Tumor Research

Principal Investigator

Nate Donaldson, DO
The Tumor program’s research focuses on the development, quality of life, and treatment outcomes for patients experiencing cancer of the musculoskeletal system. The goal is to improve functional ability and patient satisfaction as a result of innovative surgical interventions. Results from our studies will be used to inform doctors, clinical staff, and patients about potential new treatments that improve post-cancer standard of living.

Total Joint Replacements are an extremely rare procedure for patients under the age of 30. At our institution, we are seeing an increasing amount of patients undergoing the procedure as a result of steroid use, trauma, and congenital causes and we aim to better understand the functional outcomes and quality of life for these patients before and after they undergo the procedure and educate other physicians and patients on the long term outcomes for this type of surgery in a younger population.
The tumor program has a long-standing prospective study collecting data on patients who have undergone surgical resection of Bone and Soft-Tissue Sarcomas to create a database of physical exam results alongside health-related quality-of-life data. Treatment options and resulting health-related quality of life are the main focus of research as more information on the quality of life and functional ability post-intervention will help patients make the best decision when deciding on a treatment option.
A surgical intervention in which the ankle becomes the knee to preserve function, the Tumor Program is studying the functional outcomes and other physical measures of patients' movement in conjunction with the Center for Gait Movement and Analysis and other organizations around Colorado.  The Van Ness Rotationplasty exists as a treatment option for children with tumors in the area surrounding the knee and is becoming increasingly common. 
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