiology |
Stroup Abstract |
Stroup Poster |
John-David Slaugh | Integration of Diagnostic Lung Ultrasound into Clinical Practice by Hospitalists in an Academic Medical Center | Clinical Science | Slaugh Abstract |
Slaugh Poster |
Jared Hanson | Clinical Outcomes of Pectoralis Major Tendon Repair with and without Platelet-Rich Plasma | Clinical Science | Hanson Abstract |
Hanson Poster |
Alexander Hoffner-Heinike | Electromechanical discoordination is present in patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy independent of tissue fibrosis. | Clinical Science | Hoffner- Heinike Abstract |
Hoffner- Heinike Poster |
Gregory Watson |
Postoperative Opioid Use Following Elective Endonasal Skull Base Surgery: A Retrospective Analysis |
Clinical Science |
Watson Abstract |
Watson Poster |
Emmeline Kim | The utility of the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-lymphocyte ratio in spondyloarthritis associated anterior uveitis | Clinical Science | Kim Abstract |
Kim Poster |
Colton Hageman |
Implementation of the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Care Optimization (CINCO) Program: An Interdisciplinary & Generalizable Approach to Inpatient Neurodevelopmental Care |
Clinical Science | Hageman Abstract | Hageman Poster |
Michal Schafer | Bromocriptine Improves Central Aortic Stiffness in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: Arterial Health Results from the BCQR-T1D Study | Clinical Science | Schafer Abstract |
Schafer Poster |
Brionna Sandridge |
Outcomes of initial conservative treatment in OCD of the Elbow |
Clinical Science | Sandridge Abstract | Sandridge Poster |
Justin Fichtner | Cataract inhibitors: Present needs and future challenges | Clinical Science | Fichtner Abstract |
Fichtner Poster |
Benjamin Hakakian |
How Mobile Health May Improve Addiction Treatment for Patients and Providers |
Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education |
Hakakian Abstract |
Hakakian Poster |
Jack Hop |
The presence of subcutaneous gas on postoperative radiographs following total shoulder arthroplasty does not influence rates of periprosthetic joint infection | Clinical Science | Hop Abstract |
Hop Poster |
Eleanor Lorton | Experiences and Difficulties Transitioning to Adult Diabetes Clinical Care €“ A Qualitative Study | Clinical Science | Lorton Abstract |
Lorton Poster |
Shea Claflin | Shockwave Lithotripsy to Correct Carotid Stent Compression | Clinical Science | Claflin Abstract |
Claflin Poster |
Jordan Coburn |
Comparing Post-Operative Complications Associated with Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid (Baha®) Connect and Attract Implantation in Pediatric Patients |
Clinical Science |
Coburn Abstract |
Coburn Poster |
Derek Wengryn | Association of a Video Patient Decision Aid with Shared Decision-Making in Undescended Testicle Consults: A Randomized Control Study | Clinical Science | Wengryn Abstract |
Wengryn Poster |
Ali Hakimi |
Comparison of Handheld Ultrasound Devices used in Carotid and Abdominal Aortic Vascular Studies |
Clinical Science | Hakimi Abstract |
Hakimi Poster |
Victor Quach | High healing rate of stable femoral condyle osteochondritis dissecans in young patients placed in a hinged knee brace locked in extension | Clinical Science | Quach Abstract |
Quach Poster |
Laura Schubert |
ERBB family fusions are recurrent and actionable oncogenic targets across cancer types |
Basic Biomedical Science |
Schubert Abstract |
Schubert Poster |
Jackson Fein | Correlation of Vaccine-Preventable Illness and Vaccination Rates in the Community | Public Health and Epidemiology | Fein Abstract |
Fein Poster |
Malcolm Su |
Longitudinal Risk Management for Patients with Increased Risk for Breast Cancer |
Clinical Science |
Su Abstract |
Su Poster |
Lillian Toaspern | Administration of ISAS in second trimester surgical abortion procedures | Clinical Science | Toaspern Abstract |
Toaspern Poster |
Joshua Romero | Risk Factors of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Arapahoe County First Responders—The COVID-19 Arapahoe SErosurveillance Study (CASES) Project | Public Health and Epidemiology | Romero Abstract |
Romero Poster |
Jordan Andersen | Treatment of acute sickle cell pain in pediatrics: An ethical analysis from a high-altitude medical school | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Anderson Abstract |
Andersen Poster |
Sarah Nodine |
When to Transfer: Predictors of High Flow Nasal Cannula Failure in Children at a Community Hospital |
Clinical Science |
Nodine Abstract |
Nodine Poster |
Brooke Terkovich | Rural Community Attitudes and Perceptions on Opioid Overdose and Access to Naloxone | Public Health and Epidemiology | Terkovich Abstract |
Terkovich Poster |
Taylor Neilson |
Financial Toxicity of Breast Cancer Care: The Patient Perspective Through Surveys and Interviews. |
Clinical Science | Neilson Abstract |
Neilson Poster |
Jeremy Ansah-Twum | Knotted Transosseous-Equivalent Technique for Rotator Cuff Repair Shows Superior Biomechanical Properties Compared With a Knotless Technique: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis | Clinical Science | Ansah- Twum Abstract |
Ansah- Twum Poster |
Juan Galindez Mingo | Exploring barriers face by pre-health volunteers at a student run free clinic |
Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education |
Galindez Mingo Abstract |
Galindez Mingo Poster |
Tennyson Jellins | Pediatric Head and Neck Manifestations Associated with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndromes | Clinical Science | Jellins Abstract |
Jellins Poster |
Linh Le |
Trends in Robotic Port Closure by Surgical Specialty |
Clinical Science |
Le Abstract |
Le Poster |
Yasmine Dakhama | Upstanding and Interrupting Biases: Understanding the Impact of Different Curriculum Delivery Models and Student Identity on Learner Outcomes |
Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Dakhama Abstract |
Dakhama Poster |
Vishruti Patel | Rapid Clinical Growth and the Educational Mission | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Patel Abstract |
Patel Poster |
Bianca Sanchez | A Mixed-Methods Study on Maternal Perspectives on Postpartum Depression Screening: Beliefs, Concerns and Level of Comfort | Public Health and Epidemiology | Sanchez Abstract |
Sanchez Poster |
Mason Gedlaman |
Factors Influencing College Football Players€™ Beliefs About Incurring Football-Related Dementia |
Public Health and Epidemiology
Gedlaman Abstract |
Gedlaman Poster |
Ian Liu | Mental Health and Substance Use in Colorado Healthcare and Graduate Students During COVID-19: A Mixed-Methods Investigation | Public Health and Epidemiology | Liu Abstract |
Liu Poster |
Stacee Horwitz |
Metabolic Phenotype Contributions to Birthweight in Maternal Obesity |
Basic Biomedical Science |
Horwitz Abstract | Horwitz Poster |
Tiffany Cung | Serotonin Syndrome After Methylene Blue Administration: A Case Report |
Clinical Science | Cung Abstract |
Cung Poster |
Sterling Lee |
A Retrospective Review of Opioid Prescribing Practices for At-Risk Pediatric Populations Undergoing Ambulatory Surgery |
Clinical Science |
Lee Abstract |
Lee Poster |
Meredith McKanna | The Response of Hinsdale County, Colorado to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Case Study | Public Health and Epidemiology | McKanna Abstract |
McKanna Poster |
Steve Haberkorn |
A Quality Improvement Project to Reduce Sugammadex Cost and Waste by Using Aliquots |
Clinical Science |
Haberkorn Abstract | Haberkorn Poster |
Josue Estrella | Making it Complicated: Does Disparity in Access to Care Lead to More Perforated Appendicitis | Clinical Science | Estrella Abstract | Estrella Poster |
Erica Dolph | "Does Leuprolide Acetate Predict Successful Pain Relief After Hysterectomy and BSO in Endometriosis Patients?" | Clinical Science | Dolph Abstract | Dolph Poster |
Colin Malaska | Outlying Factors Increasing Length of Stay in Patients with Staphylococcal Sepsis at the University of Colorado Hospital €“ A Preliminary Quality Improvement Study | Clinical Science | Malaska Abstract | Malaska Poster |
Valerie Gao |
Clinical Effectiveness of CGM Use in Pregnancies Affected by Type 1 Diabetes |
Public Health and Epidemiology |
Gao Abstract |
Gao Poster |
Aspen Johnston | Subclinical Autonomic Neuropathy in Type 2 Diabetes | Clinical Science | Johnston Abstract |
Johnston Poster |
Ilsa Hale |
Introducing "The pause" practice to the University of Colorado Hospital Code Team: A quality improvement project |
Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education |
Hale Abstract |
Hale Poster |
Spencer Evans | Mechanisms of Bodily Harm in Emergency Department Youths with ADHD | Clinical Science | Evans Abstract |
Evans Poster |
Andrew Burns |
Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Older Adults at Low versus High Altitude: The Colorado High Altitude Monitoring Pressure Study (CHAMPS) |
Clinical Science | Burns Abstract |
Burns Poster |
Madeleine Yemc | Hydroxychloroquine and the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death | Clinical Science | Yemc Abstract |
Yemc Poster |
Jonathan Layne |
Metacarpal Neck Osteochondroma: an Atypical Cause of Trigger Finger |
Clinical Science | Layne Abstract | Layne Poster |
Elijah Potokar | The role of MRI in prostate cancer management: An evolving landscape | Clinical Science | Potokar Abstract |
Potokar Poster |
Amanda Hunt | Long-term Patient Reported Symptom Improvement and Quality of Life Following Transthoracic Diaphragm Plication in Adults | Clinical Science | Hunt Abstract |
Hunt Poster |
Zihan Feng | Open Chest Duration Following Congenital Cardiac Surgery Increases Risk for Surgical Site Infection | Clinical Science | Feng Abstract |
Feng Poster |
Michaela Thurston |
A Comparison of the Learning Environment and Student Wellness in Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships and Traditional Block Rotations |
Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education |
Thurston Abstract |
Thurston Poster |
Richard Tran | Ascorbic acid attenuates hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress and osteoblasts demonstrate antioxidant recycling potential |
Basic Biomedical Science | Tran Abstract |
Tran Poster |
Derrick Murcia |
Investigation of Asleep versus Awake Motor Mapping in Resective Brain Surgery |
Clinical Science |
Murcia Abstract | Murcia Poster |
Shilpa Tummala | The financial relationship between the medical industry and obstetrics and gynecology and urology residency leadership | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Tummala Abstract |
Tummala Poster |
Kylan Nelson |
New-onset seizures in adults: Low diagnostic yield of gadolinium contrast in initial brain MRI evaluation |
Clinical Science |
Nelson Abstract |
Nelson Poster |
