Section of Developmental Biology Faculty

Appel, Bruce_3

Bruce Appel, PhD

Section Head
Professor of Pediatrics
Diane G. Wallach Chair of Pediatric Stem Cell Biology
Research Interests: Mechanisms of neural cell fate specification and myelination
Appel Lab

Bates, Emily

Emily Bates, PhD

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Understanding how ion channels contribute to morphological development and microtubules are regulated for brain development

Burger, Alexa

Alexa Burger, PhD

Associate Research Professor 
Research Interests: Gene regulation in mesoderm patterning and congenital disease

Dempsey, Peter

Peter Dempsey, PhD

Research Interests: Intestinal stem cell programming and differentiation, cellular plasticity, organoid models to study intestinal disease

Doll, Caleb

Caleb Doll, PhD

Assistant Research Professor
Research Interests: Subcellular regulation of mRNA in myelin sheath development
Biographical information

Franco, Santos

Santos Franco, PhD

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Neural stem cell fate-specification, neurogenesis, cell migration and circuit formation in the developing brain

Sean McGrath, PhD

Research Interests: Human pluripotent stem cells and genome editing technologies 

Mosimann, Christian

Christian Mosimann, PhD

Associate Professor
Johnson Endowed Chair in Heart Developmental Research
Research Interests: Cell fate determination and cardiovascular lineage formation

Pawlikowski, Bradley

Bradley Pawlikowski, PhD

Assistant Research Professor
Research Interests: Investigating CNS fibroblasts in development and disease

Sagerstrom, Charles

Charles Sagerström, PhD

Research Interests: Gene expression programs that drive embryogenesis


Santoro, Stephen

Stephen Santoro, PhD

Associate Professor
Research Interests: How experience sculpts the nervous system; neurogenesis; axon guidance; olfaction 
Santoro Lab

Siegenthaler, Julie

Julie Siegenthaler, PhD

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Development and function of the CNS vasculature and meninges


Sullivan, Kelly

Kelly Sullivan, PhD

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Interferon signaling in Down syndrome


Jen McKey, PhD

Assistant Professor

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