Dear colleague:
Ed Havranek, MD, who joined Denver Health as a staff cardiologist in 1991, has announced that he plans to retire as the director of service of medicine at the hospital. He has held that role since 2016 and he will be staying on until his successor is in place. Ed has had a productive and remarkable career. He was named Denver Health’s director of health services research in 2010, and director of the adult program of ACCORDS (Adult and Child Consortium for Outcomes Research and Delivery Science) at the School of Medicine in 2014. Denver Health Chief Medical Officer Connie Savor Price, MD, offered this tribute to Ed: “As a leader, he is loved for someone who ‘walks the talk.’ He still sees patients on the wards and in the clinic, and when help was needed on the general medicine wards during the COVID-19 pandemic, he was the first to step in to attend on the teaching service. He is a true frontline leader.” We join Connie in wishing Ed a happy retirement.
Sonia Flores, PhD, professor of medicine in the Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine, will receive the 2021 Unsung Heroine Award from the Latinas First Foundation at its luncheon on September 24. The award recognizes her commitment to the Latinx community.
The campus Office of Advancement last week announced that three new endowed chairs have been established in the Department of Radiology:
Lyda Ludeman and her family were honored on Monday, August 23, with a naming ceremony at the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center, where the Ludeman Family Center for Women’s Health Research is based. Lyda is a longtime supporter who has made substantial contributions to the center and our faculty. In May, the center announced its renaming in her honor. Chancellor Don Elliman, Center Director Judy Regensteiner, PhD, and I offered our thanks in remarks at the ceremony.
This summer, we’ve seen the number of COVID-19 cases increase at an alarming rate and the pace of new cases can take a toll on those who are providing the care. Marc Moss, MD, professor of medicine and head the Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine, described the demands put on our colleagues on the front lines in a news report in the Colorado Sun. “What people have done over the last 18 months has been heroic,” Marc said. “We thought we were over it, and we’re not. I think it’s going to be very difficult for people to continue at the pace that we’re on.” Marc’s concern is shared by many of us as we head into fall.
We must remain attentive to our own health as we face this relentless virus and the ceaseless demands for care. Ask others for help when you need it, take breaks to restore your focus and compassion, and guard against empathy fatigue. The Department of Psychiatry has resources for the CU Anschutz Medical Campus community, including a well-being support line at 303-724-2500, and support sessions at Support for clinicians is available too by contacting Rachel Davis, MD, associate professor of psychiatry, at
There will be no message next Monday, September 6, due to the Labor Day holiday.
Have a good week,
John J. Reilly, Jr., MD
Richard D. Krugman Endowed Chair
Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and
Dean, School of Medicine
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