Academy of Medical Educators




Education & Innovation Symposium 


April 30th In-Person & May 1st Virtual 

Anschutz Health Science Building





The Academy is committed to inspiring, developing, recognizing, and supporting our CU community.

The Academy of Medical Educators has brought together the CU community to share expertise, experiences, and innovations in medical education. The annual symposium provides a venue for the CU community to showcase and celebrate CU accomplishments. Join educators, researchers, and professionals from CU School of Medicine to learn about the latest developments in medical education. This annual conference is a chance to make connections, learn new approaches, and showcase your educational innovations!




Symposium Goals


Provide a forum to present and celebrate health professions education scholarship and innovation from the CU Anschutz community

Support development for those pursing scholarship in health professions education

Dialogue and engage the CU community in discussions about educational scholarship and innovation

Provide a space for educators to network and build collaborations


Keynote Speaker


Nicole J. Borges, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Medical Education | Edward Tulloh Krumm Professor of Medical Education | Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

Dr. Nicole J. Borges, PhDDr. Borges is Chair, Department of Medical Education at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine, and Edward Tulloh Krumm Professor of Medical Education. She has worked in medical education for over 25 years and has had a progressive administrative career at medical schools and academic health centers holding titles of Director of Medical Education Research, Assistant Dean of Medical Education Research and Evaluation, and Chief Education Officer, Research and Scholarship. In addition to her administrative roles, she is an active medical education researcher. Dr. Borges’ research interests include personality and medical specialty choice, physician career development, noncognitive factors contributing to student success, team-based learning, medical education, and health topics related to medical education. She reviews for numerous journals and is the author/co-author of over 95 peer-reviewed journal articles covering medical education, medical specialty choice, and career development.

Dr. Borges is currently past chair of AAMC Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) Medical Education Scholarship, Research and Evaluation (MESRE) having served as chair from 2022-2024. She is past president for the Society of Directors of Research in Medical Education (SDRME) and served as Member-At-Large for AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) from 2011-2014. She served as Chair for Medical Education Scholarship, Research and Evaluation (MESRE) for the AAMC Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA) from 2015-2017 and SGEA Chair from 2018-2019. Dr. Borges served as a steering committee member of the AAMC Medical Education Research Certificate Program (MERC) from 2017-2020. She was a member of the AAMC Careers in Medicine Advisory Committee (2013-2016). Dr. Borges also served as public member on the Council on Education for the American Veterinary Medical Association. In recognition of her work with faculty at the Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine, she received the Faculty Mentor Award in 2009. She is the 2009 recipient of the Joan F. Giambalvo Memorial Scholarship Award sponsored by the American Medical Association Foundation and the American Medical Association Women Physicians Congress. Dr. Borges is the 2024 recipient of the Merrell Flair Award from the Association of American Medical Colleges Group on Educational Affairs.

Dr. Borges is trained as a health psychologist. She is past chair for the Health Psychology Section of the Society of Counseling Psychology, American Psychological Association. Dr. Borges is a Fellow, Society of Counseling Psychology, American Psychological Association.



Submission Information


Who can present: Students, Trainees, Faculty, and Staff

What can you present: Innovations in education across learner groups and topics. Projects of all stages of development are encouraged, including initial design, works in progress, and fully completed. Work disseminated elsewhere vis presentation or publication within the last year are also welcomed.

You can submit your innovations in one of the following three categories:

  1. Abstracts
  2. Panel Presentation
  3. Workshops

Here is a brief description for those who are not familiar with the categories.

Workshop: Hands-on group sessions intended to demonstrate discuss an emerging or hot topic. 

Abstracts: Oral or poster presentation that provides an overview of a singular project. These can include works in progress or completed project.

Panels: Panels bring together groups of individuals to provide distinct perspectives on hot topics or issues within medical education.

Any of these categories can pertain to the following topics: 

  • Methods for teaching in the classroom, hospital, clinic, community, or virtual settings. 
  • New educational programs and curricula
  • Strategies and tools to for learner assessment and program evaluation
  • Strategies to promote diversity and inclusion in educational programs and clinical settings
  • Innovations in morale, wellness, and engagement





Submission Materials

Open October 1st, 2024 - Dec 15th, 2024

The following information will be needed when submitting the form: 

  • Name
  • Email
  • School & Department
  • Any Co-Authors/emails
  • Degrees (Yours and your Co-Authors)
  • Presentation type (Abstract, Panel Discussion, Workshop)
  • Title, Category
  • 500-word limit on proposal, preferred presentation format (online or in person)

 Submissions notifications will be distributed in January 2025.