Academy Membership


Please note that applications will open on April 30, 2025, and will close on May 31, 2025.

We've customized the membership entry process to allow you to choose the track and level that best aligns with your career aspirations. Explore the tracks and levels below to find the one that best suits you!

Benefits of Membership

Community Building

Connect with other educators in shared learning, collaboration, mentoring, and networking

Academic Resources

Gain priority, grant funding, and other resources, as well as early access to a variety of professional development programmingincluding ScEI Club, Education Grand Rounds, Annual Education & Innovation Symposium, and invited speakers.

Educational Opportunities

Invest in the future and contribute to programming via teaching, moderating panels, leading workshops, and mentoring others.


Nominate others and apply for a medical education recognition awards

Seven Steps to Apply

Step 1: Review Eligibility

Membership is both based on your time spent honing your skills in an education role and demonstration of excellence within that role. Anyone within the institution with an academic appointment may apply. 


Step 2: Document your Development as a Clinician Educator

A minimum of 15 hours over the past three years of developing yourself or others as an educator is required. Please review the list of eligible and ineligible activities. Then, download and fill out the template documenting your hours. You will need to upload this template with your application.


Step 3: Select a Track

While you may excel in multiple tracks, you are only permitted to apply for one track each year. Please choose the track that you feel the closest affinity to for your career goals from Teaching, Curriculum Development & Instructional Design, and Educational Leadership. Learn more below!

Three Tracks

Select the track that best aligns with your roles and experiences.



  • Participate in program teaching and deliver educational content regularly
  • Guide colleagues in education and nurture their growth
  • Enhance education by contributing to scholarly work on teaching
  • Share insights at regional and national events
  • Demonstrate innovative teaching methods for wider adoption

Curriculum Development & Instructional Design

  • Create educational materials or assessments utilized by external institutions
  • Serve as an examiner or item writer for national boards and exams
  • Engage in instructional design
  • Conduct workshops on curriculum materials and instructional design
  • Contribute to scholarship and mentorship related to curriculum, assessment, and simulation development

Educational Leadership

  • Assume leadership roles within accrediting or certifying bodies
  • Step into senior leadership positions such as Assistant Dean, Associate Dean, Chair of the Education Committee, Vice Chancellor of Education, or Program Director
  • Take on visiting professorships related to education
  • Serve as an editor for an educational journal


Step 4: Select a Level

Keeping your track in mind, choose from four distinct levels: Associate, Fellow, Senior Fellow, and Legacy. Review the criteria required to demonstrate your excellence and determine which one best aligns with your current career stage. View more details below!

Four Levels


This level is for faculty members who dedicate a significant portion of their time to educational endeavors as their primary academic pursuit. Educational activities encompass various roles such as didactic teaching for students, residents, and fellows, clinical teaching and mentorship, and assuming leadership positions in administrative teaching roles.


This level is for faculty members who have cultivated a strong reputation within their local academic community as exemplary educators. Their dedication to teaching excellence, mentorship, and curriculum enhancement has earned them widespread recognition and admiration among peers, students, and administrators within their institution or vicinity.

Senior Fellow

This level is suitable for faculty members with a robust regional, and frequently national, standing as an independent leader in education. They are recognized for developing innovative teaching methods, curricula, educational policies, or assessment tools for conducting influential research in education.


This level is suited for faculty who possess a consistent national, and sometimes internal, recognition as a leader and innovator in education. They are regarded as top-tier professionals in the nation for their contributions to educational methods, curricula, policies, assessments, or research.

Step 5: Document your Accomplishments as a Clinician Educator

For each selected track and level, applicants are required to submit documentation that corresponds appropriately. Please refer to the different combinations of tracks and levels below to determine the specific documentation needed. While there may be multiple ways to document accomplishments in most levels, you only need to submit one for the application process.

Tracks & Level

Step 6: Submit your Application

Congratulations! You've selected your track and level and are prepared to submit your documentation gathered in Steps #2 and #5. Click the button below to apply today!

Step 7: Await Review & Acceptance

After submission of your application it will be reviewed by a committee, and you will be notified. New members will be invited to our annual induction ceremony!


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