GHT Application Process 

Eighteen MS1 students and two CHA/PA students per year will be selected through a formal admissions process for the Global Health Track (GHT) per year. The GHT is best suited for highly motivated, adventurous students who have demonstrated leadership skills, adaptability to new situations, and superior critical thinking skills. Students with experience working with other cultures and with a well-conceived, thoughtful plan for incorporating global health into future career endeavors are preferred. However, it is NOT necessary to have ANY global health or travel experience for admission to the track.

First-year medical students interested in applying to the GHT must complete the following:

  • Register for and pass IDPT 5200: Introduction to Global Health. Students may register during the open enrollment period in late August.
  • Submit a completed application form and curriculum vitae. Applications are currently closed for AY2425.

Future Students

We invite you to explore our website in order to learn more about our program. Please review our curriculum, international and local projects , funding opportunities, commitment to student involvement, and frequent educational events!

Global Health Track Class of 2024

Global Health Track Class of 2024

Become a part of the GHT Steering Committee!

Who is eligible to join?
The GHT Steering Committee is made up of 2-3 individuals from every class. Only medical students and CHA/PA students are eligible to apply.

How do I apply?
Write approximately 1-page letter of intent answering the following:

  1. Why would you like to be on the GHT Steering Committee?
  2. What are some ideas that you would bring to the GHT?
  3. What direction would you like to see the GHT go in the

Send letter of intent to

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