Welcome to the Volunteer Clinical Faculty of the CU School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics! The DOP relies heavily on our partners in the community to help us meet our educational mission. This webpage has links to join the faculty, to locate teaching opportunities and to learn more about the activities available to you as a Volunteer Clinical Faculty member.
The Clinical Faculty Affairs Committee is comprised of members of the clinical faculty, representing all the areas in which they practice and precept trainees. The committee plays a vital role in the life of the Department of Pediatrics, including keeping its members up to date on the latest developments in pediatric practice and graduate medical education.
Its role is to set standards for clinical faculty and to advise the Chairperson of the Department on appointments and promotions and to serve as a two-way conduit for information between community and Department of Pediatrics leadership.
Visit the CU SOM OCBME page for information regarding CU SOM-wide teaching criteria, opportunities, faculty development, training and more.