Gender Related Education and Action Team (GREAT)

In 2022, GREAT (Gender Related Education and Action Team) was created to help support faculty of CU Child Health around issues related to gender. The 2022 CHCO Medical Staff survey reported that 15.6% faculty who identify as women, non-binary or otherwise gender non-conforming felt that they were treated differently by either colleagues or supervisors when working at CHCO because of an aspect of their identity (n=114). Of these faculty, 76% indicated that their gender was among the reasons. Additionally, the literature is replete with research describing gender inequalities in medicine. 

The mission of GREAT is to promote equity and advancement by connecting, empowering and advocating for the women of CU Child Health services.

Members of GREAT are faculty leaders who are committed to providing education and opportunities for discussion or consultation regarding professional gender-related issues, and to identify and impact inequities in our CHCO system.  GREAT is not a governing body or reporting entity and will utilize existing campus resources as appropriate. We stand for diversity and inclusion. We welcome and support faculty who identify as women, transwomen/transfeminine, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and gender queer, and anyone who wants to support these groups and serve as allies.

Sign up for the listserv if you are interested in receiving updates on GREAT activities. If you are experiencing gender related equity issues that you would like to discuss, please reach out to GREAT.

Faculty employed by CU, please complete this form to request support from GREAT. The form is for non-emergency requests, and you will be contacted by a team member within 3 business days.

Subscribe to the GREAT email listserv for future correspondence.

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