Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Fellowship

Hem Onc


The goal of the Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Fellowship Program is to train fellows in the scientific and clinical aspects of the discipline, preparing them for a career in academic medicine. 

Paramount throughout training is the emphasis on excellence of clinical care for children with hematologic or malignant disorders and those requiring bone marrow transplantation. Emphasis is on the development of fellows in the physician-scientist model, for which there are numerous role models among the faculty. 

During the fellowship, each fellow is expected to acquire clinical expertise and the procedural skills required for diagnosis and treatment of Hematology-Oncology patients. Of equal importance, each fellow is expected to select a research mentor, and under the guidance of that individual to develop research skills, specifically learning the methods of careful, controlled scientific inquiry. The fellowship is designed as a three-year training program, with a clinical emphasis during the first year and a research emphasis in the latter two years. The fellowship is accredited by the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education.

Program Aims

  1. To prepare subspecialty pediatricians to provide patient-centered, comprehensive care for pediatric patients and families with particular focus on promoting patient safety and quality improvement and developing excellent communication skills.
  2. To provide outstanding opportunities in basic science, translational, clinical, educational, research and quality improvement methodology that prepare trainees for successful careers in academic pediatrics.
  3. To teach trainees strategies to maintain wellness (of self and others), to build resilience and to minimize burnout.
  4. To provide opportunities and resources for subspecialty pediatricians that better prepare them for future leadership roles in the health care community.
  5. To Equip trainees with tools and strategies to promote success in their roles as career-long, lifelong teachers.
  6. To build and maintain an infrastructure to recruit diverse fellows and provide an inclusive learning environment that promotes and celebrates differences.

Meet the Fellows...

Tour Children's Hospital Colorado...


Like many fellowship programs, the first year of your fellowship will focus predominantly on clinical training. This allows fellows to work in earnest on their research projects in their second and third years, with 80% protected time for this work.

First Year

The first year of fellowship training is primarily clinical. It consists of twelve 4-week rotations in four different areas (3 rotations in each): Inpatient Oncology, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Inpatient Hematology/Consult Service, and Outpatient Clinic. The year begins with a two-week Orientation to the subspecialty, and there is a two week “Winterlude” in February where fellows receive more in-depth exposure to topics related to our subspecialty such as blood banking, flow cytometry, solid tumor pathology, and hematopathology. Following is a fuller description for each rotation.

Goals and Objectives

  • Acquisition of a fundamental knowledge base in Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and BMT
  • Development of clinical skills in Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and BMT
  • Development of skills in interpreting basic laboratory tests pertinent to Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and BMT
  • Development of skills in preparing clinical presentations, discussions of cases, and case reports
  • Development of skills in process improvement
  • Initiation of research interests

Inpatient Oncology (3 months)

During this rotation, fellows:

  • Round daily with the inpatient multidisciplinary team and develop treatment plans for all patients under the guidance of the inpatient oncology service attending.
  • Coordinate the diagnostic work-ups for all new patients and communicate diagnostic and treatment plans with patients and families.
  • Develop a working knowledge of current treatment protocols for pediatric malignancies and become proficient at ordering and delivering chemotherapy safely.
  • Learn about ongoing research activities through the Children's Oncology Group (COG) and the Experimental Therapeutics Program and learn how to properly obtain patient/parental consent for participation on research protocols.

Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapies (3 months)

During this rotation, fellows:

  • Participate in the care of patients before, during, and after allogeneic and autologous BMTs as well as patients receiving cellular and gene therapies.
  • Round daily on the inpatient BMT/CT service and develop treatment plans for all patients under the guidance of the inpatient service attending.
  • Two weeks of the third BMT/CT month will be spent in the outpatient clinic. Fellows will also participate in BMT/CT consultations, learn about the indications for these therapies, donor selection, and long-term management. Fellows will assist in peripheral blood stem cell collection and bone marrow harvests.

Hematology/Consult Service (3 months)

During this rotation, fellows:

  • Care for patients with common and rare hematologic disorders and learn about the multidisciplinary approach to their management.
  • Round daily on the inpatient hematology service and develop treatment plans for all patients under the guidance of the hematology service attending.
  • Receive instruction in clinical laboratory techniques, such as interpretation of peripheral blood smears and bone marrow aspirates, coagulation studies, phagocyte function testing, hemoglobin electrophoresis for hemoglobinopathies, etc..
  • Act as the consultant for all inpatient consultations made to the hematology, oncology, and transplant services.

