1890 N Revere Ct , Anschutz Health Sciences Bldg, Suite 4020,

Aurora, CO 80045

Phone: (303) 724-1000

Fax: (303) 724-9472

CU Medicine Psychiatry - Outpatient Clinic Anschutz Health Sciences Building

CU Medicine Psychiatry - Outpatient Clinic offers state-of-the-art clinical services, treating all major psychiatric conditions in patients of all ages. Our practice is informed by the latest research conducted by our University of Colorado School of Medicine faculty member psychiatrists. Our interdisciplinary research spans causes of mental illness to behavioral and sociocultural aspects of physical and mental health conditions.

We provide patient-centered psychiatric services that consider the individual needs of each patient. Our multidisciplinary team holds a holistic perspective on the social and cultural factors that impact physical and psychological well-being in our patients lives outside of the clinic setting. Our clinic is a safe, equitable, and inclusive space that fosters community and connection as we seek to eradicate suffering due to mental illness and health inequities.

Services Offered in General Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic:

  • Psychiatric Medication Evaluation and Management
  • Individual, Couples, Family and Group Psychotherapy
  • Care Coordination Including Limited Case Management
  • Psychological Testing

*Patients must have an Epic ambulatory referral from CU Medicine or UCHealth in order to be seen in the General Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic.

Sub-Specialty Clinics:

  • Bipolar
  • Child and Adolescent
  • Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders and Other Psychiatric Disorders
  • E-Consultation with Primary Care
  • Encompass (Co-Occurring Treatment for Adolescents)
  • PCMC (Psychiatric Consultation for the Medically Complex)
  • RAFT (Rapid Access Focused Treatment)

Patients may call the clinic at 303-724-1000 to learn more about these services.

CU Medicine Psychiatry - Outpatient Clinic Anschutz Health Sciences Building

Address and hours

Map data from OpenStreetMap

1890 N Revere Ct

Anschutz Health Sciences Bldg, Suite 4020

Aurora, CO 80045

Phone: (303) 724-1000

Fax: (303) 724-9472

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Prepare for your visit
  • When scheduling an appointment, please be prepared to provide the reason, or chief complaint, for your appointment.
  • Please provide at least 24-hour notice if you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment.
  • Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment for check-in. 
  • Patients arriving more than 10 minutes after their scheduled appointment time may be asked to reschedule their appointment.
  • We ask all new and established patients to present their photo identification and insurance card at every office visit.
  • Patients should anticipate paying required co-pays at check-in.
  • CU Medicine clinics are tobacco-free environments. We do not allow smoking or the use of tobacco products (including e-cigarettes) in our clinics or buildings.
  • CU Medicine prohibits the presence and use of knives, guns, or other weapons in our clinics or buildings. This prohibition includes patients, visitors, and staff members with concealed weapons permits.
Insurance Information
CU Medicine is proud to be part of many health insurance networks.
Please contact your insurance carrier to verify if our providers are participating in your health insurance plan. 
Please click here to view our fees for the most common clinical services we offer. Please note that we accept most insurances and have contracts that discount these fees for those payers. We also offer a self-pay option.
If you are not covered by health insurance, we encourage you to contact our billing office at (303) 493-7700 to discuss payment options prior to receiving health care services at our clinic.