NIH Gap Funding Program

This program is not intended to address shifting NIH funding priorities nor the potential impact of changes in institutional ICR.

Funding will be awarded to support NIH-sponsored programs that have undergone peer review and have received fundable priority scores (based on clearly exceeding the historic institute paylines [usually by half] or by written confirmation from NIH) and when funding is delayed by NIH. Internal funding will be time limited (up to 6 months) in order to compensate for delays in federal approval and the release of funds.

Priority will be given to large Center, Multi-PI, Program Project grants, Training grants, and to early career investigator awards, including T32 awards, F awards, K awards, and ESI RO1 awards. Renewal RO1 type awards where funding gaps might result in jeopardized staff or trainee support or loss of a valuable reagent (such as a bioengineered mouse colony) will also be prioritized. For training grants, personnel to whom support has been committed will be prioritized, but potential (unfilled) positions will not be funded.

Funding to sustain federally supported clinical trials will be considered with priority given to supporting jeopardized personnel and maintaining patient enrollment, provided that an argument can be made that a brief pause in recruitment would jeopardize the overall project viability.

New R01 grants from established investigators whose funding is delayed will not be prioritized.

Support will be prorated and will likely be in the order of 50% of the total direct costs of the grant and focused on salary support (especially for trainees) and other elements that if not supported would significantly jeopardize program viability.

The expectation is that awardees will commit their personal reserves and start-up funds before asking for supplemental funding.

Process for applying for support

  • Only applicants whose proposals align with the principles outlined above should apply.
  • Applicants will be required to submit a brief cover letter indicating their grant status (priority score and pay line), a best estimate as to when funds should be and will be released, the budget pages of the grant and a list of vulnerable personnel and other grant related expenses that are essential to maintaining the viability of the research effort. A short letter from the Department Chair or Unit leader should also be submitted confirming the need and also testifying that available reserves/start-up funds have been used.
    • Please be sure to combine your cover letter and your Chair’s support letter into one PDF document prior to submittal.
  • Applications will be entertained monthly, starting on April 1, 2025 and continuing through August 31, 2025, assuming the NIH funds flow policy remains stalled. Applications will be reviewed by a standing SOM committee within 2 weeks of submission and funds will be released immediately thereafter.
  • Applications should be submitted using THIS link.
  • Since the pool of money available to fill these gaps is finite, the expectation is that once federal funding is restored, any unencumbered internal funds will be returned.
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