Outpatient Clinic (3 months)

Two of the outpatient clinic months are spent in the Hematology clinic and one month is spent in the Neuro-Oncology clinic.

  • Neuro-Oncology clinic month:
    • Participate in the diagnosis and management of patients with central nervous system tumors
    • Attend 1-2 multidisciplinary clinics for patients receiving care from additional teams including endocrinology, neurology, neurosurgery, psychology, and rehabilitation.
  • Hematology clinic months:
    • Time is divided between CCBD hematology and the Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center, attending the following clinics:
      • General hematology
      • General hemostasis and thrombosis
      • Bone marrow failure
      • Sickle cell
      • Immunohematology
      • Hemophilia
      • Pediatric stroke
      • Spots and Dots (hematology and GYN)
  • Spend a ½ day per week in the Procedure Clinic, practicing bone marrow aspirate/biopsy and lumbar puncture skills.
  • Spend time with our radiation oncologist and with our cancer genetics counselor to gain additional exposure to these critical areas related to our subspecialty.

Continuity Clinic

In addition to the above activities, fellows will spend ½ day/week in their Oncology Continuity Clinic where they see their own patients who are on treatment or have completed treatment for oncologic disorders.  Fellows will also care for new patients in consultation or patients coming to clinic for a sick visit. Fellows may also choose to follow hematology, neuro-oncology, or BMT/CT patients longitudinally during this time.


Fellows are granted a total of 4 weeks of paid vacation per post graduate year of training. Vacation includes leaves for education purposes. One week consists of 7 calendar daysEvery attempt should be made to distribute vacation time equally among the different clinical services.


The first-year fellows are on call on average one weeknight per week and one weekend per month. Estimated weekend call for 1st year fellows is 12 weekends.


Moonlighting is not permissible before April of the first year. After April 1st, fellows may moonlight provided they stay within duty hour regulations. Generally, that means that they cannot moonlight on Sunday through Thursday nights, since that would impact their ability work the following day.

Second and Third Years


Although research is the primary focus of these years, fellows continue to have clinical responsibilities ½ day per week:

  • For the first 6 months of the second year, fellows will continue their ½ day Oncology Continuity Clinic every week. During this time, they will also serve as "Doctor of the Day (DOD)" for walk-in sick oncology patients and new diagnoses during this clinic time.
  • Starting in January second year: Oncology Continuity Clinic with Doctor of the Day responsibilities will continue ½ day every other week
  • Fellows will rotate through three clinics every six months, which they will attend every other week, alternating with their Oncology Continuity Clinic. One of the 6-month blocks must be any Hematology Clinic. Others can be any non-General Oncology Clinic, chosen from the clinics listed above or customized to the fellow’s interests, ie. Ortho-oncology, survivorship or cancer predisposition. 


Fellows are expected to cover the inpatient clinical service responsibilities for the first-year fellows when they are away on vacation, during the first-year Winterlude,  and Orientation. Generally, this is 3-4 weeks of service per year.


Estimated weekend call for second-year fellows is 8 weekends over the course of the year and 7 weekends for third-year fellows. As upper years, fellows will also cover weekday call shifts for first year fellows on vacation.


Moonlighting on the inpatient hem/onc service and the BMT inpatient service is an available option. Fellows must maintain compliance with duty hour restrictions, accounting for any moonlighting in the calculation of duty hours.

Additional Clinical Training

Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Fellowship

Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant and Cellular Therapy Fellowship

Experimental Therapeutics Fellowship

Pediatric Hematology Fellowship

Research Training

We recognize that each fellow has unique academic and research interests, and empowering our fellows in their distinct pursuits is a priority of this program. Comprehensive scholarly training will provide each fellow with the skills they need to generate meaningful scholarly projects both during their fellowship and thereafter. We are fortunate to work alongside internationally recognized leaders in the fields of hematology, oncology, and BMT/CT, offering fellows tailored mentorship in every area in the field, no matter how niche. Our fellows are currently tackling projects in quality improvement, outcomes and disparities research, laboratory science, and translational research.


First year:

During the first year, fellows will begin to explore research opportunities and plan their research project for the final two years of their fellowship. This process begins at the Fall Research Conference, where fellows hear about ongoing research projects within the Section and discuss their research interests with members of the Section and visiting guests. Following the Fall Research Conference, fellows will meet with the program director, the associate program directors, the director of the CCBD research program, and the Section Head to identify research opportunities and potential mentors. Extra time will be provided during Winterlude to explore these options and choose a project. It is expected that a research mentor will be selected by April of the first year. Once a mentor is chosen, the fellow will begin to work with their mentor to develop the background for their project and will form their Scholarship Oversight Committee (SOC). Each fellow will present a brief overview of their proposed project and the members of their SOC at the Spring Research Symposium, usually held in April.


