Rymer Medical Education Research Grant

Academy of Medical Educators

Rymer Innovation Awards

The Rymer Innovation Awards are bestowed by the Academy of Medical Educators to increase the value of the University of Colorado School of Medicine educational programs, contribute to the education science literature, and advance the academic careers of CU SOM educators. 

Projects may focus on any aspect related to the education of learners in the School of Medicine (medical students, physical therapy students, residents, fellows) or the development/experience of faculty engaged in education. The review committee will consider all forms of education scholarship, including rigorous evaluations of education interventions and curricular reforms, validity studies, meta-analyses, survey research, and systematic reviews. There are no restrictions on topics. However, the review committee is particularly interested in projects related to innovative approaches to instructional design, education technologies, faculty development, learner assessment, and learner well-being, diversity, equity, inclusion, and sense of belonging. 

*Projects not related to health sciences education research will not be considered. Ineligible projects include evaluations of patient education activities, clinical research not related to education, clinical quality improvement, and basic science research.



Application Process Opens Soon!




Available funds will vary depending on the Endowment. Please check back for updates.


Any SOM faculty with an academic rank of instructor or higher are eligible to apply for this grant. Members of the Academy of Medical Educators will be given preferred status. Only one application per person is allowed. Students, residents, and fellows are not eligible to apply but may be members of the project team.


Bi-annual progress reports will be expected for all awards. A final progress report will be due at the end of the funding period.  All awardees are expected to present their work at the annual Medical Education Symposium and acknowledge the generosity of the Rymer Family for making these awards possible.


Applications open soon.

Rymer Award Detailed Instructions

All applications must be submitted using the online application form. Research Proposals must not exceed 5 pages, not including letters of support or letters of reference. View the dropdown menu below to learn more about the application process and materials.

Applications focused on curricular innovations should have a clear tie-in to existing curriculum and/or buy-in from the curriculum leader such as a block director, clerkship block director, residency program, etc, and build on previous work published in the field.  Applications focused on using existing CU SOM data, such as evaluation of students, should have demonstrated support from the owner of the data.


Previous Awardees

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