48% Reduction in 1-year Mortality after Implementing Hip Fracture Protocol

Permanente Journal 2017


35% Fewer Complications in Pancreatic Surgery Patients


Sustaining Change: 5 Years Later Antibiotic Stewardship Project Maintains 26% Reduction in Use

Director's Welcome

Jeff GlasheenWelcome to the Institute for Healthcare Quality, Safety and Efficiency (IHQSE). Our overarching goal is to fundamentally improve the care we provide our patients.

Since our founding in 2012, we have experienced tremendous growth and expansion guided by our mission of creating a healthcare system that ensures every patient receives the highest quality of care while avoiding harm, minimizing inefficiencies and developing leaders in quality and safety.

The core foundation of IHQSE is our team. Comprised of dedicated and gifted faculty, our team not only teaches the fundamentals of leadership, how to initiate change, and how to improve healthcare outcomes but they also guide and inspire participants to become better leaders and more effective catalysts of sustainable change. Our formula for success combines expert training, intensive, tailored coaching and a deep catalog of successful projects to tap into.

I invite you to take advantage of our extensive opportunities to help you transform your healthcare delivery system.

Jeff Glasheen, MD
IHQSE Director

Faculty & Staff

Institute for Healthcare Quality, Safety and Efficiency (IHQSE)

CU Anschutz

Leprino Building

12401 E. 17th Avenue

Mail Stop L963

Aurora, CO 80045

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