This program is a year-long part-time fellowship for women faculty dedicated to developing the professional and personal skills required to lead and manage in the academic medical center environment.
The School of Medicine Dean’s Office will support one candidate to attend ELAM. To identify the nominee, CU faculty alumnae of the program (ELUMs) carry out the first phase and review applications from internal candidates. One application is finally selected and presented to the Dean for their consideration and final approval.
The Offices for the Faculty Experience will solicit applications for our School of Medicine’s nominee for the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Fellowship. Registration and travel will be funded by the OFD. This esteemed program is a year-long part-time fellowship for women faculty dedicated to developing the professional and personal skills required to lead and manage in the academic medical center environment.
Applicants must have held the rank of associate professor at CU for at least five years and have experience in personnel and budget management. The most competitive applicants are those who hold major leadership roles within the school and have engaged in prior leadership development programs, locally or nationally.
The external application process opens on September 1. With this time frame in mind, a call for applications is sent late summer. The application package must include the following materials:
- current CV;
- a letter from the applicant to the committee stating the reasons she would be a good ELAM participant and her qualifications for this opportunity, including a discussion of why this program would benefit the applicant and the institution; and
- a letter of endorsement and support from her department chair. The successful candidate must have the support of her chair in terms of being given the appropriate time to carry out the work required for ELAM.
The ELAM Fellowship is an extraordinary opportunity for the right candidate. The University of Colorado is proud to have been represented in fellowship classes since 1999. Potential nominees should review the information about the application process and review ELAM’s criteria for the ideal candidate at this webpage.
Jennifer Adams, MD
Marsha S.Anderson, MD (2014)
Leslie Appiah, MD
Maryam Asgari, MD, MPH
Laura Borgelt, PharmD, MBA (2017)
Cathy Bradley, PhD
Suzanne Brandenburg, MD (2018)
Brenda Bucklin, MD (2010)
Evalina Burger, MMed, BMedSci, BM (2012)
Colleen Conry, MD (2003)
Robin R. Deterding, MD (2009)
Liselotte “Lotte” Dyrbye, MD, MHPE
Neill Epperson, MD (2015) University of Pennsylvania
Heide Ford, PhD
Laurie E. Gaspar, MD (1996) Wayne State University, (retired)
Melissa Haendel, PhD
Janine Higgins, PhD
Joanne M. Hilden, MD (2007) Case Western (retired)
Denise K. Kassebaum, DDS, MS (2003)
Elizabeth Kovacs, PhD (2010) Loyola University
Jean S. Kutner, MD, MSPH (2008)
Anne Libby, PhD (2019)
Lela A. Lee, MD (2001)
Lilly Marks (ELAM Faculty; not an alumna of the Fellowship program)
Myra Muramota, MD, MPH
Kristen Nadeau, MD
Ann-Christine Nyquist, MD, MSPH (2011)
Judy Regensteiner, PhD (2013)
Jane E. B. Reusch, MD (2012)
Angie Ribera, PhD (2017)
Carol Rumack, MD (1999)
Nanette F. Santoro, MD (2016)
Ann D. Thor, MD (2001)
Margaret Wierman, MD (2018)
Shanta Zimmer, MD (2014) University of Pittsburgh