Joel Ayers | The Effect of County Disparity Index on Time to Molecular Testing in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients in Colorado |
Public Health and Epidemiology | Ayers Abstract |
Ayers Poster |
Alisha Eskew | Development of Evaluation Plan of the Patient Experience of In-Person and Virtual Integrated Behavioral Health Care in Family Medicine |
Clinical Science |
Eskew Abstract |
Eskew Poster |
Maxwell Mayeda | Targeting Treg-expressed STAT3 enhances NK-mediated surveillance of metastasis and improves therapeutic response in pancreatic adenocarcinoma |
Basic Biomedical Science | Mayeda Abstract |
Mayeda Poster |
Zachary Haave | Single-dose intravenous ketamine or intramuscular naltrexone for high-utilization inpatients with alcohol use disorder: pilot trial feasibility and readmission rates | Clinical Science | Haave Abstract | Haave Poster |
Alec Mansour | Psychiatric Outcomes Following Ketamine Administration for Orthopedic Surgical Anesthesia | Clinical Science | Mansour Abstract | Mansour Poster |
Binhan Pham |
Current Statistical Data on POCUS to Guide Physician Training |
Clinical Science |
Pham Abstract |
Pham Poster |
Helene Kuffel | Serum Biomarkers of Nutrition Pre and Post-CFTR Modulator Use in Children with Cystic Fibrosis | Clinical Science | Kuffel Abstract |
Kuffel Poster |
Megan Wade |
A Qualitative Study of Postpartum Contraception Decision Making Among Adolescents |
Clinical Science | Wade Abstract |
Wade Poster |
Hannah Klatzkow | Prevalence of postpartum depression in mothers presenting to a pediatric otolaryngology clinic. | Clinical Science | Klatzkow Abstract |
Klatzkow Poster |
Clayton Hoffman |
Massive Pulmonary Embolism with Cardiac Arrest During Routine Tibial Bypass Surgery |
Clinical Science | Hoffman Abstract | Hoffman Poster |
Rachel Graham | Progress Towards Ethical Practices in Medical Student Participation in Global Surgery Projects: A Qualitative Analysis | Global Health | Graham Abstract |
Graham Poster |
Breanna Stafford |
How Mobile Health May Improve Addiction Treatment for Patients and Providers |
Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education |
Stafford Abstract |
Stafford Poster |
Jessica Lew | Etonogestrelcontraceptive implant uptake and safety among solid organ transplant recipients | Clinical Science | Lew Abstract |
Lew Poster |
Adele Collins | Investigating the Impact of Tumor Biology and Social Determinants on Time to Diagnosis and Stage at Presentation of Wilms Tumor | Clinical Science | Collins Abstract | Collins Poster |
Kathryn Cataldo | Myeloperoxidase Deficiency: A potential cause of neutrophil anergy in chronic recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis | Clinical Science | Cataldo Abstract | Cataldo Poster |
Kseniya Anishchenko |
High-risk Disease and Poor Follow-up: The Importance of Renal Mass Biopsy in a Cohort of Veterans |
Clinical Science |
Anishchenko Abstract | Anishchenko Poster |
Rachael Weesner | A Novel Vertebral Numbering System Using EOS Imaging | Clinical Science | Weesner Abstract |
Weesner Poster |
Irfan Haider |
Using Virtual Reality-Based Mindfulness Practice to Improve Emotion Regulation of Patients in Substance Use Treatment |
Clinical Science | Haider Abstract |
Haider Poster |
Hayley Specht | Helicopter Versus Ground Emergency Medical Services: A Scoping Review | Public Health and Epidemiology | Specht Abstract |
Specht Poster |
Laura Maurer |
Pilot Project: Online Midwifery Education Aimed at Maternal Health Staff in Trifinio, Guatemala |
Global Health |
Maurer Abstract | Maurer Poster |
Bektu Solomon | Establishing a Basis for Implementation of a Patient Centered Intervention for Improvement of Gestational Diabetes Follow-Up at University of Colorado Hospital | Public Health and Epidemiology | Solomon Abstract | Solomon Poster |
Andrea Chau |
Stigma and social isolation in patients with non-epileptic seizures |
Clinical Science |
Chau Abstract |
Chau Poster |
Taylor Marshall | Development of a Klinefelter syndrome specific stature-for-age growth chart | Clinical Science | Marshall Abstract | Marshall Poster |
Caroline Vance | Evidence-Based Business Plan for Expansion of the CU Street Medicine Team | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Vance Abstract | Vance Poster |
Andrina Mamo |
Evaluating medical student assessment of common dermatologic conditions across Fitzpatrick phototypes and skin of color | Clinical Science | Mamo Abstract |
Mamo Poster |
Ryan Griffin |
A Nomogram to Predict Prolonged Total Length of Stay Following Curative Intent Cytoreductive Surgery |
Clinical Science |
Griffin Abstract |
Griffin Poster |
Amber Walters | Motherhood and Medicine | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Walters Abstract |
Walters Poster |
Rebecca Dinkel |
Tzanck Smear in Dermatologic Practice |
Clinical Science |
Dinkel Abstract | Dinkel Poster |
Rouna Mohran | Mental Health Conditions in the Colorado Refugee and Immigrant Community | Global Health | Mohran Abstract |
Mohran Poster |
Elizaveta Orysheva |
Tools of the Trade: Assessing for Posterior Cortical Atrophy on the Front lines |
Clinical Science |
Orysheva Abstract | Orysheva Poster |
Monica Patten | "Circumstances of Suicide Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Individuals" | Public Health and Epidemiology | Patten Abstract |
Patten Poster |
Tara Trujillo |
Testing multiple outcomes across mental health treatment options: an example using antidepressants |
Clinical Science |
Trujillo Abstract |
Trujillo Poster |
Mary Wang | Upstanding and Interrupting Biases: Understanding the Impact of Different Curriculum Delivery Models and Student Identity on Learner Outcomes |
Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Wang Abstract |
Wang Poster |
Alexis Gerk |
Left Ventricular Electro-Mechanical Discoordination Is Present In Patients With Tetralogy of Fallot Not Meeting Conventional Criteria for Pulmonary Valve Replacement |
Clinical Science | Gerk Abstract |
Gerk Poster |
Jessica Phan | Improving Hypertension Management in Rheumatology Clinic: A Quality Improvement Initiative Aimed at Improving Care Coordination Between Specialty and Primary Care | Clinical Science | Phan Abstract |
Phan Poster |
William Coburn |
Acutely Administered Pharmacologic Interventions for Battlefield Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review |
Public Health and Epidemiology |
Coburn Abstract | Coburn Poster |
Arun Chandnani | "Mental Health and Substance Use in Colorado Healthcare and Graduate Students During COVID-19: A Mixed-Methods Investigation" |
Public Health and Epidemiology | Chandnani Abstract | Chandnani Poster |
Mackenzie Isbell |
Does marijuana use in pregnancy increase the risk for abnormal fetal biometrics on prenatal ultrasound? |
Clinical Science |
Isbell Abstract |
Isbell Poster |
Daniel Owens | Data-driven Learning: Understanding How Students Utilize a Data Dashboard | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Owens Abstract |
Owens Poster |
Brenda La |
A Pediatric Case Report: Necrotizing Sarcoid Granulomatosis |
Clinical Science |
La Abstract | La Poster |
Revati Kalluri | Second Opinion Review of Outside Breast Imaging: An Analysis of the Frequency that Additional Testing is Recommended and Radiology/Pathology Outcomes | Clinical Science | Kalluri Abstract |
Kalluri Poster |
Ivana Vasic |
Efficacy of Short Course Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Stress Reduction Among First Year Surgical Residents |
Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education |
Vasic Abstract |
Vasic Poster |
Dana Yabroudi | Effect of one month exposure to components of the reprometabolic syndrome on physical activity and body composition in lean women |
Clinical Science | Yabroudi Abstract | Yabroudi Poster |
Caitlin Ritz | CDK8 maintains stemness and tumorigenicity of MYC-driven medulloblastoma | Basic Biomedical Science | Ritz Abstract |
Ritz Poster |
Samuel Merrill | Classification and Incidence of Bacterial Infections in Infected Nonunion and Osteomyelitis Patients After Bone Fracture | Clinical Science | Merrill Abstract |
Merrill Poster |
Anthony Monzon |
Airway Epithelial Paraoxonase-2 in Obese Asthma |
Basic Biomedical Science |
Monzon Abstract | Monzon Poster |
Vall Vinaithirthan | Hepatitis C Viremia Among Patients Presenting to an Urban Emergency Department in 2019 - 2021 | Public Health and Epidemiology | Vinaithirthan Abstract | Viaithirthan Poster |
Daniel Soria Jimenez | Surgical management of sacrocolpopexy mesh complications |
Clinical Science |
Soria Jimenez Abstract |
Soria Jimenez Poster |
Stephanie Yu | Current Gaps in Medical Education as Illustrated by the COVID-19 Pandemic: Interviews with Physicians Across Various Medical Specialties | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Yu Abstract |
Yu Poster |
Jackson Fulk-Logon |
Metastatic Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasm: Case Series and Scoping Review |
Clinical Science |
Fulk- Logon Abstract |
Fulk- Logon Poster |
Ahmed Mohammed | Intravenous Drug Use related infections and treatments: A Review | Public Health and Epidemiology | Mohammed Abstract | Mohammed Poster |
Tiffany Lien |
Assessing for gender bias in ophthalmology resident evaluations |
Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education |
Lien Abstract |
Lien Poster |
Helio Neves Da Silva | What Happened and Why: Responding to Racism, Discrimination, and Microaggressions in the Clinical Learning Environment | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Neves Da Silva Abstract |
Neves Da Silva Poster |
Naomi Kelley | Acromioclavicular joint injuries at a Colorado ski resort | Public Health and Epidemiology | Kelley Abstract |
Kelley Poster |
Ryan Imber | Preincision versus Postincision Frequent Door Openings During Total Joint Arthroplasty | Public Health and Epidemiology | Imber Abstract |
Imber Poster |
Hunter Lacouture |
Renal trauma in pediatric patients transferred to tertiary care center |
Clinical Science |
Lacouture Abstract |
Lacouture Poster |
Kylie Lousberg | How Mobile Health Technology May Improve Addiction Treatment for Patients and Providers | Public Health and Epidemiology | Lousberg Abstract |
Lousberg Poster |
Ann Mackey | Comparison of Handheld Ultrasound Devices used in Carotid and Abdominal Aortic Vascular Studies | Clinical Science | Mackey Abstract |
Mackey Poster |
We would like to congratulate the following graduating medical students and their mentors for the following awards:
Presenter Name | Project Title | Thematic Area | Abstract Link | Poster Link |
Alison Abele | Antenatal Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Extracellular Vesicle Treatment Preserves Lung Development in A Model of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia due to Chorioamnionitis | Basic Biomedical Science | Abele Abstract | Abele Poster |