Second year:

Hem Research

During the second year, fellows begin work in earnest on their research projects, with 80% protected time for clinical or laboratory research. For those pursuing the laboratory research pathway, emphasis is placed on learning appropriate research techniques and experimental design by bench-side instruction, with the option of formal coursework for additional instruction as needed. Fellows may also pursue clinical research, with the option of pursuing a master’s degree in clinical science. All fellows are closely guided in their research projects by their research mentor and their Scholarship Oversight Committee.

Third year:

Hem research 3

During the third year, fellows will continue work on their research projects to generate a work product (first-author paper, favorably reviewed or accepted grant submission, thesis or dissertation, progress report for a complex project) that will meet the requirements for certification by the ABP upon completion of fellowship. Additional clinical experience will be provided as during Year Two. After successful completion of the training period, the participants will be prepared and eligible for certification in the Pediatric Sub-Board of Hematology-Oncology. 

Additional Research Opportunities:

Fellows are expected to present their research at departmental meetings throughout their second and third years to improve project design and guide future directions. This includes our CCBD Fall Research Retreat, Spring Symposium, and CCBD research update meetings. Additionally, we encourage fellows to attend meetings relevant to their interests, presenting if possible. Last year, fellows attended annual meetings for the American Society of Hematology, Children’s Oncology Group, American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Transplant and Cellular Therapy, Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer, and the International Symposium of Late Complications of Childhood Cancer. Funding is provided to support fellows to attend these meetings.

Protected educational conferences and events:

  • Orientation: (First year only) Two weeks of preparation for your inpatient rotations at the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders including basic training on communication and resources within the division as well as teaching on emergencies, prescribing chemotherapy, and the basics of call.
  • Winterlude: (First year only) Two weeks of in-depth exposure to topics related to our subspecialty such as blood banking, flow cytometry, solid tumor pathology, and hematopathology.
  • Fellow education on Thursday mornings from 8-9am
  • Professor rounds on Friday Mornings from 8-9

Educational conferences fellows are encouraged to attend:

  • Monday 12:30-1pm: Neuro-oncology relapse conference
  • Monday 3pm: BMT inpatient conference
  • Tuesday 8:00am: BMT pipeline meeting with teaching
  • Tuesday 11:30am: Solid tumor multidisciplinary conference
  • Wednesday 8:00am: Liquid tumor meeting
  • Wednesday 12:00pm: CCBD Noon research conference
  • Thursday 12:00pm: Hematology or Coagulation conference, alternating weeks

Additional Learning Opportunities:

Subspecialty Excellence in Educational Leadership & Scholarship (SEELS) Program :

  • The University of Colorado Department of Pediatrics is proud to offer the Subspecialty Excellence in Educational Leadership & Scholarship (SEELS) Program for subspecialty pediatric fellows committed to an academic career in medical education.
  • The SEELS program guides fellows through an 18-month program that provides research mentorship, coaching, and instruction.
  • The overall  goal of SEELS is to equip these fellows with the necessary knowledge/skills/attitudes for success as future medical educators through educational scholarship and professional identity development, faculty and peer mentorship, and engaging in an educational community of practice

    Pediatric Fellowship Educational Series

  • This educational series has been developed by the Committee on Fellowship Education to address areas  of scholarly interest common to all pediatric fellows. Nearly 100 sub-specialized physicians in training will attend 5-6 half-day seminars spread across their 3 years of fellowship.
  • Attendance is mandatory and the trainee is excused from clinical responsibilities.
  • In addition to providing core educational material, these sessions allow trainees in different disciplines and throughout the department to meet and interact with one another in an informal and collegial environment.
  • Occurs several times per year throughout fellowship with fellows of different subspecialties


    Pediatric Biostatistics for Clinicians Course

  • This course is primarily intended for 2nd and 3rd year Department of Pediatrics fellows as part of the comprehensive fellowship educational program. Designed to help fellows to develop an ability to be a critical consumer of the literature and develop familiarity with many commonly used statistical methods.
  • This course comprises for six  2-hour sessions
  • Designed for second year fellows, but any fellow or resident an register for the course.

