Professionalism Code of Conduct
Professionalism Code of Conduct
Teacher-Learner Agreement
Faculty Promise
Organization | When to go | What they do | How to access |
Ombuds | Need a neutral third party to discuss a work-related issue | Help identify and sort out options; Recommend and coach you on how to approach conflict; Act as mediators between colleagues | Call: (303) 724-2950 Contact them: https://www.ucdenver.edu /offices/ombudsoffice/contact-us |
Office of Equity | Report incidents sexual misconduct or discrimination (Title IX) or discrimination or harassment because due to protected class. | Stop, prevent, and remedy discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and any related retaliation; design policies and procedures to make our campus safer and more inclusive | Call: (303) 315-2567 Email: equity@ucdenver.edu https://www.ucdenver.edu /offices/equity |
AMC Human Resources | Questions related to employment, employee relations and performance. | Help you with employee relations and performance concerns; Interpret policy & procedure. | Call: (303-315-2700) Email: human.resources@cuanschutz.edu |
Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Compliance | Need an accommodation as a qualified individual with a disability. | Assist with obtaining an accommodation in the workplace or learning environment. | Email: HR.ADACoordinator@ucdenver.edu |
Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Community Engagement | Campus resource that addresses social injustices or health inequity. | Provide education and training to promote an inclusive campus community; review and investigates incidents of bias. | Call: (303) 315-2567 Email: odeice@cuanschutz.edu |
SOM Office of Diversity & Inclusion | Any questions related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, including resources, trainings, and cultural events. | Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within SOM. | ODI: Associate Dean Amira del Pino-Jones; Director Email: Amira.Delpino-Jones@CUAnschutz.edu |
AMC Office of Regulatory Compliance (ORC) | Want information on current university policies, links to related laws and regulations. | Provide guidance related to conflict of interest, HIPPA Privacy and Compliance, and research integrity. | Call: (303) 724-1010 https://research.cuanschutz.edu/regulatory-compliance |
CU EthicsLine | Report a violation of code of ethics or applicable laws, regulations, and policies. | Report anonymous concerns involving fiscal misconduct by University employees, violations of state or federal law, serious or recurring violations of University policy, or gross waste of University funds or property. | Call: 800-677-5590 https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain /media/en/gui/14973/index.html |