Christian Curran | Clinical and Anatomic Outcomes of 3-piece Poly(methyl methacrylate) Intraocular Lens Rescue and Scleral Refixation | Basic Biomedical Science | Curran Abstract | Curran Poster |
Jessica Hall | Extracellular vesicles from young women's breast cancer patients drive increased invasion of non-malignant cells via the Focal Adhesion Kinase pathway: a proteomic approach | Basic Biomedical Science | Hall Abstract | Hall Poster |
Hayley Hawkins | Examination of Wnt signaling as a therapeutic target for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) using a pancreatic tumor organoid library (PTOL) | Basic Biomedical Science | Hawkins Abstract | Hawkins Poster |
Jacob Michalski | Interleukin-6-dependent epithelial fluidization initiates fibrotic lung remodeling | Basic Biomedical Science | Michalski Abstract | Michalski Poster |
Julia Nyiro | Nanostring Prognosis Panel for Progression of Persistent Bronchial Dysplasia to Squamous Cell Lung Cancer | Basic Biomedical Science | Nyiro Abstract | Nyiro Poster |
Emily Paton | Lipid use and accumulation is defined by BRAF V600 status | Basic Biomedical Science | Paton Abstract | Paton Poster |
Alyssa Shepherd | Reducing Auto-inflammation: The Impact of T Cell Deficiency on Atherosclerosis | Basic Biomedical Science | Shepherd Abstract | Shepherd Poster |
Anika Suddath | pH Extremes: An Ineffective Method of Opioid Destruction | Basic Biomedical Science | Suddath Abstract | Suddath Poster |
Oluwatosin Adebiyi | The Character of The Medical School Learning Environment: How Power Differentials Influence Racism, Discrimination, and Microaggressions | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and EducaBioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Educationtion | Adebiyi Abstract | Adebiyi Poster |
Samuel Altman | Assessing the Benefit to Students From the Patient Companion Program Design | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Altman Abstract | Altman Poster |
William Cohen | A Case-Based Upstander Training for Confronting Racism, Discrimination and Microaggressions | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Cohen Abstract | Cohen Poster |
Ariel Daoud | What Happened and Why? A Peer-Led Case-Based Curriculum for Pre-Clinical Medical Students to Address Bias and Discrimination | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Daoud Abstract | Daoud Poster |
Minh Do | Effect of Nutrition Classes at Urban Peak On Dietary Patterns of Unhoused Youth | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Do Abstract | Do Poster |
Saori Haigo | Gold Tokens of Humanity: Using visual memoirs to reconnect and heal the heart of healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Haigo Abstract | Haigo Poster |
Troy Kincaid | Unpacking the Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom: Positive Learning Outcomes but Evaluation Fallouts from Flipping the Embryology Curriculum in an Integrated Medical Gross Anatomy Course | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Kincaid Abstract | Kincaid Poster |
Alexander Linse | Docs on TikTok: The risks and benefits physicians experience on social media | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Linse Abstract | Linse Poster |
Kristen Moore | Student perspectives on the diversity climate at a U.S. medical school: a 13-year follow-up | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Moore Abstract | Moore Poster |
Sam Payne | Creativity in Medical School "A Look at the Role of Creative Writing in Medical Education | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Payne Abstract | Payne Poster |
Kaitlin Roth | Building a new Spanish Elective in CUSOM Trek Curriculum: Spanish Acquisition Begets Enhanced Services (S.A.B.E.S.) | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Roth Abstract | Roth Poster |
Kris Simon | Groundwork for a Testable Communication Training Curriculum to Improve Outcomes for LGBTQ+ Patients in Hospice and Palliative Care Settings | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Simon Abstract | Simon Poster |
Eric Wagner | Racial and Ethnic Microaggressions in Medical School and its Impact on Student Perceptions of their Learning Environment | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Wagner Abstract | Wagner Poster |
Katherine Belanger | Concomitant Temozolomide Plus Radiotherapy for High-grade and Recurrent Meningioma: A Retrospective Chart Review | Clinical Science | Belanger Abstract | Belanger Poster |
William Brandon | Utility of Using Only Left-Sided Adrenal Vein Sampling Data in Lateralizing Primary Aldosteronism | Clinical Science | Brandon Abstract | Brandon Poster |
Isabelle Chatroux | Herpes Simplex Virus Serotyping in Pregnant Women With a History of Genital Herpes and an Outbreak in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy | Clinical Science | Chatroux Abstract | Chatroux Poster |
Samantha Conner | Patients' Self-Reported Outcomes after Engagement in a Women's Integrative Pelvic Health Program | Clinical Science | Conner Abstract | Conner Poster |
Brittany Denzer | "Considerations for physicians: Mitigating the adverse health effects of heat in older Colorado adults" | Clinical Science | Denzer Abstract | Denzer Poster |
Alysa Edwards | Gender Disparities in Emergency Medicine Publications: 1991-2018 | Clinical Science | Edwards Abstract | Edwards Poster |
Dylan Foley | Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta as a Bridge to Organ Donation after Blunt Trauma | Clinical Science | Foley Abstract | Foley Poster |
Joellen Fresia | Does lymph node dissection impact adjuvant treatment or survival outcomes in high-risk endometrial cancers? | Clinical Science | Fresia Abstract | Fresia Poster |
Paul Glasheen | Sensory processing deficits in Parkinson's Disease: localizing auditory evoked p50 responses during awake deep brain stimulation surgery | Clinical Science | Glasheen Abstract | Glasheen Poster |
Cecile Harmange | Histologic and Radiographic Characteristics of Pulmonary Metastases from Sarcoma | Clinical Science | Harmange Abstract | Harmange Poster |
Tessa Hennesy | Cross-Modal Reorganization from both Visual and Somatosensory Modalities in Cochlear Implanted Children and its Relationship to Speech Perception | Clinical Science | Hennesy Abstract | Hennesy Poster |
Melissa Johnson | Relationship Between Biomarkers of Tubular Injury and Intrarenal Hemodynamic Dysfunction in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes | Clinical Science | Johnson Abstract | Johnson Poster |
Clara Kerwin | Nasal-type NK/T-cell lymphoma in a patient with hidradenitis suppurativa: A case report | Clinical Science | Kerwin Abstract | Kerwin Poster |
Brandi Krieg | Does Prehabilitation Improve Outcomes in Complex Spine Surgery Patients? Development of Exercise-Focused Pilot Prehabilitation Program | Clinical Science | Krieg Abstract | Krieg Poster |
Colton Lynn | Differences in Hip Alpha Angles on Different Imaging Modalities | Clinical Science | Lynn Abstract | Lynn Poster |
Eric Marty | "Pain Scores and Activity Tolerance in the Early Postoperative Period After Hip Arthroscopy | Clinical Science | Marty Abstract | Marty Poster |
William Mundo | Hypoxia-induced inhibition of mTORC1 activity in the developing lung: a possible mechanism for the developmental programming of pulmonary hypertension | Clinical Science | Mundo Abstract | Mundo Poster |
Eniola Ogundipe | Prenatal and Early Postnatal Outcomes for Fetuses with Anatomic or Functional Renal Agenesis | Clinical Science | Ogundipe Abstract | Ogundipe Poster |
Dylan Rakowski | Minimum 2-year patient report outcomes following fixation of displaced greater tuberosity fractures: A Matched Cohort Analysis | Clinical Science | Rakowski Abstract | Rakowski Poster |
Aaron Sadowsky | Indicators of Post-Operative Intraocular Pressure Elevation after Naïve Fluocinolone Acetonide Surgical Implantation | Clinical Science | Sadowsky Abstract | Sadowsky Poster |
Ilona Schwarz | Bone and body characteristics of freestyle and non-freestyle skiers | Clinical Science | Schwarz Abstract | Schwarz Poster |
Keshari Shrestha | Impact of Surgical Timing on Neurological Outcomes for Spinal Arachnoid Cyst: A Single Institution Series | Clinical Science | Shrestha Abstract | Shrestha Poster |
Joshua Smith | Small Polyp (6-9mm) Resection: Adoption Of Optimal Technique Over Time | Clinical Science | Smith Abstract | Smith Poster |
Ishaah Talker | Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Early Weight Loss among Adolescents that Undergo Bariatric Surgery at Children's Hospital Colorado | Clinical Science | Talker Abstract | Talker Poster |
Ivan Trang | Improving Transitions of Care Following Acute Ischemic Stroke | Clinical Science | Trang Abstract | Trang Poster |
Elaina Van Patten | AR expression is a positive prognostic predictor in breast cancer and antiandrogen treatment decreases proliferation across breast cancer subtypes: A review | Clinical Science | Van Patten Poster | Van Patten Poster |
Ryan Ward | Nervus Intermedius Outcomes after Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery and Radiosurgery: A Single Institution Experience | Clinical Science | Ward Abstract | Ward Poster |
Sophia Wolfe | Discontinuation of Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors in Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis | Clinical Science | Wolfe Abstract | Wolfe Poster |
Armaan Yaseyyedi | Cerebral cryptococcomas: a systematic scoping review of available evidence to facilitate diagnosis and treatment | Clinical Science | Yaseyyedi Abstract | Yaseyyedi Poster |
Joshua Abolarin | Effect of Metformin on Vascular and Mitochondrial Function in Type 1 Diabetes | Clinical Science | Abolarin Abstract | Abolarin Poster |
Sarah Hirner | Potential solutions for screening, triage, and severity scoring of suspected COVID-19 positive patients in low-resource settings: a scoping review | Global Health | Hirner Abstract | Hirner Poster |
Nguyen Lu | Cardiac Surgery Publications in Africa Over the Last 20 years: A Literature Review | Global Health | Lu Abstract | Lu Poster |
Kylie Van Hoesen | "An analysis of the factors associated with the greatest disease burden in the pediatric population seen at Khayelitsha Emergency Department between 2014-15" | Global Health | Hoesen Abstract | Hoesen Poster |
Chad Cole | Current practice for adolescent substance use screening in family medicine clinics | Public Health and Epidemiology | Cole Abstract | Cole Poster |
Matthew Golub | Creating an Effective Clinic Model for Post-COVID Mental Health Treatment | Public Health and Epidemiology | Golub Abstract | Golub Poster |