Advanced Degrees Available at CU:

1st Year Fellows


Joshua Broadman, MD, MS



Keishla Marie Gonzalez Sanchez, MD



Taylor Grace Jones, MD



Braden Soren Olsen, MD


2nd Year Fellows


Sydney Ariagno, MD

  • Hometown: Dallas, TX
  • Medical School: Weill Cornell Medical College 
  • Residency: Mayo Clinic (palliative fellowship at Mayo too) 
  • Why I chose Colorado for fellowship: Everyone I met on my interview day seemed so enthusiastic, genuine, and kind. I really wanted to work and learn alongside all these down to earth, cool people. 
  • Research interests: The intersection between palliative care and high-risk oncology patients 
  • Favorite things to do in Colorado: Explore the breweries and be outdoors in all the sunshine. 
  • Fun fact about me: I'm a crazy cat lady- JK, my husband and I only have two cats, but I talk about them enough to meet crazy cat lady criteria. 
  • Favorite coffee: My favorite coffee shop (so far) is called Quince Coffee House - it's the perfect place to chill or read for an afternoon.


Charlotte Feddersen, MD, PhD

  • Hometown: St. Paul, MN
  • Medical School: University of Iowa
  • Residency: University of Colorado
  • Why I chose Colorado for fellowship: Amazing research opportunities, I loved the people I interacted with in the CCBD during residency, very collaborative environment, the awesome fellows, and all the outdoor activities!
  • Research interests: Cancer Genetics, neuro-oncology, ETP
  • Favorite things to do in Colorado: Hiking, trail running, camping, cross country skiing, going to breweries.
  • Fun fact about me: My brother and I have all 150 of the original Pokémon cards and this is going to make us rich some day.
  • Favorite TV show to binge when not on call: Love watching Firefly, The Expanse, or other sci-Fi TV show and movies.


Kenji Tanaka, MD 

  • Hometown: Golden, CO
  • Medical School: University of Colorado School of Medicine
  • Residency: Vanderbilt University
  • Why I chose Colorado for fellowship: First and foremost, I wanted to be near my family and friends. Secondly, I volunteered at Camp Wapiyapi, a local camp for kids with cancer and their siblings, for many years and that camp inspired me to follow this path and it feels like things have come full circle to come back and train here.
  • Research interest: I'm interested in health disparities and adolescent-young adult care. Not sure exactly what I'll be researching yet though.
  • Favorite things to do in Colorado: I love that everyone enjoys being outside and that there are many different levels of enjoying the outdoors based on your intensity. Also, the beer and coffee scene is great.
  •  Fun fact about me: I played drums in a metal band during high school and college. I also have a black belt in Aikido.
  • Favorite TV show to binge when not on call: I have a hard time keeping up with all the shows that keep coming out haha. A go to comfort show is parks and rec or new girl. I'm also a big marvel and lord of the rings fan and re-watch those when I need things on in the background.


Raymond Walston MD

  • Hometown: Harper, Texas
  • Medical School: Texas A&M
  • Residency: Portsmouth Naval & Dartmouth Children's
  • Research interests: Solid tumor management with hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • Favorite things to do in Colorado: Skate+Karaoke on Fridays
  • Fun fact about me: I have piloted a submarine and have been ~1000 feet below water.
  • Favorite TV show to binge when not on call: I love The Office and Portlandia.
  • Favorite coffee nearby: I like Tattered Cover bookstore and Best Cellars coffee shop.


3rd Year Fellows


Cameron Baldes, MD

  • Hometown: Pekin, Illinois
  • Medical School: University of Illinois
  • Residency: Emory University/Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
  • Why I chose Colorado for fellowship:the weather, the faculty are just incredibly nice, and to quote our new professor emeritus of BMT "you can slide down mountains"
  • Research interests: QI and Healthcare Resource Utilization
  • Favorite things to do in Colorado: ski, hike, try every brewery.
  • Fun fact about me: I have broken both of my arms at the same time, twice in my life.
  • Favorite story about a co-fellow: The redheaded fellow 3 spaces down from me once said he was "an indoor kid" and was "okay at skiing" and neglected to mention he is a former Vail Skiing Instructor. 


