Clinical Services

The Connections Program for High-Risk Infants and Families offers clinical services to women with high-risk pregnancies who have an unborn baby with (or at high risk of being born with) medical complications, parents of newborn babies with medical complications including babies with a prolonged stay in the NICU, parents coping with the loss of a baby, as well as babies and young children born with medical complications.

Although services are centered around promoting optimal outcomes for the baby/young child born with medical complications, they are intended to support the mental health and well-being of the whole family

Our interdisciplinary team of behavioral health providers has expertise in: 

  • Perinatal mental health
  • Infant mental health and development
  • Parenting children with special health care needs
  • Reproductive and perinatal psychiatry
  • Perinatal, neonatal, and infant loss
  • Trauma and coping

Those interested in receiving outpatient services through the Connections Program should call the Women’s Behavioral Health and Wellness Line at 303-724-1646 or email

These services are available to patients across Colorado and most services can be accessed virtually via telehealth.

We accept most Colorado Medicaid plans and most major commercial insurance plans

We offer a variety of individual services to meet the unique needs of each family we support.

  • Therapy is available to treat anxiety and depression in moms and dads with a diagnosed anxiety or depressive disorder using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT)
  • Biofeedback (service only available in person) is available to help manage physiological reactions to stress during and after pregnancy
  • Parenting support is available to parents of young children born with medical conditions (ages 0-5 years):
    • Transitioning from hospital to home
    • Interact with their child to promote optimal development
    • Read and respond to their child’s cues
    • Engage in developmentally appropriate activities
    • Address challenging behaviors, including difficulties with sleep and tantrums

  • Medication consultation
  • Developmental and behavioral assessment and consultation are available to determine how children born with medical complications are doing at age two and to provide additional support if needed 

The CHILD (Caring for High-Risk Infants Long-Term Development) Connections Clinic is a team of trained clinicians dedicated to providing high-quality developmental assessment and evidence-based parenting interventions for young children with complex medical histories and/or NICU admissions. 

Services We Provide:

  • Developmental evaluations for children at increased risk for developmental-behavioral disorders due to prematurity or complex medical conditions to help parents understand how a child is doing developmentally compared to other children their age.
  • Parenting consultation and support interventions based on evaluation results. 

Whom We Serve:

  • Children age 12-42 months who...
    • Were born < 35 weeks and/or...
    • With medical complications and/or...
    • Were hospitalized in the first year of life for at least one month

Contact Us! 

We accept Medicaid and commercial insurance plans. 

We offer therapy groups for:

    Contact Us

    303-724-1646 | Women's Behavioral Health and Wellness Line


    In the News

    Pandemic Boosts Mood Disorder Risk in Vulnerable NICU Parents

    CU psychiatry program, nonprofit groups combine efforts in supporting families during doubly difficult time

    Read the article

    Psychiatry (SOM)

    CU Anschutz

    Anschutz Health Sciences Building

    1890 N Revere Ct

    Suite 4003

    Mail Stop F546

    Aurora, CO 80045


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