University of Colorado School of Medicine Anschutz Medical Campus


The University of Colorado School of Medicine had a humble beginning in 1883 with two students and two instructors in a department of medicine at the University of Colorado at Boulder. More than 100 years later, the CU School of Medicine in Denver has expanded to include medical, nursing, dental, pharmacy, and graduate schools and allied health programs with faculty, residents, staff, and students totaling 11,000 and a thriving campus economy of $890 million. The CU School of Medicine received $24 million in total grants and contracts in the 2002 academic year.

The recent acquisition of the former Fitzsimons U.S. Army Garrison in nearby Aurora gave the CU School of Medicine a 217-acre campus on which to build a state-of-the-art health sciences “city." Over the next decade, the University constructed a remarkable and visionary medical center for the 21st century. A 160-acre private bioscience park adjacent to the campus will enhance scientific collaboration. Some of our 42 affiliated institutions around Colorado include:

Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation offers state-of-the-art care specializing in cardiovascular research, education, and treatment including ultrasound technology to monitor heart function, implantable “smart” defibrillators, laser angioplasty, atherectomy, and the use of a cardiometric intracoronary Doppler wire to hear clogged arteries.

The CU Cancer Center is the only National Cancer Institute-designated clinical cancer center in the region. It provides the expertise of primary care physicians, and researchers and the collaboration among medical professionals throughout the country to advance the understanding and treatment of cancer.

The Webb-Waring Institute for Cancer, Aging, and Antioxidant Research is the only multidisciplinary private lung institute of its type in the country. It conducts interdisciplinary, lung-related basic research.

Vitalant, previously known as Belle Bonfils Memorial Blood Center provides blood, blood products, and consultation services to Colorado hospitals.

Center for Health Services Research provides policy analysis for health-related issues such as quality assurance, regulation, and financing for health-related agencies.

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