Haydar Ibrahim | Retrospoective Analysis of Understasnding Firearm Violence Preventation After Safety Presentation in a Community-Based Setting | Public Health and Epidemiology | Ibrahim Abstract | Ibrahim Poster |
Naomi Kelley | Acromioclavicular joint injuries at a Colorado ski resort | Public Health and Epidemiology | Kelley Abstract | Kelley Poster |
Vasilisa Kormendi | Research Participation Influences | Public Health and Epidemiology | Kormendi Abstract | Kormendi Poster |
Marcus Marable | Usage of Mongolian and Arabic Infographics to Improve Patient Health Literacy in an Outpatient Setting | Public Health and Epidemiology | Marable Abstract | Marable Poster |
Rachel Murphy | Overcoming COVID-19 vaccine disparities among disadvantaged older adults | Public Health and Epidemiology | Murphy Abstract | Murphy Poster |
Briana Tolbert | Patient Insurance and Access to Obstetrics and Gynecology Subspecialists: Findings from a National Mystery-Caller Study in the United States | Public Health and Epidemiology | Tolbert Abstract | Tolbert Poster |
Ifran Haider | Using Virtual Reality-Based Mindfulness Practice to Improve Emotion Regulation of Patients in Substance Use Treatment | Clinical Science | Haider Abstract | Haider Poster |
Adam Panzer | Improving Transitions-of-Care Training for Hospital Medicine Acting Interns | Clinical Science | Panzer Abstract | Panzer Poster |
Sanjana Bukkapatnam | The effects of ephrinB2 signaling on proliferation and invasion in glioblastoma multiforme | Basic Biomedical Science | Bukkapatnam Abstract | Bukkapatnam Poster |
Andrew Goodman | Health Disparties in PrEP | Basic Biomedical Science | Goodman Abstract | Goodman Poster |
John Clinton Olivas | Functional Analysis of a Long Non-coding RNA Associated with Lupus Protection | Basic Biomedical Science | Clinton Olivas Abstract | Clinton Olivas Poster |
Scott Stuart | "Intermittent Treatment of BRAFV600EÂ Melanoma Cells Delays Resistance by Adaptive Resensitization to Drug Rechallenge" | Basic Biomedical Science | Stuart Abstract | Stuart Poster |
Sanaa Ahmad | The Efficacy and Impact of Health Career Exploration and Guidance Programs on Diversity and Equity in the Healthcare Workforce | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Ahmad Abstract | Ahmad Poster |
Layne Anderson | "Medical Volunteerism A Curriculum on: Ethical Constructs, Sustainability, and Personal Implications" | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Anderson Abstract | Anderson Poster |
Minodora Buliga-Stoian | Student perspectives on the diversity climate at a U.S. medical school: a 13-year follow-up | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Buliga- Stoian Abstract | Buliga- Stoian Poster |
Robert Foster | Developing an Advanced Sciences Module on Inflammation, Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome for the University of Colorado School of Medicine Trek Curriculum | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Foster Abstract | Foster Poster |
Madison Hanson | Ethical Challenges with Treating Adolescent Patients with Eating Disorders as they Transition to Adulthood | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Hanson Abstract | Hanson Poster |
Steven Lada | A Survey of Article Types in Dermatology Literature | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Lada Abstract | Lada Poster |
Vikasini Mahalingam | What Happened and Why: Responding to Racism, Discrimination, and Microaggressions in the Clinical Learning Environment | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Mahalingam Abstract | Mahalingam Poster |
Eman Mesgina | Racial and Ethnic Microaggressions in Medical School and its Impact on Student Perceptions of their Learning Environment - creating an assessment tool | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Mesgina Abstract | Mesgina Poster |
Sabrina Nesladek | Food Education and Environmental Development Aurora: Lessons Learned in Community Organizing through the Lens of a Food Intervention Program | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Nesladek Abstract | Nesladek Poster |
Reilly Quist | ADHD Education in Medical School | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Quist Abstract | Quist Poster |
Taylor South | American Indian & Alaskan Native Health, Creation of an Elective Course for Medical Students in the Rural Track at The University of Colorado School of Medicine | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | South Abstract | South Poster |
Chayce Weaver | Congestive Heart Failure Patient Education | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Weaver Abstract | Weaver Poster |
John-Michael Benson | Retrospective Evaluation of High Titer Convalescent Plasma in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 Infection in Northern Colorado | Clinical Science | Benson Abstract | Benson Poster |
Colt Burtard | Prevalence of Cerebral Sinovenous Thrombosis in Abusive Head Trauma | Clinical Science | Burtard Abstract | Burtard Poster |
Susie Choi | Donor Site Morbidity in Phalloplasty Reconstructions | Clinical Science | Choi Abstract | Choi Poster |
Stephanie Cung | In-vivo skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in Klinefelter syndrome | Clinical Science | Cung Abstract | Cung Poster |
Katherine Drexelius | Outcomes Following Ankle Fracture Fixation With or Without Ankle Arthroscopy | Clinical Science | Drexelius Abstract | Drexelius Poster |
Jaslyn Erickson | Effects of prenatal antibiotics on the infant gut microbiome | Clinical Science | Erickson Abstract | Erickson Poster |
Clayton Foster | Functional Outcomes Following Anterior versus Posterior Total Hip Arthroplasty | Clinical Science | Foster Abstract | Foster Poster |
Rebecca Fuhlbrigge | Correlation between A1c and Continuous Glucose Monitor Time in Range in a Cohort of Pediatric Patients with Type 1 Diabetes | Clinical Science | Fuhlbrigge Abstract | Fuhlbrigge Poster |
Christopher Greenlee | Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis for Severe Neonatal Airway Obstruction: A Follow-up Study | Clinical Science | Greenlee Abstract | Greenlee Poster |
Madison Harrison | Accuracy of Current Equations and Development of a New Predicative Equation for Resting Energy Expenditure for Overweight and Obese Adolescents | Clinical Science | Harrison Abstract | Harrison Poster |
Dylan Herman | Psychotherapy Process Group to Support COVID Patients Post€“ICU | Clinical Science | Herman Abstract | Herman Poster |
Katelyn Johnson | "A Qualitative Evaluation of Direct Parent/Caregiver Involvement and Perception of Engagement in Care of Premature Infant through the DEFINE Colorado Study" | Clinical Science | Johnson Abstract | Johnson Poster |
Aaron Kian | Sagittal Craniectomy with Biparietal Morcellation: Outcome Analysis of Age at Surgery and Extended Techniques | Clinical Science | Kian Abstract | Kian Poster |
Vishal Krishnan | Risk Factors for Unchanged Ventricles During Pediatric Shunt Malfunction | Clinical Science | Krishnan Abstract | Krishnan Poster |
Samuel Maltby | Development and Validation of a New Clinical Assay: T cell Proliferation with PHA Mitogen Stimulation Detected by Flow Cytometry | Clinical Science | Maltby Abstract | Maltby Poster |
Ben Massey | Procalcitonin levels and antibiotic use associations with COVID-19 disease severity in the absence of bacterial co-infection of Hospitalized Adults: An observational cohort investigation | Clinical Science | Massey Abstract | Massey Poster |
Margaret Nguyen | Granulomatosis with polyangiitis: An example of diagnostic (confirmation) bias | Clinical Science | Nguyen Abstract | Nguyen Poster |
Do Park | Return to Golf After Shoulder Arthroplasty | Clinical Science | Park Abstract | Park Poster |
Amy Rao | Cerebral cryptococcomas: a systematic scoping review of available evidence to facilitate diagnosis and treatment | Clinical Science | Rao Abstract | Rao Poster |
Anessa Sax-Bolder | Long-term Follow Up of Ileal Ureteral Replacement for Complex Ureteral Strictures: Single Institution Study | Clinical Science | Sax- Bolder Abstract | Sax- Bolder Poster |
Stephanie Serva | Application of sodium fluorescein for spinal cord lesions: intraoperative localization for tissue biopsy and surgical resection | Clinical Science | Serva Abstract | Serva Poster |
Alexander Shu | Clinical Outcome Differences Between Single and Multi-Staged Transtibial Amputations | Clinical Science | Shu Abstract | Shu Poster |
Aaron Smoroda | A One-Step Catheter Over Needle System Compared to a Single Shot Nerve Block for Shoulder Surgery | Clinical Science | Smoroda Abstract | Smoroda Poster |
May Tay | Comparing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) of Parents with Children in Treatment in Outpatient Psychiatry to Adults in the General Population | Clinical Science | Tay Abstract | Tay Poster |
Anastasiya Trizno | Optimal Nail Diameter to Medullary Canal (ND/MCD) Ratio in Diaphyseal Tibia Fractures Treated With Intramedullary Nailing | Clinical Science | Trizno Abstract | Trizno Poster |
Michelle Vo | Post-Discharge Health Resource Use in Pediatric Survivors of Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation for Acute Respiratory Disease | Clinical Science | Vo Abstract | Vo Poster |
Casey Weinstein | Selective Measurement of Ionized Calcium (iCal) Levels in Trauma: Early iCal is Associated with Worse Outcomes | Clinical Science | Weinstein Abstract | Weinstein Poster |
Emily Wolverton | Opioid Prescription Monitoring in Pre- and Post-Operative Sacroiliac Joint Fusion Patients | Clinical Science | Wolverton Abstract | Wolverton Poster |
Mohamed Bandali | An analysis of the factors associated with the greatest disease burden in the pediatric population seen at Khayelitsha Emergency Department between 2014-15 | Global Health | Bandali Abstract | Bandali Poster |
Taylor Davis | REDCap for National Rheumatic Heart Disease Registry | Global Health | Davis Abstract | Davis Poster |
Akaysha Joiner | DAWN Clinic Surgical/Procedural Needs Assessment | Global Health | Joiner Abstract | Joiner Poster |
Margaret Stalker | Preeclampsia Alters Insulin Signaling Pathway Protein Expression in the High-Altitude Placenta | Global Health | Stalker Abstract | Stalker Poster |
Elijah Finer | Fort Collins Street Medicine Clinic: Development and Implementation of Student Run Free Clinic During Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship | Public Health and Epidemiology | Finer Abstract | Finer Poster |
Ignasis Gutierrez-Beasley | Process and Impact Evaluation of an LGBTQ+ Student-Run Free Clinic (SRFC) on Patient Experience | Public Health and Epidemiology | Gutierrez-Beasley Abstract | Gutierrez-Beasley Poster |
Amir Ali Jaberizadeh | Values and qualitative themes among patients in two clinical trials using a self-affirmation intervention | Public Health and Epidemiology | Jaberizadeh Abstract | Jaberizadeh Poster |
