Shari Barkin, MD, MSHS
Acting Professor and Chair,
Department of Pediatrics,
Emory University School of Medicine
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
The annual lectureship, which began in 1987, honors Joseph W. St. Geme, Jr., MD, former dean of the University of Colorado’s School of Medicine, who was a national leader in the areas of research, education, and patient care.
The Medical Student Award is given at the Lectureship to a deserving fourth-year medical student who has demonstrated outstanding research with a mentor and who is interested in a career in academic pediatrics.
The guest speaker spends two days on campus meeting with faculty and culminating in the lectureship.
Adam Kirton, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Professor, Dr. Robert Haslam Chair in Pediatric Neurology and Deputy Head (Research),
Department of Pediatrics
Professor of Radiology and Clinical Neurosciences
Director, Calgary Pediatric Stroke Program
Cumming School of Medicine
University of Calgary
The Abby Stoddard Lectureship and Visiting Professorship – an annual, two-day lectureship that began in 1993 – invites recognized experts to present and provide faculty physicians, residents, fellows, nurses and other healthcare providers throughout the Rocky Mountain Region an opportunity to observe and discuss the latest clinical cases in pediatric neurology, neuroradiology, childhood stroke, hematology, pediatric neuro-intensive care and rehabilitation.
Mary J. Hamel, MD
Medical Epidemiologist,
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Senior Malaria Advisor,
Presidents Malaria Initiative
The Jules Amer Lectureship focuses on community advocacy and global health. It is held on the first Friday in September and is sponsored by the Jules Amer Endowed Chair in Community Pediatrics and the Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine.
Paul H. Wise, MD, MPH
Richard E. Behrman, MD, Professor of Child Health and Society
Section of Neonatal and Developmental Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
Professor of Health Policy
Senior Fellow, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
Stanford University
Stephen Berman, MD, passed away in 2023. His wife, Elaine, began the process of establishing the Stephen Berman Lectureship and Visiting Professorship along with Bonnie Camp, MD, PhD, to honor his career and impact on a generation of learners. The lectureship at the University of Colorado and Denver Health was endowed by the Berman Family and Dr. Camp to follow Berman’s lead in promoting child advocacy for all children. They requested that the Departments of Pediatrics and Denver Health sponsor the event.
Michelle Macias, MD
Professor of Pediatrics
Director, Division of Child Development
Department of Pediatrics
College of Medicine
Medical University of South Carolina
Kate Gibbs, MD
Professor of Clinical Pediatrics,
Division of Neonatology and Newborn Services,
Department of Pediatrics,
Perelman School of Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania
Medical Director, Newborn and Infant Chronic Lung Disease Program,
Medical Director, Quality Improvement and Patient Safety,
Newborn/Infant Intensive Care Unit,
Division Patient Safety Officer,
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Dr. Lula Lubchenco was faculty in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado from 1943 to 1977. Although best known for her landmark description of the risk profile of variations in intrauterine growth by gestational age, Dr. Lu made contributions to regionalization of perinatal care, family-integrated care, inter-professional collaboration, and assessment of outcomes across the continuum from prenatal life to adulthood. Her research arose from the challenges she met as a clinician, and her scholarship continues to influence neonatal care around the world.
Binita M. Kamath, MBBChir, MRCP, MTR
Professor and Chief
Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
Department of Pediatrics
Perelman School of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
The Arnold Silverman, MD, Lectureship in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition honors Dr. Silverman and his national and internal influence by bringing a nationally-renowned physician-education-researcher in the field of pediatric GI, hepatology and nutrition for a two-day visit to Children’s Hospital Colorado and the University of Colorado to interact with students, house staff, fellows, faculty and caregivers from the community.
Pictured from left to right: Steve Daniels, Ron Sokol, Arnold Silverman, Conrad Cole, Dania Brigham, Glenn Furuta.
Theodorus “Olle” ten Cate, PhD
Emeritus Professor of Medical Education,
Ultrecht University, the Netherlands
Visiting Professor, University of California, San Francisco
Director, International Course Ins and Outs of Entrustable Professional Activities, UMC Ultrecht
Robbie Majzner, MD
Director, Pediatric and Young Adult Cancer Cell Therapy Program
Pediatric Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Dana-Farber/Boston Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Center
The Brent Eley Foundation Lectureship, in partnership with Brent's Place and Children's Hospital Colorado, is an annual program that hosts medical experts from around the country, encouraging shared knowledge and collaboration in service of advancing treatment outcomes for families facing a medical crisis.
Pictured: Brent Eley
This prestigious lectureship is sponsored by the Departments of Pediatrics and Psychiatry. It honors Dr. Conger, who was a pioneer in development and clinical psychology, and a child psychologist who had an enormous impact on child policy in the United
States. The guest speaker spends a two-day visit culminating in a lecture at Grand Rounds.
Bianca Jones Marlin, PhD
HHMI Freeman Hrabowski Scholar
Herbert and Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Cell Research
Department of Psychology, Department of Neuroscience
Principal Investigator at Columbia University
Zuckerman Institute
2024 Lectureship ProgramThe Gregor Stoddard Lectureship is funded by a generous gift from Janie and Rick Stoddard of Denver. The Stoddards have endowed multiple lectureships and Professorships at the Children’s hospital, and both the Section of Neonatology and the Department of Pediatrics have benefited from the wonderful speakers that have visited our campus over the years. Through these gifts and the resulting exchange of knowledge the Stoddards have improved the ability of pediatric care givers to provide world class care to children both here in Colorado and beyond.
Pictured, left to right: Gregor Stoddard, Bianca Jones Marlin, PhD and Rick Stoddard
Ayesha Zia, MD, MSCS
Associate Professor and Associate Vice Chair of Clinical Research,
Department of Pediatrics,
University of Texas Southwestern School of Medicine
Director, Hemostasis Thrombosis Program,
Hemophilia Treatment Center and Young Women's Blood Disorders Program
Associate Division Chief, Pediatric Hematology-Oncology
Children’s Health, Dallas, TX
The Taru Hays Symposium and Lectureship acknowledges the contribution and legacy of Emeritus Professor, Taru Hays, MD, to the Department of Pediatrics, the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, and the greater field of Pediatric Hematology. As an educator, Hays impacted the practice of many providers within Children’s Hospital and throughout the community and it is in recognition of this that we invite nationally impactful pediatric hematologists as celebrated guest professors.