Emergency Medicine - Fellowship

PEM Fellows


Our fellowship program provides comprehensive training in the subspecialty of Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM). Graduates learn to independently manage all medical conditions that would fall under the purview of a Pediatric Emergency Medicine subspecialist.

Learning from direct patient care is augmented by numerous integrated longitudinal curricula involving research, critical appraisal of literature, quality, toxicology, simulation, EMS/transport, DHEI, self-directed and facilitated educational activities.   Our fellows are required to participate in quality projects, lead a scholarship project, produce a first-authored manuscript, and provide education to a variety of trainees, faculty, and medical professionals throughout their fellowship.

Fellows rotate primarily through Children’s Hospital Colorado  (Children's Colorado) located on the  Anschutz Medical Campus  in Aurora, Colorado. Children's Colorado is the only free-standing, quaternary care pediatric hospital in Colorado and the only Level 1  Regional Pediatric Trauma and Burn Center   in the state with regional referrals from the surrounding 7-state region.  

Program Aims

  • To produce physicians who are clinically proficient in the practice of pediatric emergency medicine, especially in the management of the acutely ill or injured child, in the setting of an emergency department (ED).
  • To produce physicians who are knowledgeable and have experience in clinical research and research methodology, quality improvement/patient safety, and skills in teaching and life-long learning.
  • To provide useful tools to combat burn-out and encourage wellness and resiliency among trainees, inform trainees of available departmental and institutional resources to address trainee needs.
  • To build and maintain an infrastructure to recruit diverse fellows and provide an inclusive learning environment that promotes and celebrates differences.


Meet the Fellows...

Tour Children's Hospital Colorado...

Clinical Training

The primary focus of our clinical training is to provide comprehensive training in Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) to allow the graduate to independently manage acutely ill and injured children.

 PEM clinical training

Fellows are directly supervised by Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Emergency Medicine faculty during their clinical ED rotations.  Under the supervision of a large and diverse faculty, trainees gain exposure to patients with a broad spectrum of clinical conditions. To prepare trainees to function as effective Pediatric Emergency Medicine subspecialists upon completion of their fellowship, the fellows assume graduated responsibility for patient care over the course of three years.

First Year

During their first year, fellows function as direct care providers, focusing on honing clinical and procedural skills.  In the second half of the year, fellows will have shifts in which they provide clinical supervision of junior trainees and learn ED management/flow under the direct supervision of a PEM attending. 

The first year for pediatric-trained fellows includes:

For emergency medicine-trained fellows:

Second Year

During the 2nd half of their second year, fellows begin the transition from caring for patients directly to becoming the supervising physician in charge of an ED team.  In their second year, the total amount of clinical time decreases compared to year I and fellows assume more teaching and supervisory responsibilities and dedicate more time to scholarship projects.  As part of their clinical requirement, fellows begin “Pre-tending” or “Attending” Shifts where they gradually assume the responsibilities of the Attending ED physician under direct supervision. 

The second year for pediatric-trained fellows includes:

For emergency medicine-trained fellows, clinical responsibilities during Year 2 transition to 3rd year fellow expectations of Pediatric-trained fellows.

  • Pediatric ED (4 blocks)
  • Research (6 blocks)
  • Elective (2 blocks)


 PEM clinical training2

Third Year

During their third year, fellows become proficient in running a large, urban, Level 1 Trauma Pediatric ED.  Fellows take primary responsibility for patients, trainees, and other providers on the ED team, referral and transfer calls, and are expected to maintain an effective working relationship and communication with the charge nurse, nursing and ancillary staff. 

The third year for pediatric-trained fellows includes:

  • Pediatric ED (4 blocks)
  • Research (5 blocks, during which fellows have decreased clinical shift load)
  • Adult Emergency Medicine and Trauma month at Denver Health Medical Center (DHMC)
  • Adult ED Point-of-Care Ultrasound at Denver Health (1 month)
  • Elective (1 block)


Sample Block Schedule for Pediatric Residency Graduates:

1st Yr Rotation# Clinical ED Shifts
1st Yr Rotation# Clinical ED Shifts
Adult ED (1 month)12
Pediatric Critical Care (1 month)0
Peds Anesthesia (1 month)4
Toxicology (1 month)6
Research (1 month)8
PEM ED shifts (6 months)
(Includes 2-week Ultrasound Block)
Totals108-118 PEM ED Shifts
12 Adult ED Shifts


