PatientIQ FAQ's

Why am I being asked these questions?

Your CU Orthopedics provider wants to better understand your health and improve the quality of your care. Some questions may focus on your health in general. Other questions may ask you for more details about specific areas of the body, different medical symptoms such as pain or flexibility, and any limitations on your ability to do different kinds of physical activities. The specific questions you see in PatientIQ may also change over time depending on your provider, your health conditions, and your course of treatment.

How long does it take to complete?

The number of questions you will see in PatientIQ and the amount of time needed to complete them may vary depending on your provider and the health conditions for which you are being seen. Some parts may be fast enough to answer in a few seconds. Other parts may take a few minutes or more to help your provider better understand your current health and recovery in more detail.

Is PatientIQ the same as MyHealthConnection?

No, PatientIQ is a separate platform sponsored by the University of Colorado School of Medicine, and is currently being used only for patient outcomes and education-related activities. If you are being seen at a UCHealth clinic location, please continue to use your UCHealth MyHealthConnection account for visit eCheck-In, scheduling or changing visits, updating your medication list, or any direct communication with your care team.

Is this a requirement or is it voluntary?

Your CU Orthopedics provider has requested this information to help provide you with the best possible care. Additionally, some services may require this information for treatment authorization. Please talk with your CU Orthopedics provider if you have any concerns about your participation in the program.

How can I complete these questions at home? What if I don’t have a computer?

PatientIQ is a web-based platform, which means you can open it from your cell phone, personal computer, iPad, and most other devices that have an internet browser at any time. However, if you don’t have a device of your own, many of our CU Orthopedics clinic locations can provide one for you to complete your questions when you arrive. Ask your CU Orthopedics care team for assistance at check-in.

What if I can’t complete all of the questions at once? Can I finish this later?

If you are unable to complete all of the questions at once, you may leave the PatientIQ platform and return at a later time to finish any incomplete questions. You’ll receive automated emails or text reminders about any questions you may have missed, and a link in the reminder message will take you back into PatientIQ to pick up wherever you left off.

How will my information be used? Who can see it?

Your CU Orthopedics care team uses information from PatientIQ to ensure that you receive the highest quality of care. Different kinds of information may be used for quality improvement or clinical research. However, only those members of your care team and School of Medicine personnel who are authorized to view patient health records will be able to see your individual information.

Is anything from PatientIQ saved on my personal device or computer?

PatientIQ does not save any personal information about you or your health on your personal device or computer.

Will I be charged for this? Will my insurance be billed for this?

No, CU Orthopedics does not assess patient fees nor file insurance charges for patientIQ.

How do I change the email or phone number for PatientIQ reminders? How do I turn on or turn off reminder texts or reminder emails?

Please contact your CU Orthopedics care team for assistance with changes to your patientIQ email or text reminder preferences.

How do I see my completed PatientIQ survey results?

Your CU Orthopedics provider will be able to review your completed PatientIQ surveys and results with you during your clinic visit.

What do I do if I make a mistake while completing my surveys?

Please contact your CU Orthopedics care team for assistance if you believe you may have entered any incorrect information.

Do I need to sign up for a PatientIQ account?

Although you have the option to create a personal profile in PatientIQ, you do not need to register for a personal PatientIQ account to complete the questions assigned to you by your CU Orthopedics provider.

Can I contact my provider through PatientIQ?

No, the PatientIQ platform cannot send or receive messages between patients and providers. Please communicate with your care team either through the clinic phone line, or if you are being seen at a UCHealth clinic location, you can reach your provider through your UCHealth MyHealthConnection account.

Can I use PatientIQ to change my upcoming appointment?

No, the PatientIQ platform cannot change medical appointments. To request changes to any CU Orthopedics appointments, please contact the clinic directly by phone or use your UCHealth MyHealthConnection account.

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