William Kim | Skin of Color Representation on Wikipedia | Public Health and Epidemiology | Kim Abstract | Kim Poster |
Christine Krentz | Medical Dental Integration for Vaccinations: A Targeted Intervention to Increase Rates of Tdap, MCV4, and HPV9 vaccinations in children ages 9-17 | Public Health and Epidemiology | Krentz Abstract | Krentz Poster |
Derek Mason | Early EBV Infection In Kenyan Infants by 6-Months and Response to Measles Vaccination | Public Health and Epidemiology | Mason Abstract | Mason Poster |
Stephanie Nwagwu | Optimizing Postpartum Care: How Ariadne Labs Can Use Health System Innovation and Tool Design Principles to shift the conversation on Postpartum care | Public Health and Epidemiology | Nwagwu Abstract | Nwagwu Poster |
Edward Soto | Retrospective Analysis of Understanding Firearm Violence Prevention After Safety Presentation in a Community-Based Setting | Public Health and Epidemiology | Soto Abstract | Soto Poster |
Hayley Specht | Helicopter Versus Ground Emergency Medical Services: A Scoping Review | Public Health and Epidemiology | Specht Abstract | Specht Poster |
Freddi Tran | Racial disparities in boarding in an urban academic emergency department | Public Health and Epidemiology | Tran Abstract | Tran Poster |
Geoffrey Markowitz | Medication Errors in Pediatric Patients After Implementation of a Field Guide with Volume-Based Dosing | Clinical Science | Markowitz Abstract | Markowitz Poster |
Conan Chen | Viability of preloaded Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty grafts with 96-hour shipment | Basic Biomedical Science | Chen Abstract | Chen Poster |
Zaid Al Bahrani | Student perspectives on the diversity climate at a U.S. medical school: a 13-year follow-up | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Bahrani Abstract | Bahrani Poster |
Amelia Davis | A Case-Based Approach Developed in COVID-19 for Training in Implementation of Crisis Standards of Care for Hospital Resource Allocation | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Davis Abstract | Davis Poster |
Vincent Fu | Digital MD: A Novel Undergraduate Medical School Elective for Social Media and Digital Scholarship | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Fu Abstract | Fu Poster |
Alyssa Hill | Loneliness in Substance Use Disorder Patients | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Hill Abstract | Hill Poster |
Tiffany Lien | Assessing for gender bias in ophthalmology resident evaluations | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Lien Abstract | Lien Poster |
Rosa Malloy-Post | "Perioperative Clerkship Design for Students with Physical Disabilities: A Model for Implementation" | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Malloy- Post Abstract | Malloy- Post Poster |
Maggie McGing | Assessing First-Year Medical Students' Understanding of Race and Medicine | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | McGing Abstract | McGing Poster |
Jessica Monishi | "Middle School to Medical School (M2M): An outreach program developed and implemented on the Anschutz Medical Campus encouraging underrepresented in medicine (URM) middle school students to pursue careers in medicine" | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Monishi Abstract | Monishi Poster |
Helio Neves Da Silva | What Happened and Why: Responding to Racism, Discrimination, and Microaggressions in the Clinical Learning Environment | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Neves Da Silva Abstract | Neves Da Silva Poster |
Beshoy Tawfik | Anatomy In Action | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Tawfik Abstract | Tawfik Poster |
Solana Archuleta | Increased mortality associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus in patients with pulmonary cryptococcosis: a single US cohort study | Clinical Science | Archuleta Abstract | Archuleta Poster |
Peter Boxley | "Prostate Cancer Central Nervous System Metastasis in a Contemporary Cohort " | Clinical Science | Boxley Abstract | Boxley Poster |
Ryan Calkins | Successful Conservative Management of Kienbock's Disease in a 7-year-old: A Case Report | Clinical Science | Calkins Abstract | Calkins Poster |
Ellen Clark | Translabial Ultrasound: An Effective Modality for Evaluation of Midurethral Sling Revision | Clinical Science | Clark Abstract | Clark Poster |
Danielle N Davis | Pre-incision vs. Post-incision Frequent Door Openings During Total Joint Arthroplasty | Clinical Science | Davis Abstract | Davis Poster |
James Duffy | Superior Laryngeal Nerve Block for Treatment of Neurogenic Cough | Clinical Science | Duffy Abstract | Duffy Poster |
Megan Foy | PCOS presentation in girls with a history of premature adrenarche does not differ from those without premature adrenarche | Clinical Science | Foy Abstract | Foy Poster |
Jacob Gabbay | Apps for Adolescents: Creating a Resource for Primary Care Providers | Clinical Science | Gabbay Abstract | Gabbay Poster |
James Tuttle | Implementation of REDCap as a Standalone HER in a Low-Resource Primary Care Clinic | Clinical Science | Tuttle Abstract | Tuttle Poster |
Lauren Heery | Computable Phenotype and Severity Outcomes Validation of Adult Patients Admitted to the Hospital with Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) | Clinical Science | Heery Abstract | Heery Poster |
Zachary Horwitz | Sacral Level Spina Bifida Plantar Pressure Analysis | Clinical Science | Horwitz Abstract | Horwitz Poster |
Mattie Kerns | Attitudes, activities, and motivations of pro-vaccine advocates | Clinical Science | Kerns Abstract | Kerns Poster |
Hannah Korrell | Atypical Symptoms of Trigger Finger in the Adult Population | Clinical Science | Korrell Abstract | Korrell Poster |
Jacob Leary | Identifying clinical and MRI predictors of functional improvement in patients initiating highly effective disease-modifying therapies in Multiple Sclerosis | Clinical Science | Leary Abstract | Leary Poster |
Leighton McCabe | Plantar Flexion-Induced Entrapment of the Dorsalis Pedis Artery in a Teenaged Cross-Country Runner | Clinical Science | McCabe Abstract | McCabe Poster |
Christina Nguyen | Mechanisms of Acquired Osimertinib Resistance and Clinical Outcomes in EGFR-Positive Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer | Clinical Science | Nguyen Abstract | Nguyen Poster |
Devon Pino | Correlations Between Blood Type and Human Leukocyte Antigen Production in Kidney and Bone Marrow Transplant Patients | Clinical Science | Pino Abstract | Pino Poster |
Ann Rowland | Dysglycemia, diabetes, and clinical outcomes in renal transplantation patients | Clinical Science | Rowland Abstract | Rowland Poster |
Dylan Schoo | DJK and Revision Rates in Multilevel Posterior Cervical Fusions Terminating at the Cervicothoracic Junction: A Retrospective Review | Clinical Science | Schoo Abstract | Schoo Poster |
Emmanuel Seyoum | """The Case of the Silent Abdominal Mass and Elevated alpha-FP in an Infant""" | Clinical Science | Seyoum Abstract | Seyoum Poster |
Sofia Simina | The Effects of Marijuana Use During Pregnancy on Fetal Growth Outcomes | Clinical Science | Simina Abstract | Simina Poster |
Roxana Tabrizi | Sharp Recanalization with the Upstream GoBack Catheter for Chronic Occlusive Ilio-Caval Thrombosis | Clinical Science | Tabrizi Abstract | Tabrizi Poster |
Daniel Thieu | What Causes Primary Cutaneous Melnaoma to Metastasize to the Sentinel Lymph Nodes? When Should We Biopsy? | Clinical Science | Thieu Abstract | Thieu Poster |
Ronald Truong | Choledochoduodenostomy is a safe alternative to choledochojejunostomy for biliary reconstruction in liver transplantation | Clinical Science | Truong Abstract | Truong Poster |
Brian Vu | Cannabis use is associated with depression severity and suicidality in the National Comorbidity Survey-Adolescent Supplement | Clinical Science | Vu Abstract | Vu Poster |
Kelly Wigglesworth | Lack of Follow-up Mental Health Care in Youth and Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes After Positive Depression Screen or Suicidal Ideation | Clinical Science | Wigglesworth Abstract | Wigglesworth Poster |
Jerry Yang | Are Diagnostic Delays Associated with Distress in Breast Cancer Patients? | Clinical Science | Yang Abstract | Yang Poster |
Genna Bonfiglio | The long journey inside immigration detention centres in the USA | Global Health | Bonfiglio Abstract | Bonfiglio Poster |
Natalie Lays | An analysis of the factors associated with the greatest disease burden in the pediatric population seen at Khayelitsha Emergency Department between 2014-15 | Global Health | Lays Abstract | Lays Poster |
Joseph Fore | Recruitment of Caregivers of Dementia Patients: A Research Study Utilizing Social Media | Public Health and Epidemiology | Fore Abstract | Fore Poster |
Alexis Hunter | "Law enforcement and criminal justice professionals' knowledge and attitudes towards medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorder in rural communities " | Public Health and Epidemiology | Hunter Abstract | Hunter Poster |
Frankie Jeney | Fort Collins Street Medicine Clinic: Development and Implementation of Student Run Free Clinic During Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship | Public Health and Epidemiology | Jeney Abstract | Jeney Poster |
Spencer Knierim | Helicopter Versus Ground Emergency Medical Services: A Scoping Review | Public Health and Epidemiology | Knierim Abstract | Knierim Poster |
Abigail Leibowitz | Association Between Prison Crowding and COVID-19 Incidence Rates in Massachusetts Prisons, April 2020-January 2021 | Public Health and Epidemiology | Leibowitz Abstract | Leibowitz Poster |
Allison Moore | Medical Response and Factors Leading to Violent Death in the US Incarcerated Population | Public Health and Epidemiology | Moore Abstract | Moore Poster |
Andrew Ormsby | The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Opioid Prescribing for Patients with Pleuritic Pain | Public Health and Epidemiology | Ormsby Abstract | Ormsby Poster |
Dorothy Stearns | Sex Differences in Violent Death During Incarceration and Legal Intervention | Public Health and Epidemiology | Stearns Abstract | Stearns Poster |
Andy Truong | 24-hour Oral Morphine Equivalent Based Opioid Prescribing After Surgery - A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial | Public Health and Epidemiology | Truong Abstract | Truong Poster |
Nick Mason | Comparative Assessment of Patient Surgical Risk by Surgeons vs. a Universal, Parsimonious Statistical Risk System | Clinical Science | Mason Abstract | Mason Poster |
We would like to congratulate the following graduating medical students and their mentors for the following awards:
We would also like to congratulate the award winners below that were selected as top projects by peer students.
