About the Cerebral Palsy Adult Transition Study

The Cerebral Palsy Adult Transition (CPAT) study started in 2014 at Children's Hospital Colorado. The goal is to evaluate whether individuals with CP treated at the Center for Gait and Movement Analysis at Children's Hospital Colorado have significant health changes as they reach adulthood. 

This study is supported by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, Department of Health and Human Services, grant #H133G130200.

The research team is evaluating health and walking outcomes that might have changed since the child left the pediatric care system. They are also investigating a potential relationship between proper walking ability and health status in adulthood. By evaluating comprehensive health outcomes, we might be able to understand if a decline in walking ability relates to a decline in health status.

To help individuals with CP become and remain as healthy as possible as they grow, we've laid out some resources to show you how to achieve "high-level wellness," not just "good health."

Browse by topic below. If there's something else you'd like to see or learn about, let us know. 

Find the right care
Create healthy habits for sleep and physical activity
Get support as you transition into adulthood
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