Get Psyched
Week of January 24, 2022
Jan 27, 2022
Dr. Jenna Glover was interviewed on a 9 News segment. She shared ways to keep kids safe while using technology, which is less about time spent online, and more about having honest conversations on expectations for technology use and online behavior.
Assistant Professor and START Center Deputy Director Dr. Amber McDonald (PhD, LCSW), was featured in a CU Anschutz news story about the new CORE Program, which sends a behavioral health professional on emergency calls with first responders.
Read this UCHealth Today feature on the collaboration between University Hospital's addiction medicine consult team and ARTS Adult Outpatient Program providing a warm handoff upon discharge for inpatients with substance use disorder.
Drs. Jenna Glover, Merlin Ariefdjohan, and Sandra Fritsch recently co-authored a paper (cited below) on children's usage of social media in the pandemic. Jenna was then interviewed on the subject by Medical Xpress, which you can read here.
The SOM Dean's Office Business Affairs Group is excited to announce a new initiative titled "Work Hard and Be Nice to People: Most Valuable Colleague." You can nominate your colleagues on a rolling basis on the SOM Intranet.
Thank you, Aki Suzuki! You "corrected problems, answered all of my questions, informed me of additional resources you have on the intranet, and gave me suggestions for a went above and beyond."
Dr. Abraham Nussbaum recently published an article in STAT titled "I work in a locked psychiatric ward. These days, you do too." He parallels life in the third wave of the pandemic and life in a psychiatric ward.
Dr. K. Ron-Li Liaw is serving in a newly created role for Children's Hospital Colorado. She is the "Mental Health-in-Chief," and will advocate for mental health care in decisions made by the hospital and its practitioners.
Ehmer, A. C., Scott, S.M., Smith, H., & Ashby, B. D. (2021). Connecting during COVID: The application of teleservices in two integrated perinatal settings. Infant Mental Health J,1-13.
Glover, J., Ariefdjohan, M., Fritsch, S. (2021). #KidsAnxiety and the Digital World, Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. DOI: 10.1016/j.chc.2021.06.004
Kelleher, J., Dempsey, J., Takamatsu, S., Paul, J. J., Kent, E., & Dempsey, A. G. (2022). Adaptation of infant mental health services to preterm infants and their families receiving neonatal intensive care unit services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Infant Mental Health Journal, 1– 11.
von Schulz, J., Serrano, V., Buchholz, M., Natvig, C., & Talmi, A. (2021). Increased behavioral health needs and continued psychosocial stress among children with medical complexity and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Infant Mental Health Journal, 1-16.