Phase I MSA Awards Student Choice Awards
Phase IV Student Choice Awards
Student projects were chosen as top awards based on the combination of a poster, oral presentation and project relevance.
Presenter Name | Project Title | Thematic Area | Abstract Link | Poster Link |
Simon Feseha | Global genetic deletion of CaV3.3 channels facilitates anaesthetic induction and enhances isoflurane-sparing effects of T-type calcium channel blockers | Basic Biomedical Science | Feseha Abstract | Feseha Poster |
Andrew Tannous | Inflammatory Signaling in Acutely Induced Hyperinsulinemia and Hyperlipidemia in Normal Weight Women-The Reprometabolic Syndrome | Basic Biomedical Science | Tannous Abstract | Tannous Abstract |
Carley Little | Defining LGBTQIA+ inclusivity in the Colorado Health Care Setting | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Little Abstract | Little Poster |
Ellen Awoniyi | The "So What" Learning Series - Lessons on Leadership Pilot Program | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Awoniyi Abstract | Awoniyi Poster |
Eliza Baird-Daniel | Autophagy inhibition increases chemosensitivity to MEK inhibition in NF1 mutated Tumors | Basic Biomedical Science | Baird-Daniel Abstract | Baird-Daniel Poster |
Sarah Bardwell | Patient Companion Project: A pilot model extending opportunities to pre-health students and healthcare partnership to older adults | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Bardwell Abstract | Bardwell Poster |
Nikki Bloch | The Ancient Roots of Modern Medicine: Development of an Interdisciplinary, Undergraduate Pre-Health Course | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Bloch Abstract | Bloch Poster |
Brenna Cameron | The Impact of Critical Illness on Siblings as Expressed through Personal Narrative | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Cameron Abstract | Cameron Poster |
Elia Rieder | Patient Companion Program: A Curriculum to Promote Patient Advocacy and Education in the Geriatric Population | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Rieder Abstract | Rieder Poster |
David Gamble | Use of Cost Cards in Problem-Based Learning for Medical School Resource Stewardship Education | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Gamble Abstract | Gamble Poster |
Filiberto Morales | Public Charge: Insulating the œChilling Effect | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Morales Abstract | Morales Poster |
Sean Wickers | Four for the Price of One: Achieving Competencies of Multiple Clerkships with Rural Family Physicians | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Wickers Abstract | Wickers Poster |
Katherine Pemberton | The Med/Mid Writing Project: Medical students and middle school students document experiences of the COVID-19 | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Pemberton Abstract | Pemberton Poster |
Katherine Branche | Radius of Curvature in Patient-Specific Short Rod Constructs Versus Standard Pre-Bent Rods | Basic Biomedical Science | Branche Abstract | Branche Poster |
Kyra Rodi | The Philosophy of Pain | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Rodi Abstract | Rodi Poster |
Sean Schooley | Assessment of Critical Care Experience in Undergraduate Medical Education: A Systematic Review | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Schooley Abstract | Schooley Poster |
Ian Coulter | Different roles of T-type calcium channel isoforms in hypnosis induced by an endogenous neurosteroid epipregnanolone | Basic Biomedical Science | Coulter Abstract | Coulter Poster |
Scott Christenson | Falling Short: How to Effectively Reduce Wilderness Search and Rescue Events by Changing Introductory Level Outdoor Education | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Christenson Abstract | Christenson Poster |
Erin Biringen | Psychotropic Medications in Oncology | Clinical Science | Biringen Abstract | Biringen Poster |
Lauren Carpenter | Stevens Johnson Syndrome in Children: Consider Monitoring for Bronchiolitis Obliterans | Clinical Science | Carpenter Abstract | Carpenter Poster |
Melissa Conklin | Effect of Unilateral Cordotomy on Perception of Dysphagia | Clinical Science | Conklin Abstract | Conklin Poster |
Bryant Elrick | Seymour Fractures: A Retrospective Review of Infection Rates, Treatment and Timing of Antibiotic Administration | Clinical Science | Elrick Abstract | Elrick Poster |
Kathryn Havranek | Governmental Aid and Housing Insecurity Among Hospitalized Patients | Clinical Science | Havranek Abstract | Havranek Poster |
Andrew Isaac | Substance Use Treatment Protocol Development and Organization: Creating Flowcharts to Standardize Care at The University of Colorado School of Medicine's Addiction Research and Treatment Services Adult Outpatient Program | Clinical SciencIsaac Postere | Isaac Abstract | Isaac Poster |
Rachel Martin | Perinatal Mental Health: Impact of the Mother-Infant Therapy Group (M-ITG) on Mental Health and Parenting Stress for Female Participants and their Partners | Clinical Science | Martin Abstract | Martin Poster |
Samuel Dunham | Prescribing buprenorphine for opioid use disorders in the ED: a review of best practices, barriers, and future directions | Clinical Science | Dunham Abstract | Dunham Poster |
Alex Nguyen | Metformin Improves Ventricle Size and Function in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes; Echocardiographic findings from the Effects of Metformin on Cardiovascular Function in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes (EMERALD) Study | Clinical Science | Nguyen Abstract | Nguyen Poster |
Franklin Powlan | Return to Duty as a Functional Outcome Measure Following Orthopaedic Surgery: A Preliminary Investigation | Clinical Science | Powlan Abstract | Powlan Poster |
Bradley Reeves | Strap stabilization for proximal junctional kyphosis prevention in instrumented posterior spinal fusion | Clinical Science | Reeves Abstract | Reeves Poster |
Jamie Solis | JCV GCN PML: A Clinical Case Series | Clinical Science | Solis Abstract | Solis Poster |
Christina Stevens | Prevalence of Nocturnal Hypoxemia in a Cohort of Fontan Patients Living at Altitude | Clinical Science | Stevens Abstract | Stevens Poster |
Brett Wiesen | Use of the Surgical Risk Preoperative Assessment System (SURPAS) Reduces Patient Anxiety and Improves Patient Satisfaction during Informed Consent for Surgery | Clinical Science | Wiesen Abstract | Wiesen Poster |
Lyndsey Babcock | My-DST Drug Assay to Optimize Therapy for Multiple Myeloma | Clinical Science | Babcock Abstract | Babcock Poster |
Holly Baumgarten | Performance of the GI PCR Assay in Hospitalized Adults | Clinical Science | Baumgarten Abstract | Baumgarten Poster |
Bailey Corson | "Doctor, What Happens After My Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair?" | Clinical Science | Corson Abstract | Corson Poster |
Megan Brown | Comparison of Healthcare Service Utilization By Language and Refugee Status | Global Health | Brown Abstract | Brown Poster |
Daewoong Kim | Implementation of the WHO's Community-Based First Aid Response (CFAR) Program in Southwestern Guatemala | Global Health | Kim Abstract | Kim Poster |
Yaa Asare | Quality Improvement of Data Collection and Utilization of Health Information from Dhulikhel Hospital Outreach Centers | Global Health | Asare Abstract | Asare Poster |
Sanjana Garimella | WHO Package of Essential Noncommunicable (PEN) Disease Interventions for Primary Health Care | Global Health | Garimella Abstract | Garimella Poster |
Darean Hunt | A Community Based Participatory Research Initiative Addressing Alcohol Use in the Refugee Population from Burma | Global Health | Hunt Abstract | Hunt Poster |
Michael Klausner | Warfighter Personal Protective Equipment and Combat Wounds | Global Health | Klausner Abstract | Klausner Poster |
Akshay Kumar | A Review of Best Practices to Prepare Medical Students for Responsible Global Health Experiences | Global Health | Kumar Abstract | Kumar Poster |
Stefan Peterson | 10 Clinically Relevant Herbals of Traditional Mexican Medicine | Global Health | Peterson Abstract | Peterson Poster |
Jessica Saifee | Addressing Refugee Health During COVID-19 and Future Pandemics | Global Health | Saifee Abstract | Saifee Poster |
Allyson Adams | Access to family planning in rural communities primarily served by Catholic versus non-Catholic hospitals: a mystery caller study | Public Health and Epidemiology | Adams Abstract | Adams Poster |
Sofiya Diurba | Emergency Department Provider Attitudes and Behaviors Regarding Lethal Means Assessment and Counseling | Public Health and Epidemiology | Diurba Abstract | Diurba Poster |
Ryan Friedman | Impact of Race and Primary Language Spoken on Quality of Life After ED Diagnosis of Concussion in Children | Public Health and Epidemiology | Friedman Abstract | Friedman Poster |
Timothy Kelly | Firearm Storage Maps: A Pragmatic Approach to Reduce Firearm Suicide During Times of Risk | Public Health and Epidemiology | Kelly Abstract | Kelly Poster |
Zainab Zullali | Addressing Infant Mortality: Healthcare Provider Understanding of Racial Disparities | Public Health and Epidemiology | Zullali Abstract | Zullali Poster |
Kelsey Andrews | Healthcare Providers Interactions and Attitudes Regarding Patients Who Use Intravenous Drugs | Public Health and Epidemiology | Andrews Abstract | Andrews Poster |
Kyle McDaniel | ˜A tale of two substances ™: An observational study of opioid use among cannabis-related emergency room visits in Colorado | Public Health and Epidemiology | McDaniel Abstract | McDaniel Poster |
Curtis Pacheco | Adult Ambulatory Quality Improvement Project: Improving Compliance of American Diabetes Association Goals | Public Health and Epidemiology | Pacheco Abstract | Pacheco Poster |
Hector Porragas | An Evaluation of In-Person vs Videoconferencing Spanish Interpreters on Patient, Provider, and Hospital Based Outcomes in a Children ™s Hospital Emergency Department | Public Health and Epidemiology | Porragas Abstract | Porragas Poster |
Mitchell Shellman | Epidemiology of Snakebites for a Large Poison Center from 2007 - 2017 | Public Health and Epidemiology | Shellman Abstract | Shellman Poster |
Riannon Atwater | Medicaid Acceptance in Specialty Care: Discussion of contributing factors and solutions for low access to specialty care among Medicaid patients | Public Health and Epidemiology | Atwater Abstract | Atwater Poster |
Taylor Wand | Virtual Reality Based Mindfulness for Burnout Prevention in a Family Medicine Residency | Public Health and Epidemiology | Wand Abstract | Wand Poster |
Gerald Yeung | Occupational health and safety considerations of on-demand workers in the gig economy: An analysis of online forum postings | Public Health and Epidemiology | Yeung Abstract | Yeung Poster |
Anne Strong | Clinical utility of electroretinograms for evaluating vigabatrin toxicity in children | Clinical Science | Strong Abstract | Strong Poster |
