Purpose: The purpose of the iTeach program is to provide feedback and recommendations to individuals engaged in medical education with the intent to improve skills and foster career development.
Brief Summary: Individual mentees will request a mentoring consultation from the University of Colorado School of Medicine Academy of Medical Educators. Upon request, the educator will be matched with a trained mentor with expertise in the style of teaching chosen (i.e., lecture, small group, bedside). A three-phase iTeach mentoring assessment would then be performed over the ensuing 6-8 weeks.
Phase I: Pre-Observation
- The mentor contacts the matched mentee to arrange a time for a pre-observation meeting, the direct observation and the post observation session.
- The mentee completes a survey instrument, including structured self-reflection.
- The mentor and mentee meet to review expectations and self-reflections, including:
- Expectations and goals of the consultation
- Expectations and goals of the mentee
- The mentee’s self-perceptions of their teaching ability (review of recent teaching evaluations)
- Strengths and weaknesses
- Areas of desired help/improvement
- Remind the mentee that the coaching is confidential
- Discuss how mentor will be introduced in the “classroom/teaching site,” i.e. “The observer is here as part of faculty development”
- Self-reflection (structured)
Phase II: Direct Observation
An observation session will occur using one of three previously derived assessment instrument:
- Lecture Teaching Observation Feedback form
- Small Group Teaching Observation Feedback form
- Clinical Teaching Observation Feedback form
These instruments address both interpersonal and communication and teaching skills, as the two are significantly related.
During the observation, the mentor will strive to separate the content and/or clinical issues.
Phase III: Post Observation
- The mentor prepares a summary of the educators strengths, weaknesses and recommendations,
- The mentor and mentee will then meet to review the iTeach Observation.
- Six months after the assessment, the mentee’s teaching evaluations will be will be reviewed.
- A post assessment effectiveness survey will be performed.