Shoulder & Elbow Fellowship

The University of Colorado Shoulder and Elbow fellowship offers a comprehensive training experience in shoulder and elbow surgery. This is a 1-year experience and includes in-depth training in the management of all aspects of degenerative, athletic, and traumatic conditions of the shoulder and elbow. The fellowship offers a high-volume experience in both arthroscopic and open shoulder and elbow surgeries. The exposure includes both primary and revision surgery with experience in the most advanced techniques in practice. The goal of the University of Colorado Shoulder and Elbow Fellowship is to train shoulder and elbow specialists who will be adept and comfortable handling the most complex shoulder and elbow problems by the end of their training.

Fellows are provided a robust ASES-directed core curriculum that includes weekly didactic lectures and monthly research meetings. The fellow has an opportunity to take an active role in resident education if desired and pursue an academic career. There is also ample opportunity to utilize the cadaveric wet laboratory to advance surgical skills. Opportunities for both basic science and clinical research are available, and fellows are given full access to available resources (prospective University of Colorado registry and a multi-center shoulder patient database) and the support of the CU research team. The fellows are expected to complete a research project as a first author, with a manuscript to be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal by the end of the year.

This program is an ASES-recognized Shoulder & Elbow Fellowship Program and part of the SFMatch Fellowship selection process.

Duration: 1 year (August 1 to July 31).

Application Deadline: December 1st

For more information or how to apply:

Applications must be made through San Francisco Match using the Central Application Service (CAS). 

Residents in our program must be U.S. Citizens, lawful permanent residents, refugees, asylees, or possess the appropriate documentation to allow a resident to legally train at the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine.

For questions regarding International Medical Graduates, please visit the Graduate Medical Education (GME) website.

For more information, contact


Craig Hogan, MD

Adam Seidl
Program Director
Associate Professor
CU Orthopedics

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