With compassion, equity, and support, our goal is to promote value-driven behavior in the workplace through tiered, standardized restorative action plans.
The Office for Faculty Relations (OFR) receives allegations of unprofessional behavior or conduct through a variety of channels. OFR examines and manages all allegations, interprets policy, maintains a record of precedent, and ensures that the level assigned, and the performance improvement action, is appropriate.
Level | Action |
Level 1 |
Level 2 >1 incident | Level 1 action plus:
Conduct acknowledged by respondent - Conduct & Values Commitment
Conduct refuted by respondent
Level 3
| Level 1 action plus:
Conduct acknowledged by respondent - Conduct & Values Contract
Conduct refuted by respondent
Level 4 No change in behavior | Level 3 action plus, if conduct acknowledged/confirmed:
Data |