2nd Yr Rotation# Clinical ED Shifts
2nd Yr Rotation# Clinical ED Shifts
Adult ED12
Research (6 months)40-48
PEM ED  (2 months)28-32
Attending shifts (2nd semester)18
Totals100-110 PEM ED Shifts
12 Adult ED Shifts


3rd Yr Rotation# Clinical ED Shifts
3rd Yr Rotation# Clinical ED Shifts
Adult ED12
Elective (1 month)0
Adult ED POCUS (1 month)6
Research (5 months)40
PEM ED  (4 months)48-58
Totals88-98 PEM ED Shifts
18 Adult ED shifts



The program provides comprehensive scholarly training that prepares all trainees with the background and skills to compete for academic faculty positions at the completion of their fellowship.

Graduates are expected to complete a scholarly project during their three years including presentation of the project at a national meeting, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics fall meeting or the Pediatric Academic Societies spring meeting, and submission of a first-authored manuscript to a peer-reviewed publication. Fellows are also required to be involved in QI.

Research Infrastructure

The Section has a full-time research coordinator and biostatistician who are available for assistance with study design, IRB applications, database management, statistical analysis, and grant submissions.  Fellows have access to Professional Research Assistants (PRAs) who can assist with study enrollment and data collection in the Children’s ED.  PRA coverage averages 10-16 hours per day.

Timeline for Pediatric-trained PEM fellows

  • PEM Fellowship Year 1:
    • Choose a mentor and research project with the help of the Program Director and Research Director by the winter of the first year
    • Presentation of idea to Scholarship Oversight Committee
    • Presentation at the Works in Progress research meeting
    • Presentation at the National PEM Fellows Conference
    • Preparation and submission of Colorado Multiple Institutional Review Board (COMIRB) proposal if required
    • Apply for funding if possible or necessary

PEM Fellowship Year 2:

  • Supervise patient enrollment and data collection
  • Analyze and interpret data
  • Presentation of progress to Scholarship Oversight Committee and Works in Progress meeting
  • Poster presentation at the annual Department of Pediatrics Spring Poster Session
  • Submission of an abstract to a national scientific meeting

PEM Fellowship Year 3:

  • Conclude patient enrollment, analyze and interpret data
  • Submission of an abstract to a national scientific meeting
  • Preparation and submission of a paper for publication in a peer-reviewed journal
  • Presentation of final work product to Works in Progress meeting and Scholarship Oversight Committee who will determine if the fellow has met board certification requirements
  • Poster presentation at the annual Department of Pediatrics Spring Poster Session

*Emergency Medicine-trained PEM fellows have a 2- year curriculum. The scholarship project requirements are the same regardless of training path.

Scientific Meetings and Other Conferences

Pediatric Emergency Medicine fellows are encouraged to attend national scientific meetings throughout their fellowship. If funding is available, the Section supports travel to any national meeting for which the trainee has an abstract or platform presentation according to section guidelines.

  • National PEM Fellows Conference for first year fellows
  • Pediatric Academic Societies National Conference (spring)
  • American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition (fall)

PEM research


National Research Networks

The University of Colorado Denver/Children's Colorado is a member of PECARN, the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network. PECARN is a federally funded pediatric emergency medicine research network conducting multi-institutional research on the prevention and management of acute illness and injuries in children and youth of all ages. For more information: http://www.pecarn.org/

Several faculty are members of PEM CRC, the PEM Collaborative Research Committee, a subcommittee of the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Emergency Medicine. PEM CRC is an unfunded volunteer effort which provides a framework for multicenter investigation. It provides a means of developing protocols and identifying interested co-investigators at over 40 member sites. For more information: http://www.pemcrc.org/ 

Local Research Support 

The Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI) is a collaborative enterprise between University of Colorado Denver, University of Colorado at Boulder, six affiliated Hospitals and health care organizations, and multiple community organizations with resources to promote research and training that will advance health care and improve the public health. Through the CCTSI, Clinical Translational Research Centers (CTRCs) have been established at several affiliated hospitals, including Children's Colorado, University of Colorado Hospital, and Denver Health Medical Center. The CTRC also offers biostatistical collaboration/consultation for study design, including sample size and power calculations, and data analysis. Children’s Hospital Research Institute also offered limited research support to fellows.


