
Academic Half Day (AHD)

For didactic learning, residents attend our program’s AHD, a block conference model in which residents have protected educational time free from patient care responsibilities.  AHD occurs on Tuesday afternoons from 1:30-4:30 PM, and consists of brief overview lectures, hands-on learning (e.g., practicing point-of-care ultrasound), games (e.g., Escape Rooms), and small group case-based discussions.  AHD is organized by specialty themes (e.g., Cardiology).  There are separate AHDs for interns and senior residents, and each resident generally attends one AHD/month.  

Longitudinal Small Group (LSG)

LSG takes place during the protected time for each resident one half day a month on Tuesday afternoons. This forum is a confidential and safe environment for residents to discuss difficult topics in medicine that are not covered in traditional residency education and are to enhance our residents' resiliency. Topics include communication and shared decision making, emotional wellbeing, ethical dilemmas, and dealing with death and bad outcomes. These sessions provide opportunities to connect with your co-residents and develop mentoring relationships with faculty. 

Morning Report

Morning Report is held from 7:30-8:00 AM each weekday except for Tuesdays at Children’s Hospital Colorado.  A virtual options to attend is available.  Breakfast, including coffee and frequently hot meals, is provided.  Residents, medical and physician assistant students, fellows, and faculty attend.  Each Morning Report begins with a PREP question for board review.  Typically a senior resident presents a case and a Chief Resident facilitates discussion, eliciting clinical pearls from Morning Report attendees.  Discussion typically focuses on differential diagnosis, evaluation, and management.  We then close each Morning Report with a high value care or health equity pearl.

Noon Conference 

On days we don't have AHD or LSG, students will often gather for either a lecture on a core pediatric topic, resident wellness, or a resident-led conference. Lunch is provided every weekday.

Resident lecture topics have included:
Intern Report, a case presentation
Evidence-Based Clinical Effectiveness Conference (EBCEC), presented by our interns
Supervisor's Conference, a case-drive topical conference given by our senior residents
Collaborative Case Review, given by a Chief Resident

This time slot is also occasionally used for special guest presentations.

On Fridays from September through May, the noon conference is replaced by department-wide Grand Rounds.

Teaching on the Go

Attendings, fellows, and senior residents offer teaching points at the bedside throughout morning rounds. Fellows contribute greatly to resident education, while still permitting residents primary responsibility for all patients. Fellows are involved on a daily basis in the PICU, NICU, Heme-Onc, and Pulmonary services. Fellows from other specialties consult regularly on all the inpatient and outpatient services. Didactic education also occurs on many rotations presenting specialty-specific curriculum.

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