Student and Resident Groups

American Medical Women's Association (AMWA)

amwa logoAMWA is a national organization that was created in 1915 to advance women in medicine, advocate for equity, and ensure excellence in health care. It is comprised of physicians, residents, medical students, pre-medical students, health care professionals, and supporters. In 2019 a chapter was created at CUSOM in order to support this mission on our campus. Our goal is to help foster an environment where women on our campus achieve equity in their profession and are allowed to realize their full potential. We also strive to empower women in our community through service, advocacy, and mentorship. If you are interested in joining our club, please contact one of the leadership team members.

Leadership Team:

Asian Pacific American Medical Association

group of four standing behind a tableAPAMSA, founded in 1955, is the nation's largest organization representing Asian Pacific Islander American medical students. It is a student-governed organization that promotes awareness and advocacy affecting the APIA community. The Colorado chapter was initiated in 2018 to bring the minority students on campus together across professional schools as there is a need to unify voices of Asian Pacific Islander students on campus. APAMSA is an inter-professional organization open to all health professional students at CU. The efforts of APAMSA are first, to establish unity and a voice for the minority Asian community on the Anschutz Campus, and second, to bring greater awareness to issues concerning APIA populations around Colorado. Our future plans focus on these two efforts while also providing opportunities to celebrate and share our cultures. 


The Association of Native American Medical Students (ANAMS)


The Association of Native American Medical Students (ANAMS) is an international non-profit organization that represents U.S. and Canadian Indigenous students within the Allied Health Professions spheres, including Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Veterinary, Optometry, Podiatry, and Public Health. It promotes interprofessional collaboration and community of Indigenous students along with a focus on advancing Indigenous healthcare by supporting Native American medical students and those in other health professions with resources and network opportunities across the country. The Colorado chapter was formed in 2022 to strengthen, empower, and encourage an Indigenous presence on the Anschutz Medical Campus. The Colorado chapter hosts physician panels, volunteer opportunities, engagement with Indigenous medicine, workshops, and enrichment activities like art/literature/film/cultural discussions; the chapter also engages with curriculum reform within the SOM and Tribal Colleges & Universities outreach. While the community of the organization is largely comprised of Native American students, we encourage anyone with an interest in Indigenous healthcare to join! 

For further inquiries, please contact the 2024-2025 leadership team:

First Up- @CUSOMFirstUP  

Group photo of FirstupThe mission of First Up is to promote the wellbeing and achievement of first-generation students at CUSOM. We seek to foster a community of students with shared experiences and a passion for healthcare. This becomes the basis for mutual support and creates a sense of belonging within the School of Medicine.  Our program embraces physician mentorship that values early, active, and one-on-one outreach to disadvantaged or underrepresented first-generation students. In addition, we host panels, workshops, and lectures that anticipate questions mentees might not think to ask and empower participants to have a voice in programming needs. We aim to provide an additional foundational layer of support for first-generation health sciences students by providing programming, knowledge, and skills that assist in eliminating barriers to success for students while in medical school and after graduation. We created these videos from the student perspective and the faculty perspective to help explain our role in supporting first-year, first-generation students.

If you’d like more information you can the leadership team at:

The Latinx Medical Student Association (LMSA) 

group shot of members of LMSA 2021The Latino Medical Student Association is a national non-profit organization. Our mission is to unite and empower current and future physicians through service, mentorship, and education to advocate for the improved health of the Latinx community and other marginalized communities in the United States. 

Although this is primarily a medical student Latinx organization, we welcome students across all identities and disciplines to join our community and be involved. 

We envision a world in which improved health outcomes for all patients arise because of:  

  • Increased representation and support of healthcare professionals from backgrounds underrepresented among the medical workforce; 
  • Increased awareness of critical issues affecting the health of the Hispanic, Latina/o/x, and other marginalized communities; and 
  • Increased efforts to reduce disparities in the ways patients of color experience the American healthcare system. 

For more information feel free to contact us:  

The Medical Student Pride Alliance (MSPA)

MSPA members holding pride flags on the Boettcher Commons lawn on campusThe Medical Student Pride Alliance is an activist and social organization committed to empowering sexual and gender minority medical students and allies, increasing the number of physicians trained in LGBTQ-inclusive healthcare, and addressing the unique needs of LGBTQ+ communities through research, advocacy, and service.

If you would like to learn more, please contact us:

Society for the advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

SACNAS members in research quad on Anschutz Medical CampusOur mission is to further the work of and promote the recruitment and retention of Chicanos, Latinos, Native Americans, and other underrepresented minority groups in STEM at CU Anschutz.  

We are dedicated to fostering a community and an environment where students of all science disciplines can come together to build a support system by socializing and meeting new people. We also do outreach within our Denver and Aurora communities. Importantly, SACNAS is part of a national organization, and we can help connect you with other scientists or professionals involved in diversity, equity, and inclusion. We welcome everyone of all different backgrounds, science disciplines, and positions within the university (staff, faculty and any students or scholars).


Student National Medical Association @CUSOMSNMA 

Group shot of SNMAStudent National Medical Association is committed to supporting current and future underrepresented minority medical students, addressing the needs of underserved communities, and increasing the number of clinically excellent, culturally competent and socially conscious physicians.   
SNMA chapters are based at allopathic and osteopathic medical schools throughout the nation. Some colleges, implement our programs and activities locally. SNMA programs are designed to serve the health needs of underserved communities and communities of color. In addition, SNMA is dedicated both to ensuring that medical education and services are culturally sensitive to the needs of diverse populations and to increasing the number of African-American, Latino, and other students of color entering and completing medical school. 

Contact us:

White Coats 4 Black Lives (WC4BL) 

students holding signs on research quadWhite Coats for Black Lives is a national organization that works to dismantle racism in medicine and promote the health, well-being, and self-determination of Black and indigenous people, and other people of color. At the University of Colorado School of Medicine, we strive to embody a culture of inclusion; working closely with both students and faculty members to facilitate a sense of community, while educating those about the empowerment of Black and African Americans in our society. Our endeavors include improving the number of underrepresented minorities in medicine, ensuring equitable representation for healthcare employees, and ensuring equitable care for our patients.  

Groups are open to everyone and we invite anyone who is interested in advancing the mission(s) of a group to join.

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