Learning from direct patient care is augmented by a comprehensive series of lectures and conferences focused on Pediatric Emergency Medicine and associated longitudinal curricula.

 PEM Education


Specialty-Specific Curriculum

Fellows participate in several educational seminars focused on Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Most education takes place during mandatory sessions on Thursday that anchor the educational program.

  • Didactic lectures from current and guest faculty
  • Flipped classroom research curriculum
  • Case Review
  • Toxicology Curriculum
  • Quality Improvement Curriculum
  • Simulation
  • Ultrasound didactic, quality review and hands-on education
  • EMS/Transport
  • DHEI topics and workshops
  • Radiology Review

Interactive Learning


Ultrasound Curriculum


PEM Ultrasund


  • Longitudinal curriculum spanning 3 years
  • Credentialing in POCUS applications upon graduation
  • 2-week introductory Ultrasound block with PEM US faculty (1st year)
  • 1 month adult POCUS rotation at Denver Health ED (3rd year)
  • Monthly 2-hour POCUS sessions for all PEM fellows
  • Self-scheduled scanning sessions with US faculty


Simulation Curriculum

 PEM simulation


  • CHCO Critical Care bootcamp with critical care, anesthesia, and cardiology fellows at the beginning of first year
  • High fidelity multidisciplinary simulations facilitated by CHCO Simulation Center staff reinforce care for acute patients, PALS mastery, and honing communication and building teamwork skills (twice monthly)
    • Monthly fellows-only simulation-based clinical education
    • Fellows help facilitate ED resident simulations


    Fellowship Tracks

    New to our curriculum are optional fellowship tracks designed for those fellows who desire additional training with concentration in the following areas:

    • Ultrasound
    • Quality
    • Research
    • Medical Education/Simulation
    • Emergency Medical Services/Transport

    These tracks have specific mentored scholarship requirements, supplemental coursework, and educational/teaching responsibilities in addition to regular series fellowship curriculum requirements.


    Fellow-Faculty Dinner Series

     PEM Didactic

    Quarterly dinners hosted by faculty to discuss specific topics such as career, wellness, and resiliency.

    Additional Courses

    Pediatric Biostatistics Course

    Introductory six-session course in biostatistics given under the auspices of the Department of Pediatrics with the goal of developing familiarity with commonly used statistical methods and critically appraise literature.

    Introductory Training Program in Quality Improvement

    Fellows have the opportunity to apply for an 8-hour session by The Institute for Healthcare Quality, Safety and Efficiency (IHQSE) that covers the importance of quality science in health care, basic tools for analyzing processes of care and identifying opportunities for improvement, fundamental data collection and analysis techniques to support quality improvement projects, methods for creating and testing potential changes, and tactics for implementing and spreading improvement ideas.

    Graduate Coursework

    Masters of Science in Clinical Sciences (MSCS) program is offered through the university and select fellows through the Department of Pediatrics may apply for limited funding support for this program if grants are available. A mini-certificate or an MPH degree may be obtained at the Colorado School of Public Health (collaboration between University of Colorado Denver, Colorado State University and the University of Northern Colorado). For more information: www.publichealth.ucdenver.edu . The certificate program requires 15 hours of graduate work and the MPH requires 42 hours of graduate work. This requires extra time commitment as the clinical and elective requirements remain unchanged. Funding for trainee graduate coursework is not supported by the section of emergency medicine.

    Additional Learning Opportunities:

    Subspecialty Excellence in Educational Leadership & Scholarship (SEELS) Program :

    • The University of Colorado Department of Pediatrics is proud to offer the Subspecialty Excellence in Educational Leadership & Scholarship (SEELS) Program for subspecialty pediatric fellows committed to an academic career in medical education.
    • The SEELS program guides fellows through an 18-month program that provides research mentorship, coaching, and instruction.
    • The overall  goal of SEELS is to equip these fellows with the necessary knowledge/skills/attitudes for success as future medical educators through educational scholarship and professional identity development, faculty and peer mentorship, and engaging in an educational community of practice.

