While there is a lot of good information accessible through the internet, there is also information on the internet that is not accurate, so the source of information to be reliable, really matters. In addition, we also know that families can benefit in many ways from connecting with each other and hearing each other’s stories.
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Below are some reliable and family connecting resources to share:
For Turner syndrome patients and families:
- Turner Syndrome Colorado (turner-syndrome.org) is a local support group for parents of girls with TS and women with TS.
- Turner Syndrome Global Alliance (tsgalliance.org) is a global TS advocacy group founded by parents of young women with TS. They advocate for TS research and developed a national network for TS clinics. The eXtraOrdinary Kids Turner Syndrome Clinic is designated as a TS Regional Resource Center by TSGA.
- Turner Syndrome Society of the United States (turnersyndrome.org) is a national support group that sponsors local support groups and strives to advance knowledge, research, and support for families and girls with Turner syndrome.
Resources for talking with your child about their diagnosis: