Get Psyched
Week of July 26, 2022
Jul 25, 2022
Dr. Michael Allen, medical director of Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners, shares his knowledge regarding how access to guns affects suicide rates in a video broadcast for 9News. Dr. Allen is also working on transforming the Lifeline Center in Colorado into the 988 call center.
Dr. Lou Collette Filipe is co-editor of a book titled, Clinical Interventions for Internalized Oppression. This book offers practitioners theoretical frameworks, treatment recommendations, and practice guidelines for addressing bias in their own work, as well as specific interventions for treating the deleterious impacts of inequity.
Dr. Thida Thant is featured in an article for CBS Denver. In the article, she talks about how COVID may cause inflammation of the brain and body, andhow that has led to the development of psychosis symptoms.
"The Menopause and Minority Health Project: Walk a Mile in my VR Shoes" poster presentation by Laura Borgelt (primary author) and others at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) annual meeting - Pharmacy Education 2022. July 24-25, 2022.
Experience or witness an incidence of bias? Report it anonymously unless you choose to disclose your identity. Your vigilance and compliance help us foster a safe and inclusive working environment.
Submit nominees for the SOM "Work Hard and Be Nice to People" Award.
Submit nominees for the Employee of the Month.
Grubenhoff JA, Carubia BA. Understanding Regional Mental Health Care-Seeking Behaior During the COVID-19 Pandemic- An Important Aspect of Addressing Resource Needs. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Jul; 5(7):e2220560. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.20560. PMID: 35797051Novick, A. M., Kwitowski, M., Dempsey, J., Cooke, D. L., & Dempsey, A. G.. Technology-based approaches for supporting perinatal mental health. Current Psychiatry Reports, Online ahead of print. 2022. DOI:
Zoë Panchal, Christi Piper, Charles Whitmore & Robert D. Davies (2022) Providing supportive transgender mental health care: A systemized narrative review of patient experiences, preferences, and outcomes, Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 26:3, 228-264, DOI: 10.1080/19359705.2021.1899094