    Pediatric Fellowship Educational Series

    This educational series has been developed by the Committee on Fellowship Education to address areas  of scholarly interest common to all pediatric fellows. Nearly 100 sub-specialized physicians in training will attend 5-6 half-day seminars spread across their 3 years of fellowship.

    • Attendance is mandatory and the trainee is excused from clinical responsibilities.
    • In addition to providing core educational material, these sessions allow trainees in different disciplines and throughout the department to meet and interact with one another in an informal and collegial environment.
    • Occurs several times per year throughout fellowship with fellows of different subspecialties

    Pediatric Biostatistics for Clinicians Course:

    This course is primarily intended for 2nd and 3rd year Department of Pediatrics fellows as part of the comprehensive fellowship educational program. Designed to help fellows to develop an ability to be a critical consumer of the literature and develop familiarity with many commonly used statistical methods.

    • This course comprises for six  2-hour sessions
    • Designed for second year fellows, but any fellow or resident an register for the course.

    Advanced Degrees Available at CU:

    Masters of Public Health

    Masters of Science in Clinical Science

    • Collaborative Case Review Conference*
    • Combined Pediatric Morbidity and Mortality Conference at Denver Health Medical Center*
    • Section CME lectures*
    • Resident education and simulation*
    • Lecture to EMS during Year 2 EMS rotation*
    • Clinical supervision and bedside teaching of junior trainees and medical students*
    • EM clerkship didactics and simulation
    • PALS Instructor (if able to obtain instructor status)

    *Indicates required teaching opportunity

    Core Teaching Faculty

    The section of pediatric emergency medicine has one of the largest PEM faculty groups in the country. These faculty have diverse interests & expertise, and are important contributors to fellows’ education, scholarship, and mentorship. Other clinical faculty also participate in fellowship education and training but are not listed below.

    Faculty Member Research Interests Education/Clinical Interests 
    Anna Abrams* 
    Assistant Professor 
    Refugee Health, Health Disparities
    Kathleen Adelgais* 
    EMS, Multisystem Trauma, Pediatric Pain Management   Prehospital/EMS, Regional EMS Engagement/Leadership 
    Chisom Agbim* 
    Assistant Professor 
    Quality Improvement, Health EquityQuality Improvement Curriculum
    Lilliam Ambroggio* 
    Associate Professor 
    Director of Research Operations 
    Biomarkers, Respiratory Infections, Antimicrobial Stewardship Fellows’ Research Curriculum Director 
    Lalit Bajaj 
    Director, Clinical Effectiveness 
    QI/Clinical Effectiveness, Bronchiolitis 
    Julia Brant
    Assistant Professor
    Cortney Braund 
    Assistant Professor 
    Medical Director, Anschutz ED 
    Rachel Cafferty* 
    Assistant Professor
    Behavioral Health, Gender and Sexual Minority, SI Screening-Pediatric agitation management for prehospital providers
    -Suicide care pathways for primary care, safety planning
    Kevin Carney 
    Associate Professor 
    Associate Chief Medical Officer  
    Quality Improvement  Clinical Operations, Hospital Administration 
    Shannon Flood* 
    Assistant Professor 
    Director of Resident Simulation
    Simulation Education 
    Joe Grubenhoff* 
    Associate Professor 
    Medical Director of Diagnostic Safety
    Diagnostic SafetyCognitive Psychology of Clinical Decision-Making
    Maya Haasz* 
    Assistant Professor 
    Firearm Safety, Advocacy  Advocacy Curriculum Director for Peds Residency
    Jon Higgins* 
    Assistant Professor
    Assoc Director, Resident Education 
     Med EdResident Education, Associate Director for Resident Pediatric ED Rotation
    Bernadette “Bernie” Johnson
    Associate Professor 
    Director of Clinical Operations
     OperationsClinical Operations 
    Kristin Kim* 
    Assistant Professor 
     Trauma, Mass CasualtyDisaster Preparedness, Trauma Liaison 
    Andrew Krack* 
    Assistant Professor
    Airway management; HIKO-STEC studyAirway Management, Resuscitation; High Acuity/Low frequency events
    Sam Lam
    UltrasoundUltrasound, General (adult) Emergency Medicine
    Patrick Mahar* 
    Associate Professor 
    Resident Education Director 
    Mobile Simulation and Educational Outreach, Resident Education 
    Maria Mandt
    Associate Professor 
    Medical Director, Transport and EMS 
    Clinical Care Transport, EMS Prehospital Transport and Program Administration 
    Nidhya Navanandan* 
    Assistant Professor 
    Jon Osborn* 
    Assistant Professor 
    Director of Ultrasound 
    Point of Care Ultrasound in the ED
    Arleta Rewers* 
    Acute Complications of Diabetes 
    Mark Roback* 
    Section Head 
    Procedural Sedation
    Resuscitation Education
    Section/Department/Hospital Administration 
    Leadership and Career Development 
    Laura Rochford* 
    Director of Resuscitation
    Radiology Discrepancy, Resuscitation
    Kelley Roswell* 
    Associate Professor 
    Director, Medical Student Education
    Medical Student Education, Educational Outreach  
    Sarah Schmidt* 
    Associate Professor 
    Med Director Advanced, Informatics
    Assoc Med Director, Anschutz ED 
    Clinical Informatics Clinical Operations, Informatics, Clinical Decision Support
    Halden Scott* 
    Associate Professor 
    Director of Research, PEM
    Sepsis, Resuscitation, Diagnosis, Pragmatic Trials Sepsis
    Sandra Spencer* 
    Associate Professor 
    Director of Faculty Academic Development 
    Quality ImprovementQuality Improvement, Faculty Development 
    Melisa Tanverdi* 
    Assistant Professor 
    Irina Topoz* 
    Associate Professor 
    Director, Quality Improvement 
    Clinical Pathways, Quality Improvement, Patient Safety Clinical Pathways, Quality Improvement, Patient Safety
    Tien Vu* 
    Associate Professor 
    Program Director, PEM Fellowship 
    Post-Graduate Training & Competency, Med Ed, AdministrationFellowship Education 
    George “Sam” Wang* 
    Associate Professor 
    Faculty at RMPDS
    Medical ToxicologyFellowship Toxicology Curriculum, Phone Nurse Triage
    Joseph Wathen* 
    Associate Professor 
    Director, Mass Casualty 
    Procedural Sedation, Disaster Training 


