Chief Resident Bios

Rising Chiefs
From left to right: Shweta Bhatia, Ge Yan, Meg Van Der Bosch

Ge Yan

Meg Van Der Bosch

Shweta Bhatia

Hometown: Houston, TXHometown: Algonquin, IL (near-ish Chicago)

Hometown:  Arcadia, CA

Undergraduate: The University of Texas at AustinUndergraduate: Northwestern University Undergraduate: Carleton College
Medical School: McGovern Medical SchoolMedical School: University of Illinois at ChicagoMedical School: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Why Colorado? After spending most of my life in Texas, I was ready to move to a different state with more outdoor activities, less humidity, and actual four seasons of the year! I was also drawn to the training experiences provided at Colorado. Even as someone who did not have a specific career interest before starting residency, I felt the program has provided many opportunities for subspecialty exposures, practicing medicine in a resource limited setting such as Denver Health, and promoting resident initiatives through different pathways and electives. I have also made lifelong friends and cannot say enough about the sense of community here at CHCO.

Why Colorado? Having been born and raised and educated all in northern Illinois, I was looking to change it up for residency and explore somewhere new. I was drawn to Colorado first because of the opportunity to get great training in close proximity to better weather and mountain adventures, especially skiing. But the more I got to know the program, the more this group of warm, supportive, thoughtful, unassuming but brilliant people felt like home. I couldn't have chosen better!Why Colorado? I really loved the sense of community that came across on my interview day - it was clear how strongly supported residents were by faculty, administration, and each other. I was also drawn to the program because of the opportunity to train at both Denver Health and Children's. By rotating at both hospitals, residents get the chance to care for diverse patient populations, see different hospital systems, and experience varying levels of autonomy.
Plans after Chief Year: Likely PICU fellowshipPlans after Chief Year: After chief year, I'm planning to pursue fellowship training in cardiology. Plans after Chief Year: PICU + palliative care


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