Academy of Medical Educators

Academy Membership

Join the Academy of Medical Educators to participate in community building, unlock exclusive academic resources, participate in educational and service opportunities, and more. Explore all that a membership has to offer by clicking on the icons below.

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Learn more about our annual Membership Induction Ceremony

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Benefits of Academy Membership

Why apply for a membership? Explore the many benefits of joining our esteemed Academy below!

Community Building

Connect with other educators to facilitate shared learning, collaboration, mentoring, and networking.

Academic Resources

Gain priority, grant funding, and other resources, as well as early access to a variety of professional development programmingincluding ScEI Club, Education Grand Rounds, Annual Education & Innovation Symposium, and invited speakers.

Educational Opportunities

Invest in the future and contribute to programming via teaching, moderating panels, leading workshops, and mentoring others.


Nominate others and apply for medical education recognition awards.

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