    Our Fellows

    PEM Current Fellows

    1st Year Fellows


    Chelsea Lauren Clarke, DO

    • Medical School: Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences
    • Residency: Baylor College of Medicine/ Texas Children's Hospital
    • Email: Chelsea.Clarke



    Crystal Amber Dickson, MD

    • Medical School: University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Medicine
    • Residency: UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland
    • Email: Crystal.Dickson



    Keren Eyal, MD, MPH

    • Medical School: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill SOM
    • Residency: University of Colorado Pediatric Residency
    • Email: Keren.Eyal



    Jeremiah Thurgood Lowe, MD, MS

    • Medical School: Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
    • Residency: University of Colorado Pediatric Residency
    • Email: Jeremiah.Lowe

    2nd Year Fellows 


    Alexandra Beatrice Berardi-Bloomfield, MD


    Savannah Adelaide Zoe Brackman, MD

    • Medical School: University of Tennessee College of Medicine
    • Residency: University of Colorado Pediatric Residency
    • Email: Savannah.Brackman


    Erica K. Sheline, MD

    • Medical School: Emory University School of Medicine
    • Residency:  University of Colorado Pediatric Residency
    • Email: Erica.Sheline


    Margaret Elizabeth Tashjian, MD

    • Medical School: University of Colorado School of Medicine
    • Residency: University of Colorado Pediatric Residency
    • Email: Margaret.Tashjian


    3rd Year Fellows


    Tamara Burleson Garcia, MD, PhD

    • Medical School: University of Colorado School of Medicine
    • Residency: University of Colorado Pediatric Residency
    • Email: Tamara.Garcia


    Kelsey Abigail Koff, MD

    • Medical School: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
    • Residency: Seattle Children's Hospital
    • Email: Abby.Koff


    Erin Anne McGonagle, MD

    • Medical School:  University of Colorado School of Medicine
    • Residency:  University of Colorado Pediatric Residency
    • Email: Erin.McGonagle


    Shelby Brooke Tanguay, MD

    • Medical School: Loma Linda University School of Medicine
    • Residency: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
    • Email: Shelby.Tanguay

    Post-Fellowship Careers of Our Pediatric PEM Fellows

    Academic Training Facility/Institution Faculty (Private Community) Continuing Education/ Fellowship Military/Other
    82% 7% 7% 4%

    PEM How To Apply

    Required Application Materials

    All application material should be submitted through the Electronic Residency Application Service(ERAS) by August 2nd. Applications received after this date will not be considered due to the large number of applicants and short interview season.  We participate in the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP) and typically do not offer any positions outside of the match. Required application materials include:

    1. Completed ERAS common application form
    2. Curriculum vitae
    3. USMLE (or COMLEX/ECFMG) transcript
    4. Personal statement addressing your interest in Pediatric Emergency Medicine
    5. Letters of recommendation: A maximum of 3-4 letters of recommendation should be obtained, including 1 from your residency director and at least one from PEM-trained faculty.


    ERAS Application Timeline

    Monday, May 31, 2024ERAS 2024 season ends at 5 p.m. ET.
    Wednesday, June 5, 2024ERAS 2025 season begins at 9 a.m. ET.
    Thursday, June 5, 2024EFDO will release tokens to fellowship applicants.
    Wednesday, July 3, 2024July cycle fellowship applicants may begin submitting applications to programs at 9 a.m. ET.
    Wednesday, July 17, 2024July cycle fellowship programs may begin reviewing applications at 9 a.m. ET.
    May 31, 2025    ERAS 2025 season ends at 5 p.m. ET

    NRMP Fall Match Timeline

    Dates Activity
    Wednesday, August 21, 2024Match Opens 
    Wednesday, September 25, 2024Ranking Opens
    Wednesday, November 6, 2024Quota Change Deadline
    Wednesday, November 20, 2024Rank Order List Certification Deadline
    Wednesday, December 4, 2024MATCH DAY



    Applications will be accepted as soon as the ERAS opens to programs in mid-July.  Applications must be submitted before August 1st. Due to the large number of applicants, we will not be reviewing applications submitted after this time or applications which are significantly incomplete may not be considered. Additional dates for the Pediatric Emergency Medicine fellowship match are provided below.


    Our program will be conducting all-virtual interviews this season. Communications from the program will either come through ERAS or to the applicant’s designated email address. Applicants will be notified of their status by August 14th. The Department of Pediatrics may offer in-person visits for fellowship interviewees after the program rank list has been submitted. Applicants will be notified of these opportunities if they arise and can visit the city or campus on their own. Program representatives will not meet with applicants outside of these official opportunities.

    Fall Interview dates are typically on Wednesdays in September and October.

    If you have questions regarding the application process, please contact our program coordinator, Jessica Coleman via email at jessica.coleman@childrenscolorado.org.

    Do not send messages to the program through ERAS.

    Salary and Benefits

    The University of Colorado offers salary and benefits packages that are competitive with other fellowship programs across the country. Current salary levels can be found at the School of Medicine - Graduate Medical Education Stipends

    Please address further questions to:


    Tien Vu, MD

    • Fellowship Program Director, Section of Emergency Medicine
    • University of Colorado School of Medicine
    • E-mail: Tien.Vu



    Jason Woods, MD

    • Associate Fellowship Program Director, Section of Emergency Medicine
    • University of Colorado School of Medicine
    • E-mail: Jason.Woods 



    Jessica Coleman

    • Fellowship Program Coordinator, Section of Emergency Medicine
    • University of Colorado School of Medicine
    • E-mail: Jessica.Coleman 
    Diversity / Equity / Inclusion


    We are committed to creating a diverse environment for students, residents, fellows, and faculty. We believe that an environment of inclusiveness and respect promotes excellence and that a setting where diversity is valued leads to the training of physicians who are prepared to practice culturally effective medicine and meet the needs of the various populations we serve. Visit our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion webpage for more....

    Well-Being / Resilience

    Be well

    By embracing wellness and improving personal resiliency, physicians can reconnect with the meaning of their work and fend off stress. Reducing or eliminating burnout also has practical implications for the entire department such as improving patient safety, student advancement, and the overall campus environment.

    Visit our Pediatric Well-Being and Resilience website for more.

    Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship

    Program Coordinator: Jessica.Coleman

    13123 East 16th Avenue, Box

    Aurora, CO 80045

    Phone: 303-724-2566 Fax:720-777-7258

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