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CO-MAP ➤ Psychiatry Consultation Services through the Lifespan 




For Clinicians with Pediatric Patients: CoPPCAP  info@coppcap.org

For Clinicians with Perinatal Patients: PROSPER - prosper@ucdenver.edu

For Clinicians with Adults Patients (not in the Perinatal phase): EASY - easyconsultation@cuanschutz.edu

Shared phone line - 1-888-910-0153



Services We Offer 

Telephone consultation (within 45 minutes of a request) with a psychiatrists, psychologist, or other appropriate specialists to answer general questions or specific patient-related questions to support assessment and treatment in the primary care setting
Epic asynchronous e-consult answered within 48 hrs.

We have partnered with ECHO Colorado (Extension for Community Health Outcomes), who leverage learning, training and practice support to give voice to health care knowledge across Colorado and beyond. The Office of Colorado Mental Health Access Programs (CO-MAP) offers learning services for medical providers throughout the year.

Screening Toolkits and Care Guides have been developed for practices to easily access and use. Resource materials vary by program and are continually updated and expanded.

A Care Coordinator will identify and provide resources and referrals tailored to the individual needs of each patient.





Psychiatry (SOM)

CU Anschutz

Anschutz Health Sciences Building

1890 N Revere Ct

Suite 4003

Mail Stop F546

Aurora, CO 80045


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