You know how important it is to have a safe and enjoyable physical activity routine in your life, but individuals with cerebral
palsy face many challenges to staying active.
Yet, exercise is one of the most important healthy behaviors for you. It is extremely important that you find a program that will fit your lifestyle and your abilities. Aerobic exercise increases heart and lung functions, improves weight and cholesterol,
and helps you gain independence. It also protects against cardiovascular and chronic diseases—and improves mental health.
You should discuss your physical activity needs with your doctor to design a healthy and safe exercise program tailored to you. A care team (physician, therapists, and lifestyle counselor) can recommend options that match your abilities.
Adults with disabilities should try to get at least two hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a week. This can include activities such as swimming, walking, or stationary biking.
Use these five steps recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to increase physical activity among adults with disabilities:
For more tips and information, visit the links below.
The Cerebral Palsy Adult Transition study is supported by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, Department of Health and Human Services, grant #H133G130200.