Our people continue to be our biggest strength!
At the August 2019 monthly meeting, David Clute and Deanna Schroder presented the 2019 DFM Employee Survey results (thanks to Dionisia De la Cerda and Tristen Hall for their assistance with the data). Overall, the scores showed improvements over the 2017 survey, and of note, the department’s Q12 Engagement Score was the highest it’s been since the survey’s implementation in 2012.
The challenges the department faces were not surprising: concerns over the leadership transition when Frank retires, diversity, the financial viability of the department, and fragmentation were common themes. This year, we were fortunate enough to have enough respondents in many categories to report out Q12 scores to individual teams, allowing them to discuss their specific scores and make plans for following up on their results.
Check out the results of the 2019 Department of Family Medicine survey.
DFM Survey Handout 2019 Overall Results