Hunter Greer | Intra Arterial Chemotherapy for Rhabdomyosarcoma | Clinical Science | Greer Abstract | Greer Poster |
Alexis Sunshine | The predictive value of preoperative apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) for facial nerve outcomes after vestibular schwannoma resection: clinical study | Clinical Science | Sunshine Abstract | Sunshine Poster |
Andrew Kamel | The evaluation of medical student international mission trips: a rapid review | Global Health | Kamel Abstract | Kamel Poster |
Daniel Grine | The Role of the University of Colorado Human Cardiac Tissue Bank (UC-HCTB) in the Transomics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Program | Basic Biomedical Science | Grine Abstract | |
Melissa Laughter | Multifunctional fluorocarbon-conjugated nanoparticles of varied morphologies to enhance diagnostic effects in breast cancer | Basic Biomedical Science | Laughter Abstract | Laughter Poster |
Karima Hamamsy | Development of a Novel Curriculum in Motivational Interviewing for Medical Students in an Elective and Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (LIC) | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Hamamsy Abstract | Hamamsy Poster |
Timothy Browne | A Virtual Case-Based Learning Module on Acute Ischemic Stroke for Pre-Clinical Medical Students | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Browne Abstract | Browne Poster |
Tyler Wieman | Patient Companion Program: A Curriculum to Promote Patient Advocacy and Education in the Geriatric Population | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Wieman Abstract | Wieman Poster |
Joseph Fuchs | A Novel Intervention in Cultural Competency Training Focused on Cross-cultural Communication for Undergraduate Dental Students | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Fuchs Abstract | Fuchs Poster |
Carlos Jaquez | Gender Differences in Academic Publications | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Jaquez Abstract | Jaquez Poster |
Glendalyn Klein | White Collar/Professional Mentorship of Underserved and Minority Populations | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Klein Abstract | Klein Poster |
Desirae Martinez | FirstUp: A Mentorship Program for First-Generation Students at the University of Colorado School of Medicine | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Martinez Abstract | Martinez Poster |
Sami Hourieh | Four for the Price of One: Achieving Competencies of Multiple Clerkships with Rural Family Physicians | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Hourieh Abstract | Hourieh Poster |
Grant Ridgway | Step-Wise Board Game | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Ridgway Abstract | Ridgway Poster |
Neil Bishop | Clinicopathologic Correlation of Histoplasmosis Postoperative Endophthalmitis | Clinical Science | Bishop Abstract | Bishop Poster |
Rachel Bohling | Safety & Efficacy of Alkali Therapy on Vascular Function in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Pilot Randomized Cross-Over Study | Clinical Science | Bohling Abstract | Bohling Poster |
Khyla Burrows | Preconception Counseling; Identifying Ways to Improve Services | Clinical Science | Burrows Abstract | Burrows Poster |
Casey Dolen | Simulating Teamwork for Better Decision Making in Emergency Medical Services | Clinical Science | Dolen Abstract | Dolen Poster |
Daniela Escobar | Translabial Ultrasound for Assessment of Synthetic Midurethral Sling Complications | Clinical Science | Escobar Abstract | Escobar Poster |
Edward Husarcik | Analyzing Provider Interactions with the Problem List | Clinical Science | Husarcik Abstract | Husarcik Poster |
Megan Kunkel | Open Surgical Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia: Utility and Feasibility of Contemporary Mapping and Ablation Tools | Clinical Science | Kunkel Abstract | Kunkel Poster |
Daniel Levy | Multimodal Swelling Management After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Pilot Study with Cohort Comparison | Clinical Science | Levy Abstract | Levy Poster |
Tristan Loesberg | Efficacy of Wallet Cards and Letters in Sharing Difficult Airway Information to Patients and Providers | Clinical Science | Loseberg Abstract | Loesberg Poster |
Laura McWhirter | Rates of appropriate treatment and laboratory follow-up of gonorrhea and chlamydia infections in an urban safety-net system | Clinical Science | McWhirter Abstract | McWhirter Poster |
Scott Cao | Prescribing Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorders in the ED: A Review of Best Practices, Barriers, and Future Directions | Clinical Science | Cao Abstract | Cao Poster |
Tiffany Nguyen | Targeted therapy for pediatric low-grade gliomas and plexiform neurofibromas with trametinib | Clinical Science | Nguyen Abstract | Nguyen Poster |
Madeline Paton | An Evaluation of Safety and Patient Outcomes for Hand Surgery following Prior Breast Cancer Treatment: Establishing New Recommendations in Lymphedema | Clinical Science | Paton Abstract | Paton Poster |
Austin Fogle | Establishing the Limitations of Research regarding Obesity among Youth with Disabilities: a Narrative Literature Review | Public Health and Epidemiology | Fogle Abstract | Fogle Poster |
Andrew Pham | JAK inhibition for treatment of psoriatic arthritis in Down syndrome | Clinical Science | Pham Abstract | Pham Poster |
Alan Quach | Hematuria after transrectal prostate biopsy: a warning of future infection? | Clinical Science | Quach Abstract | Quach Poster |
Rhianna Rubner | Progress of Clinical Therapies for Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration | Clinical Science | Rubner Abstract | Rubner Poster |
Anthony Scott | The Utility of iCare HOME Tonometry for Detection of Therapy-Related Intraocular Pressure Changes in Glaucoma and Ocular Hypertension | Clinical Science | Scott Abstract | Scott Poster |
David Sheneman | Relationship Between Patient Characteristics and Critical Illness in CoVID-19 | Clinical Science | Sheneman Abstract | Sheneman Poster |
Erin Sturman | A Systematic Review of Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Limb Ischemia during Pregnancy and Postpartum Period | Clinical Science | Sturman Abstract | Sturman Poster |
Allee Torres | Ketamine Administration in Prehospital Combat Injured Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury: A 10-Year Report of Survival | Clinical Science | Torres Abstract | Torres Poster |
Andrew Levy | Implementation of the WHO's Community-based First Aid Response (CFAR) in Southwestern Guatemala | Global Health | Levy Abstract | Levy Poster |
Amber Fleck | A Literature Review of Community Health Volunteers (CHVs): Characteristics, Experiences, and Motivations | Global Health | Fleck Abstract | Fleck Poster |
Alla Balabanova | Quality Improvement of Data Collection and Utilization of Health Information from Dhulikhel Hospital Outreach Centers | Global Health | Balabanova Abstract | Balabanova Poster |
Ian Lawrence | Impact of an Educational Workshop on Laboratory Evaluation of Preeclampsia in La Paz, Bolivia | Global Health | Lawrence Abstract | Lawrence Poster |
Jennifer Robinson | Viral Load Predicts Virologic Failure on repeat testing in Children on Antiretroviral Therapy at a large clinic in Kisumu, Kenya: A Retrospective Cohort Study | Global Health | Robinson Abstract | Robinson Poster |
Brian Adams | Evaluating the cost of antimicrobial resistance and errors in estimates: a systematic review and meta-analysis | Public Health and Epidemiology | Adams Abstract | Adams Poster |
Maximilliam Cabrera | Defining LGBTQIA+ Inclusivity in the Colorado Healthcare Setting | Public Health and Epidemiology | Cabrera Abstract | Cabrera Poster |
Lillian Goodman | Female Teens and Sexual Consent: How Conversations on Consent Affect Teens Sexual Activity | Public Health and Epidemiology | Goodman Abstract | Goodman Poster |
Caitlan Hinton | Appropriateness of a Brief Bleeding Control Curriculum Taught by Medical Students to Laypersons in Heavily Trafficked Locations: A Systematized Review of the Literature | Public Health and Epidemiology | Hinton Abstract | Hinton Poster |
Dung Le | A Community Based Participatory Research Initiative Addressing Alcohol Use in the Refugee Population from Burma | Public Health and Epidemiology | Le Abstract | Le Poster |
Alec Kerins | Facilitators and Barriers to Implementing a Screening Program for Social Determinants of Health with Practices Enrolled in the Innovation Support Project | Public Health and Epidemiology | Kerins Abstract | Kerins Poster |
Kasey Pickard | Addressing Infant Mortality: Healthcare Provider Understanding of Racial Disparities | Public Health and Epidemiology | Pickard Abstract | Pickard Poster |
Nicholas Bianchina | Healthcare Providers Interactions and Attitudes Regarding Intravenous Drug Users | Public Health and Epidemiology | Bianchina Abstract | Bianchina Poster |
Graciela Mujica | Defusing COVID-19: Lessons Learned from a Century of Pandemics | Public Health and Epidemiology | Mujica Abstract | Mujica Poster |
Haylie Petrick | Comparison of maternity care outcomes among rural Colorado hospitals using birth certificate data | Public Health and Epidemiology | Petrick Abstract | Petrick Poster |
Kristin Porter | Access to Initiation of Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy for Transgender and Non-Binary Patient in a Primary Care Clinic | Public Health and Epidemiology | Porter Abstract | Porter Poster |
Kristina Sandquist | Elevating our Engagement: An Evaluation of Launching a Community Board at a Student-Run Free Clinic | Public Health and Epidemiology | Sandquist Abstract | Sandquist Poster |
Alexandra Sotiros | Patient Feedback on A Novel Multidisciplinary Model of Adult Transgender Care in Colorado | Public Health and Epidemiology | Sotiros Abstract | Sotiros Poster |
Walter Taylor | Long-term Healthcare Utilization in Children with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome | Public Health and Epidemiology | Taylor Abstract | Taylor Poster |
Uriel Villalobos | Incidence Outcome and Health Care Utilization of Dog Bites at Children Hospital Colorado | Public Health and Epidemiology | Villalobos Abstract | Villalobos Poster |
Abigail Bryant | Medicaid Acceptance in Specialty Care | Public Health and Epidemiology | Bryant Abstract | Bryant Poster |
Derek Wilson | Significant Reduction in Prehospital Evaluation and Door-to-Treatment Times with a Mobile Stroke Unit | Public Health and Epidemiology | Wilson Abstract | Wilson Poster |
Tessa Zangara | Epidemiology and Outcomes of Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections: A Population-Based Study of California Hospitalizations in 2016 | Public Health and Epidemiology | Zangara Abstract | Zangara Poster |
Alexandra Lauren | Development of a Novel Curriculum in Motivational Interviewing for Medical Students in an Elective and Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (LIC) | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Lauren Abstract | Lauren Poster |
