Sandra Fritsch, MD -
CO-MAP Medical Director, CoPPCAP Medical Director
I trained in the Triple Board Program in pediatrics, psychiatry and child and adolescent psychiatry at Brown University. With this training and “being in the right place at the right time”, I have had the privilege to work with pediatric primary care providers throughout my career; supporting the mental health care of youth in the primary care setting. I was in Massachusetts when MCPAP; the Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Program was developed and then started the Maine Child Psychiatry Access Program. Being the lead for CoPPCAP is an honor and an exciting opportunity. I have been in Colorado since 2016 look forward to continuing support of our pediatric primary care providers throughout the state.

Celeste St John-Larkin, MD - PROSPER Medical Director
Celeste St. John-Larkin, MD, a child, adolescent and perinatal psychiatrist, Associate Professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and holds an endowed chair in Perinatal Mental Health at Children’s Hospital Colorado. As the Project Director for Colorado PROSPER she is able to support primary care providers statewide with access to perinatal psychiatry and resources to address maternal mental health and substance use disorders, after being awarded HRSA Funding in 2023. She is the medical director for the Healthy Expectations Perinatal Mental Health Program, which provides specialized group therapy during pregnancy and postpartum with a focus on the parent-infant relationship, in the Colorado Center for Women’s Behavioral Health and Wellness. She previously worked integrated Ob and Midwifery settings at the PROMISE and Young Mothers and Families Clinics. Her other area of expertise has been integrated mental health in primary care and consultation to community primary care providers through CoPPCAP, the pediatric psychiatry access program in Colorado, and has worked as an integrated psychiatrist with Project CLIMB in the Child Health Clinic pediatric training clinic for over 12 years. Celeste grew up in a small town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. She studied history at Northwestern University, and attended Michigan State University, College of Human Medicine in the rural physician program. She completed residency and child fellowship at the University of Colorado from 2002-2007.

Thida Thant, MD - EASY Medical Director
Dr. Thant is a board-certified consultation-liaison psychiatrist at the University of Colorado (CU), and is the Director of the Easy Consultation program and inpatient psychiatry consult service. She completed medical school at the University of Texas School in Houston, before moving to Colorado for both her psychiatry residency and fellowship.
She is passionate about supporting other physicians and providers in the care of psychiatric patients, and helping people navigate the intersection between mental and physical health. Her other clinical and academic interests include cannabis and mental health, and comprehensive psychiatric care for medically and neurologically complex patients, including for those with long COVID, transplant needs/organ failure, TBI, movement disorders, adverse medication effects and chronic illness.