Basic Science Research Training

Basic Science NICU


Active areas of research:

  • Fetal and neonatal growth and metabolism:

    -    Past and ongoing studies address glucose and protein metabolism in the normal fetus and newborn, and more recent studies have focused more on the growth-restricted fetus. These studies attempt to define perturbations that cause growth restriction and identify potential therapies that might reverse these perturbations.  Additional studies in micronutrient deficiencies and its effect on the preterm infant are underway as well.  Investigation may include whole animal physiologic studies supported by investigation at the cellular and biochemical level.

    -    Faculty:  Laura Brown MD, Eileen Chang PhD, Stephanie Chassen MD, Paul Rozance MD, Laura Sherlock MD, Jane Stremming MD, Stephanie Wesolowski PhD, Alicia White MD

  • Lung growth and development, particularly pulmonary vascular growth and function.

    -    These physiologic and molecular studies have led to several ongoing clinical trials, including a number of important studies on the applications of inhaled nitric oxide in newborn medicine.

    -    Faculty: Cassidy Delaney, MD, Jason Gien MD, Erica Mandell MD, Clyde Wright MD

  • Neonatal brain injury related to seizures and stroke and intrauterine growth restriction

    -    Faculty:  Robert Dietz MD PhD, Jill Chang MD

  • Mechanisms and consequences of normal and abnormal placentation

    -    Faculty:  Theresa Powell PhD


Powell NICU


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