Amanda Tompkins | Can empathy be taught to medical students? Redesign and re-evaluation of experiential empathy training curriculum | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Tompkins Abstract | Tompkins Poster |
Hope Rietcheck | Quality Improvement for Community Nutrition Education Programs | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Rietcheck Abstract | Rietcheck Poster |
Dallin Milner | Pancreatic Tumor Microenvironment Modulation by EphB4-ephrinB2 inhibition and Radiation Combination | Basic Biomedical Science | Milner Abstract | Milner Poster |
Gavriel Roda | Optimizing Nicorandil for Spinal Cord Protection in a Murine Model of Complex Aortic Intervention | Basic Biomedical Science | Roda Abstract | Roda Poster |
Richard Smith | Purifying Antibodies to Citrullinated Protein Antigens from Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient Serum and Cross-Reactivity with Fecal Pool Bacteria | Basic Biomedical Science | Smith Abstract | Smith Poster |
Hannah Benjamin | 3D-Printed, Anatomy-Based Model for Patient and Caregiver Education in a Multidisciplinary Aerodigestive Clinic | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Benjamin Abstract | Benjamin Poster |
Yeshai Dollin | Pediatric Clinical Perspectives on Adolescent Physician Assisted Suicide | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Dollin Abstract | Dollin Poster |
Catherine Mann | Patient Companion Program: A Curriculum to Promote Patient Advocacy and Education in the Geriatric Population | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Mann Abstract | Mann Poster |
Sara Graves | The Haxtun to Holyoke Model: A Chronic Care Guide in a Rural Critical Access Hospital | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Graves Abstract | Graves Poster |
Claire Koljack | Anti-Stigma Mental Health Panel: An initiative to reduce mental health stigma experienced by health professional students | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Koljack Abstract | Koljack Poster |
Michael Levy | Resource Allocation: Training Cases from the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic for Implementation of Crisis Standards of Care | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Levy Abstract | Levy Poster |
Ryan Phan | Rapid Adoption of Telehealth at an Interprofessional Student-Run Free Clinic | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Phan Abstract | Phan Poster |
Richard Nakano | Four for the Price of One: Achieving Competencies of Multiple Clerkships with Rural Family Physicians | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Nakano Abstract | Nakano Poster |
Josten Overall | Middle School to Medical School (M2M): An outreach program developed and implemented on the Anschutz Medical Campus encouraging underrepresented in medicine (URM) middle school students to pursue careers in medicine | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Overall Abstract | Overall Poster |
Emily Swenson | Evaluation of Strabismus Surgery in University of Colorado Ophthalmology Residents | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Swenson Abstract | Swenson Poster |
Michael Aaron Vrolijk | Teaching How to Care for Trans/Gender Non-Conforming Patients: It Is Easier Than You Think | Bioethics, Humanities, Arts, and Education | Vrolijk Abstract | Vrolijk Poster |
Elsa Alaswad | DTI Analysis: Tumor Impact on Language Related White Matter Tracts | Clinical Science | Alaswad Abstract | Alaswad Poster |
Jaclyn Anderson | Educational Case: Invasive Melanoma | Clinical Science | Anderson Abstract | Anderson Poster |
Dylan Bergstedt | Combinations of Autoantibodies Improve the Prediction of Timing of Onset of Future Rheumatoid Arthritis | Clinical Science | Bergstedt Abstract | Bergstedt Poster |
Jesus Adrian Cardenas | Is the effect of Early vs. Late tracheostomy on patient mortality and ICU length of stay overrated? A qualitative Narrative review of Randomized Controlled Trials | Clinical Science | Cardenas Abstract | Cardena Poster |
Nathan Clark | Urological Consultation in Patients with Renal Trauma can Decrease Rates of Nephrectomies | Clinical Science | Clark Abstract | Clark Poster |
Connor Fling | Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia During Treatment of Autoimmune Hepatitis with Oral Budesonide | Clinical Science | Fling Abstract | Fling Poster |
Kira Grush | The Association between Immediate Postpartum Etonogestrel Implants and Positive Postpartum Depression Screens in Adolescents and Young Adults | Clinical Science | Grush Abstract | Grush Poster |
Dustin Lamb | Rethinking the 48-Hour Rule-Out: Time to Positivity in Blood Cultures at a Pediatric Hospital | Clinical Science | Lamb Abstract | Lamb Poster |
Amrita Mahajan | Seasonal Trends in Operative Pediatric Supracondylar and Femur Fractures at a Pediatric Level 1 Trauma Center | Clinical Science | Mahajan Abstract | Mahajan Poster |
Christian Nicolosi | Patients with Lung Transplantation in Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation - A Descriptive Study | Clinical Science | Nicolosi Abstract | Nicolosi Poster |
Regan Pelloquin | Physical Function and Frailty Tools in Mortality Prediction of Middle-Aged Adults with HIV | Clinical Science | Pelloquin Abstract | Pelloquin Poster |
Adam Peszek | Termination of persistent atrial fibrillation by ablating sites that control large atrial areas | Clinical Science | Peszek Abstract | Peszek Poster |
Agnes Pham | Activated Platelet Transfusions Decrease Count Increment and Time to Next Transfusion for Hematology-Oncology Patients | Clinical Science | Pham Abstract | Pham Poster |
Jamie Pospishil | Stroke Alert Study: A Retrospective Evaluation of Stroke Alert Activations and Outcomes at the University of Colorado Hospital | Clinical Science | Pospishil Abstract | Pospishil Poster |
Laylaa Ramos Arriaza | Sex Specific Quality of Life Differences in Chronic Rhinosinusitis | Clinical Science | Ramos Arriaza Abstract | Ramos Arriaza Poster |
Rosalyn Savoie | Does Pregnancy Lead to the Development of Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibodies? | Clinical Science | Savoie Abstract | Savoie Poster |
Delia Shash | "Should We Have Called A Code White?": A Quality Improvement Project Evaluating the Code White Protocol and the Provider's Utilization | Clinical Science | Shash Abstract | Shash Poster |
Matthew Spear | One-Year Outcomes in Children with Critical Neurological Illness and Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation: Hospital Readmission and New-Onset Epilepsy | Clinical Science | Spear Abstract | Spear Poster |
Dylan Therwhanger | Are outcomes in patients with presumed head injuries that undergo RSI impacted by institutional practices and medication choices | Clinical Science | Therwhanger Abstract | Therwhanger Poster |
Katherine Turner | Implementing a Diagnostic Error Trigger Tool in Pediatric Emergency Departments and Urgent Care Sites | Clinical Science | Turner, Abstract | Turner Poster |
Hannah Imlay | Acute Stress Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Outpatient Burn Population | Clinical Science | Imlay Abstract | Imlay Poster |
Gabriel Yepes | Adolescent male substance use disorder and the “with limited prosocial emotions” specifier: brain activation during decision associated with increasing other harm and self-benefit | Clinical Science | Yepes Abstract | Yepes Poster |
Anastasiya Ponomaryova | Making the Medicine Health Services Unit the Best Unit Possible: The Ins and Outs of Patient Discharge | Clinical Science | Ponomaryova Abstract | Ponomaryova Poster |
Kaitlyn Brunworth | Selection of trainees for global health electives: a literature review | Global Health | Brunworth Abstract | Brunworth Poster |
Mark Farchione | Overview and History of Medical Education in Germany, France, United Kingdom, and the United States | Global Health | Farchione Abstract | Farchione Poster |
Matthew Masur | Quality improvement of data collection and utilization of health information from Dhulikhel Hospital Outreach Centers | Global Health | Masure Abstract | Masur Poster |
Corey Walsh | Qualitative Definitions of LGBTQIA+ Inclusivity in the Colorado Healthcare Environment | Public Health and Epidemiology | Walsh Abstract | Walsh Poster |
Zach Blea | Antibiotic Prescribing Patterns for Sinusitis Within a Direct-to-Consumer Virtual Urgent Care | Public Health and Epidemiology | Blea Abstract | Blea Poster |
Kunal Doshi | Drought and Its Effect on Infectious Disease | Public Health and Epidemiology | Doshi Abstract | Doshi Poster |
Madeline Huey | Community Partners' Experiences Collaborating with Medical Students via Longitudinal Service-Learning: A Qualitative Exploratory Study | Public Health and Epidemiology | Huey Abstract | Huey Poster |
Mary Hutton | Improving Wikipedia Skin Disease Content | Public Health and Epidemiology | Hutton Abstract | Hutton Poster |
Lakshmipriya Karamsetty | The Rise of Mental Health Illnesses due to Economic Recessions. The Need for Collaboration between professionals within Mental Health & Economics | Public Health and EpidemPublic Health and Epidemiologyiology | Karamsetty Abstract | Karamsetty Poster |
Benjamin Fuller | A Community Based Participatory Research Initiative Addressing Alcohol Use in the Refugee Population from Burma | Public Health and Epidemiology | Fuller Abstract | Fuller Poster |
Bryn Launer | The rising worldwide impact of benign prostatic hyperplasia | Public Health and Epidemiology | Launer Abstract | Launer Poster |
Colton Leavitt | Interferon Gamma-Induced Protein 10 (IP-10) and Cardiovascular Disease in African Americans | Public Health and Epidemiology | Leavitt Abstract | Leavitt Poster |
Mackenzie Garcia | Assessing Identity-Based Bias in Problem-Based Learning Curriculum Through a Community Lens | Public Health and Epidemiology | Garcia Abstract | Garcia Poster |
Sara Muramoto | A Research Journey with a Hospital-based violence intervention program (HVIP) | Public Health and Epidemiology | Muramoto Abstract | Muramoto Poster |
David Sabio | Feasibility of Iron Ingot use in a Resource-Limited Caribbean community: findings from a survey to guide anemia prevention | Public Health and Epidemiology | Sabio Abstract | Sabio Poster |
Lillian Svete | Differential expression of fetal miRNAs in response to obesogenic pregnancy | Basic Biomedical Science | Svete Abstract | Svete Poster |
We would like to congratulate the following graduating medical students and their mentors for the following awards:
We would also like to congratulate the award winners below that were selected as top projects by peer students.
Phase I MSA Awards Student Choice Awards
Phase IV Student Choice Awards
Student projects were chosen as top awards based on the combination of a poster, oral presentation and project relevance.
MSA Course Director:
Thematic Areas and Associate Directors:
Global Health:
Program Coordinator:
CU Anschutz
Fitzsimons Building
13001 East 17th Place
Campus Box C290
Aurora, CO 80045