Students and faculty in classroom watching a symposium presentation

AME Education & Innovation Symposium

May 1-2, 2024

The annual Academy of Medical Educators (AME) Education & Innovation Symposium is coming soon! Join educators, researchers, and professionals from CU School of Medicine to learn about the latest developments in medical education. This annual conference is a chance to make connections, learn new approaches, and showcase your educational innovations!

What is the Academy of Medical Educators Annual Education & Innovation Symposium?

Over the past two decades, the Academy of Medical Educators has brought together the CU community to share expertise, experiences, and innovations in medical education. The Academy is committed to inspiring, developing, recognizing, and supporting our CU community. The annual symposium provides a venue for the CU community to showcase and celebrate CU accomplishments. 

The Symposium Aims to:

  • Provide a forum to present and celebrate health professions education scholarship and innovation from the CU Anschutz community
  • Build the reputation of health professions education scholarship and innovation
  • Dialogue and engage the CU community in discussions about educational scholarship and innovation
  • Provide a space for educators to network and build collaborations

Dates: May 1st - 2nd In-Person and Virtual Event
Location: Strauss Health Sciences Library at Anschutz Medical Campus


Who can present: Students, Trainees, Faculty, and Staff
What can you present:
Innovations in education across learner groups and topics. Projects of all stages of development are encouraged, including initial design, works in progress, and fully completed. Work disseminated elsewhere via presentation or publication within the last year are also welcomed.
You can submit your innovations in one of the following three categories:

  1. Abstracts
  2. Panel Presentation
  3. Workshops 

Here is a brief description for those who are not familiar with the categories.
Workshop: Hands-on group sessions intended to demonstrate a novel approach or teach a new concept.
Panel: 3-4 individuals with unique perspectives or positions discuss an emerging or hot topic.
Abstract: Oral or poster presentation that provides an overview of a singular project. These can include works in progress or completed projects.

Any of these categories can pertain to the following topics:

  • Methods for teaching in the classroom, hospital, clinic, community, or virtual settings
  • New educational programs and curricula 
  • Strategies and tools to for learner assessment and program evaluation
  • Strategies to promote diversity and inclusion in educational programs and clinical settings
  • Innovations in morale, wellness, & engagement

Submission Information 

Submissions are closed, and the schedule will be coming soon!

The following information will be needed when submitting the form: 

Name, email, School & Department, any Co-Authors/emails, presentation type (Abstract, Panel Discussion, Workshop), Title, Category, 500-word limit on proposal, preferred presentation format (online or in person)

 Submissions will be reviewed in March and notifications distributed no later than April 1st, 2024. 

Keynote Speaker 

David A. Hirsh, MD, FACP, graduated summa cum laude in History from Dartmouth College, earned his MD from the University of Virginia, and completed residency at the University of Michigan. Dr. Hirsh is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He currently serves as an HMS Associate Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education and Director of the HMS Academy Medical Education Fellowship. He is the co-founder and Director of the Harvard’s Cambridge Integrated Clerkship—an academic longitudinal integrated clerkship (“LIC”). From 2018-2021, he served as the inaugural George E. Thibault Academy Associate Professor and the Director of the Harvard Medical School Academy.

Dr. Hirsh has received local, national, and international honors for his research, teaching, clinical practice, and public service. His scholarship and academic contributions span academic domains, including “educational continuity,” medical education transformation, medical school program design, longitudinal integrated clerkships, OSCEs, clinical skills training and assessment, East Asian constructs of professionalism, humanism in medicine, and the theories and sciences of learning. Dr. Hirsh directed and authored/co-authored the cases for HMS’s OSCE for 14 years and collaborated to create OSCEs for institutions and national exams. He co-founded the international Consortium of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships (CLIC) and serves as a visiting professor of education nationally and internationally. He is the co-editor of a book on educational transformation.

David Hirsh

David A. Hirsh, MD, FACP
Presenting on The Sciences of Learning: State of the Art

Clinically, Dr. Hirsh was the longest serving Medical Director of the City of Cambridge Healthcare for the Homeless Program, and he co-founded a community health center. He continues to practice in the Department of Medicine in the ObGyn Center at Cambridge Health Alliance, to mentor student and faculty research, and to teach students in all years of the HMS curriculum.

Oral and Poster Presentation Award Winners

May 1

Oral Presentation: Faculty Development 

Outcomes of a Pediatric Hospitalist Career Development Program Informed by Self-Determination Theory: A Qualitative Study by Nicolle Dyess, MD, MEd*

Oral Presentation: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Teach MEDisability: Changing How Disability is Taught in Medical School By Leah Crawford

Oral Presentation: Novel Curriculum & Innovation 1

Measuring Students' Cognitive Load in Virtual Reality: Utilizing Biometrics for Anatomy Education by Brandon Lowry

Poster Presentations

First Place
Exploring the Impact of Bias in Child Maltreatment Diagnosis, Reporting, and Child Welfare Involvement by Kelly Finnegan, MD

Second Place
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Medical Education: DEI at the Bedside by Tennyson Jellins, MS

Third Place
Introduction of an Active Learning Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physiology Curriculum for First Year Physician Assistant Students Amanda Miller, MPAP, PA-C

May 2

Oral Presentation: Career Development

Piloting a Reflection Session on Imposter Syndrome led by Near-Peers in Clerkship Year by Nikita Deng, BA

Oral Presentation: Novel Curriculum & Innovation 2

SNIPPETS: Using a Brief Case-based Method of Teaching to Help Alleviate the Transition from Medical School to Internship and Maximize Success By Marisa Echaniz, MD


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