Get Psyched
Week of October 16th, 2023
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Dr. Liz Chamberlain is featured in a CU Medicine article about the mental health benefits of spending time outdoors. “Studies show that spending time outdoors can help our thinking, emotions and even help people feel more socially connected to others," Dr. Chamberlain said.Emily Hemendinger, MPH, LCSW is featured in a CU Anschutz News article titled “TikTok and Mental Health: How Do You Decipher Accurate Information?”
Hemendinger is also the author of The ‘Zoom effect’ and the possible link between videochatting and appearance dissatisfaction” in The Conversation. This article was republished in The Scientific American.
The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Department of Psychiatrywas mentioned in a Fox 31 Denver News article about The Cherry Creek School District opening the first mental health facility for struggling students.
Similarly, on CPR News: “To confront a chronic shortage of mental health care facilities for youth, Colorado’s fourth largest school district partnered with the University of Colorado School of Medicine. The goal is to help students with severe mental health needs get intensive clinical support while continuing their schooling."
“Menopause can be tough. Psychology is here to help.” An American Psychological Association article features Dr. Helen L. Coons, Dr. Nanette F. Santoro, Dr. Christina Metcalf and Dr. Noy Phimphasone-Brady.
Lift the label featuring Janice Greenwood.
Dr. Lindsay Lebin is featured in a In Joy Health Education Podcast on Perinatal Suicide Prevention.
Phimphasone-Brady, P., Hunter, W.M., Coons, H.L., Nagle-Yang, S., Borgelt, L., Carlson, C., Liss, J., & Santoro, N.F. (August 2023). The Menopause and Minority Health Project: An Extended Reality (XR) Simulation. Annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.During the August 2023 meeting of the American Psychological Association, the Society for Health Psychology's Women and Health Interest Group designated our work as "outstanding poster" for our interdepartmental ECHO educational program on menopause and ethnically diverse women.
Joel Green, Randal Pyers, Savanna Valko and Maggie Gubbins are nominated for The Work Hard and Be Nice to People Award.Kristen Raymond was awarded Employee of the Month for August 2023.
Based on a recent publication in American Journal of Psychiatry, titled "Perinatal Cannabis Use and Cannabis Use during Breastfeeding: the Role of Health Care Workers", Devika Bhatia’s article was selected to be featured as part of their #WomeninMedicine theme campaign.
The DoPsych Giving Committee with 7 members of the department volunteered 3 hours at the Food Bank of the Rockies. 811 boxes of meals prepared specifically for older clients across Colorado and Wyoming.
The Department of Psychiatry was awarded $3,750,000 from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to develop a Perinatal Psychiatry Consultation and Access program, Colorado PROSPER.
Dr. Christina Metcalf’s VAMS Validation Research Study is seeking participants. This research study seeks to evaluate the possibility of using volumetric absorptive microsampling (VAMS) as an alternative to blood collected by traditional venipuncture for inflammatory marker measurement. For more information please contact Paul Darmond-Brooks at
Bourque, S.L., Williams, V.N., Scott, J., & Hwang, S.S. (2023). The role of distance from home to hospital on parental experience in the NICU: A qualitative study. Children, 10 (9), 1576.Metcalf, C. A., Johnson, R. L., Duffy, K. A., Freeman, E. W., Sammel, M. D., & Epperson, C. N. (2023). Depressed, stressed, and inflamed: C‐reactive protein linked with depression symptoms in midlife women with both childhood and current life stress. Stress and Health. Advance online publication: doi/10.1002/smi.3313
Koved J and LG Lebin. Meet Your Future: Leading Meetings Worth Attending. Association for Academic Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Vancouver Canada Sept 2023.
Coons, H.L., Phimphasone-Brady, P., Hunter, W.M., & Razzaghi, M.A. (August 2023). Improving Women's Well-Being: The Imperative to Integrate Services in Women's Health Care. Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Calcaterra SL, Saunders S, Grimm E, Maki-Gianani E, Keniston A, Wold A, Bonaguidi A. In-Hospital Methadone Enrollment: a Novel Program to Facilitate Linkage from the Hospital to the Opioid Treatment Program for Vulnerable Patients with Opioid Use Disorder. J Gen Intern Med. 2023 Sep 15. doi: 10.1007/s11606-023-08411-0. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37715094.