About Our Program 

The goal of the CIBH+ program is to increase access to behavioral health and psychiatry services for Medicaid patients at the Department of Family Medicine’s and CU Medicine’s Family Medicine practices. This approach is accomplished through virtual, and in-person integrated behavioral health services utilizing a hybrid model of in-person and virtual team-based care in collaboration with Department of Family Medicine, the Helen and Arthur E Johnson Depression Center (JDC), and the Department of Psychiatry.

Our program uses a model of a stepped-care approach (increasing behavioral health intervention matched with patient need) to behavioral health, offering on-site and tele-behavioral health screening, triage, assessment, and definitive management. These services are enhanced with tele-psychiatry, which provides psychiatric assessment, guidance, treatment planning, and consultation via phone, email, electronic health record review and videoconferencing to the on-sight team including both direct encounters (patient visits) and indirect encounters (provider to provider) collaborative consultation.

Our program also incorporates an evaluation component to determine outcomes of patient population, explore the cost benefits of the treatment program, how the treatment team interacts as a team, and overall patient experience.

Contact Us

Jay Shore, MD
Program Director

Shannon McWilliam, MA
Program Manager


Psychiatry (SOM)

CU Anschutz

Anschutz Health Sciences Building

1890 N Revere Ct

Suite 4003

Mail Stop F546

Aurora, CO 80045


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