Our residents are our program’s
greatest strength. While they come from incredibly diverse backgrounds personally, academically, and geographically, they also share many characteristics. Friendly and social as a whole, our residents are deeply committed to patient care and hold themselves and each other to the highest standards. Each class shares a strong sense of camaraderie and trust that develops quickly from their common experience.
The residency is led by our Program Director and Associate Program Directors, who are dedicated resident advocates. Three Chief Residents, three Program Coordinators, and one Residency Scheduler organize resident education and provide the bridge between residents and faculty.
Flexibility is a key characteristic of the program, and all residents have the opportunity to provide input in program development, with changes frequently happening in real-time.
Residents graduating from our program enjoy tremendous success in a variety of fields which include subspecialty training, primary care pediatrics, and hospitalist positions. Graduates are in high demand both in Colorado and around the country. A variety of short-term options are available through Children’s Network of Care, and many residents choose these opportunities as a way to gain valuable experience before moving on to more permanent positions. A strong mentoring program within the residency ensures that all career goals are supported. Our graduates typically receive their first choice placement for practice or fellowship.
The following is a list of recent post-residency positions of recent graduates: