Pediatric Education Group (PEG) 2024 Presentations


Date / Time Speaker Topic Zoom Meeting Recording Link
January 18 Jim Barry, MD
AI and It’s Disruption of Education—Especially Medical Education"PEG Meeting Recording 1-18-2024 - Jim Barry.mp4
February 15 Aimee Gardner, PhD.
Updates from the School of Medicine Office for Faculty Development"PEG Meeting - Aimee Gardner - 2-15-2024.mp4
March 21 Michelle Kiger, MD, PhD
Pediatric Medical Education Scholarship: Future Directions and Opportunities PEG Meeting - Michelle Kiger - March 21 2024.mp4
April 18 Tyra Fainstad, MD
 Imposter Syndrome: How it’s holding your learners (and you!) back and what to do about it PEG Meeting - Tyra Fainstad - April 18 2024.mp4
May 23 Marc Moss, MDWhat can we do to Address the Epidemic of Psychological Distress in Healthcare Professionals? 2024 PEG Meeting - Marc Moss - May 23 2024.mp4
June 20 Maureen Bauer, MDA Core Curriculum for Advanced Practice Providers in Allergy & Immunology: A Work in Progress Presentation 2024 PEG Meeting - Maureen Bauer - June 20 2024.mp4
July 18 Alison Brent, MDThe Power of Pediatric Download
August 15 Nicole Dyess, MD
September 19
October 17
November 14
December 19 SEELS cohort


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