Alison Celello, MD

  • Hometown: Wilmington, DE
  •  Medical School: Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (NYC)
  • Residency: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
  • Why I chose Colorado for fellowship: Colorado was supportive of my interests in medical education, global health, and outcomes disparities. Being able to see the mountains from the oncology floor was a bonus, too.
  • Research interest (if you have any): Outcomes disparities in pediatric leukemia. I'm also part of the inaugural cohort of CHCO fellows in the Subspecialty Excellence in Education Leadership and Scholarship (SEELS) Program for medical education training.
  • Favorite things to do in Colorado: This summer, I've been learning to take care of my new garden full of fruit trees and Colorado flowers.
  • Fun fact about me: I was named the best rapper amongst my fellowship class, something I am truly proud of.
  • Favorite coffee nearby: I love walking up to Honeyhill Cafe on my research-from-home days. 




Sam DeMarsh, DO

  • Hometown: Cleveland, OH
  • Medical School: Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine (Athens, Ohio)
  • Residency: Nationwide Children's Hospital (Columbus, Ohio)
  • Why I chose Colorado for fellowship: Because of the incredible blend of a rigorous academic program with a broad blend of pathologies, multiple leaders in the field present as clinicians, researchers, and teachers as well as access to the great outdoors with so many fun activities to explore in your spare time!
  • Research interests: Patient report outcomes research in the realm of symptomatic management and quality of life for Neuro-Oncology patients
  • Favorite things to do in Colorado: What is there not to love?! Besides sit in traffic...But truly - hike, bike, run, paddle board, check out cool coffee shops, read, stare at the mountains and feel small, the list goes on and on!
  • Fun fact about me: I love to compete in endurance sports and spend any and all time I can outside exploring our incredible planet!
  • Funny story about a co-fellow or attending. For example, Sunday morning sung by Cam, Oren and Mas was honestly a sight I will never forget.
  • Favorite thing about Colorado:Getting 3 day-weekends off as first years and be able to explore different parts of the state to adventure, bond, relax, and decompress from the hospital and stresses of fellowship- so many memories, adventures, and belly laughs! đź™‚ 


Oren Gordon, MD

  • Hometown: Boulder, CO
  • Medical School: University of Colorado
  • Residency: Children’s National 
  • Why I chose Colorado for fellowship: The people involved in the fellowship and can’t beat the location.
  • Research interests: Microbiome, bioinformatics
  • Favorite things to do in Colorado: Skiing
  • Fun fact about me: I was a ski instructor for a few years while in undergrad.
  • Favorite TV show to binge when not on call: Current TV show: Ted Lasso. Though I’m a much bigger reader and can give you book recs for days. Probably my favorite book at this time is Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin


Application Instructions

Our pediatric fellowship will be conducting virtual interviews for this upcoming interview season.  We look forward to sharing our programs with you and getting to know more about you.  Our planned virtual interview dates are forthcoming.


If you have questions about the online application and interview process feel free to reach out to our program coordinator.

To apply for our fellowship program please visit the Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS).

ERAS Application Timeline

Monday, May 31, 2024ERAS 2024 season ends at 5 p.m. ET.
Wednesday, June 5, 2024ERAS 205 season begins at 9 a.m. ET.
Thursday, June 5, 2024EFDO will release tokens to fellowship applicants.
Wednesday, July 3, 2024July cycle fellowship applicants may begin submitting applications to programs at 9 a.m. ET.
Wednesday, July 17, 2024July cycle fellowship programs may begin reviewing applications at 9 a.m. ET.
May 31, 2025    ERAS 2025 season ends at 5 p.m. ET.

NRMP Fall Match Timeline

Dates Activity
Wednesday, August 21, 2024Match Opens 
Wednesday, September 25, 2024Ranking Opens
Wednesday, November 6, 2024Quota Change Deadline
Wednesday, November 20, 2024Rank Order List Certification Deadline
Wednesday, December 4, 2024MATCH DAY


If you require further information about our fellowship program, please contact our fellowship coordinator:

Gentry Greeno
Fellowship Coordinator

Children's Hospital Colorado
13123 East 16th Avenue, B115
Aurora, Colorado 80045
Tel: 720-777-1002
Email: Gentry.Greeno

Diversity / Equity / Inclusion


We are committed to creating a diverse environment for students, residents, fellows, and faculty. We believe that an environment of inclusiveness and respect promotes excellence and that a setting where diversity is valued leads to the training of physicians who are prepared to practice culturally effective medicine and meet the needs of the various populations we serve. Visit our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion webpage for more....

Well-Being / Resilience

Be well

By embracing wellness and improving personal resiliency, physicians can reconnect with the meaning of their work and fend off stress. Reducing or eliminating burnout also has practical implications for the entire department such as improving patient safety, student advancement, and the overall campus environment. 

Visit our Pediatric Well-Being and Resilience website...


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