DPRG is a group of researchers who meet regularly to share their ideas and knowledge with the goals of mutual stimulation, collaboration and support. Twice monthly, DPRG members present their ideas and work, which may include anything from the initial broad strokes of a project to the final summaries of a completed study. The meetings also provide a forum for presentations by visiting researchers.
The group would like to invite new participants, including graduate and postdoctoral students, staff and faculty. Members come from any of the educational and research institutions in the Denver area and front range. Members are psychologists, physicians, and biologists, as well as members of other disciplines who are engaged in research related to developmental processes.
The DPRG is able to fund small grants for its members, typically as seed money to explore new ideas and for supplemental funds for continuing projects. The only requirement for becoming a DPRG member is attendance at 50% of the meetings within any 12 month period. Funds are awarded on a competitive basis. Fellowships, funded by the NIMH, are awarded annually to postdoctoral students who wish to work with DPRG faculty members.
Date & Location:
All seminars are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays September through April from 10:00-11:30 AM. Location will vary each year, so please email dprg@ucdenver.edu for complete details.
Parking is available in the Henderson Garage and Monte Vista Visitor Lot.
If you would like to get on the seminar schedule for this year, please send your preferred dates (we meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month), CV, and topic title to DPRG@ucdenver.edu.
2024 Small DPEF Grant Application Schedule:
March 22, 2025
September 6, 2025
December 6, 2025
*Applications for funding grants must be received by the administrator and the director by 5:00pm*
Small DPEF Grant Application Guidelines:
Contact DPRG Coordinator to review membership status before completing the application. Only those with over 50% seminar attendance (one year prior to applying) become DPRG members and thereby have the ability to vote
or apply for funding. Priority will be given to T32 Postdoctoral Fellows, Postdocs in other programs, Junior Faculty, then others.
A brief discussion with Executive Director is necessary to review eligibility, proposal, project appropriateness, budget, and application. Applications from post-doctoral fellows are generally limited to $7000 for research projects and $500 for travel (must include a faculty mentor as a co-applicant).
Complete application including instructions & summary page.
Copy of relevant COMIRB and/or animal review board certification is provided to the DPRG office. Final funding cannot occur until it is received.
A complete application is supplied to the DPRG Coordinator and to the DPRG Executive Director (electronic copy). It must be received 3 weeks before the committee convenes in order to be reviewed (please see the deadline schedule
listed above).
Committee members do not review applications during the summer months (June-August).
Jason Tregellas, PhD, Executive Director
Christian Hopfer, MD, Executive Committee Member
Benjamin Mullin, PhD, Executive Committee Member
Ann Reynolds, MD, Executive Committee Member
Kristina Legget, PhD, Executive Committee Member
Ken Maclean, PhD, Executive Committee Member
Angel Tran, Coordinator
For more information or to be placed on the mailing list, please e-mail the DPRG administrative office at dprg@ucdenver.edu
February 25, 2025
Predicting Treatment Outcomes in Early Psychosis: A Functional Neuroimaging-Based Approach
Jason Smucny, PhD