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Dr. Levitt


Dr. Louis P. Levitt was born in Denver in 1896 and graduated from the University of Colorado School of Medicine in 1927. He practiced medicine in Denver until 1967. When he died in 1978 he bequeathed $75,000 to the Department of Family Medicine to establish an endowed lectureship: The Levitt Distinguished Speaker Series.

Over the years, the Department has invited distinguished visiting professors, leaders, and authorities to speak and consult with national audiences on various topics of high importance and relevance to primary care and healthcare as a whole.


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Tony ROdgers

June 2024

Characteristics of Success and Failure Under Value-Based Alternative Payment

Tony Rodgers, MSPH, is an experienced healthcare executive who has held executive positions in both the public and private sectors. His executive leadership experience included positions with CMS, state Medicaid, health plans, and hospital systems. He is currently Chief Executive Officer, VBCare Network LLC, a start-up healthcare provider-led network serving Arizona. He previously held the position of Principal with Health Management Associates (HMA), where he worked with federal, state, and local government clients, public and private health plans, and safety net providers. Mr. Rodgers has a Master of Science Public Health degree and a BA degree in Economics and Political Science from UCLA. He has held visiting professor appointments at Arizona State University, the W.P Carey School of Business, and at UCLA School of Public Health.

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Dr. Susan McDaniel

April 2024

Improving Your Communication Will Improve Your Practice, Your Research, Your Teaching, and (sometimes even) Your Life

Susan H. McDaniel, Ph.D., is the Dr. Laurie Sands Distinguished Professor of Families & Health at the University of Rochester Medical Center. She is the Vice Chair of the Department of Family Medicine, Director of the UR Medicine Physician Communication Coaching & Leadership Development Program, and Chief Psychologist and Director of the Institute for the Family in the Department of Psychiatry. 

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November 2023

Data, Algorithms, and Racial Health Equity

4th Annual CSTAHR Greg White Levitt Lecture featuring Elaine O. Nsoesie, PhD, MS 

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Tanjala Purnell

January 2023

Sick and Tired: Galvanizing Multi-Stakeholder Efforts to Address Structural Racism and Persistent Health Disparities

3rd Annual CSTAHR Greg White Levitt Lecture featuring Tanjala S. Purnell, PhD, MPH, FASN.

Dr. Purnell is an epidemiologist and health services researcher with over a decade of experience focused on promoting equity in kidney health, transplantation, and closely related cardiometabolic conditions. She is an Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Surgery at Johns Hopkins University.

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Dr. Richard Krugman Jill Korbin, PhD

September 2022

Family Medicine Is Positioned Best to Address Child Maltreatment, If Only It Would!

Richard D. Krugman, MD, Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics, Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect – and Jill Korbin, PhD, Lucy Adams Leffingwell Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Senior Advisor, Schubert Center for Child Studies Case Western Reserve University co-presented.

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Terrance Roberts Julian Rubinstein

November 2021

Gang Violence, Policing, and Community Health: A Case Study

Denver community activist Terrance Roberts and journalist and author of "The Holly", Julian Rubinstein teamed up for a gripping presentation for the 2nd annual CSTAHR Greg White Lecture.

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Rebecca Etz Kurt Stange

October 2021

Where the Sidewalk Ends and the Promise of Primary Care Begins

This dual-presenter Levitt event features Drs. Rebecca Etz and Kurt Stange.

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April 2021

A Path Forward: Thriving in Rural Health Care after COVID-19

Benjamin D. Anderson, MBA, MHCDS - Vice President, Rural Health Hospitals, Colorado Hospital Association

Anderson explored true stories of the amazing resiliency of rural communities amidst the formidable challenges of a pandemic by tying community engagement to diversity and health equity.

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Dr. Folasade May

December 2020

Colon Cancer and Black Race: Barriers & Opportunities

Dr. Folasade P. May - Director, Melvin and Bren Simon Gastroenterology Quality Improvement Program, UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center

Dr. May graced us with her expertise as our premiere presenter in our very first annual CSTAHR Greg White Lecture: A Feature of the Distinguished Levitt Speaker Series. Greg was a beloved and valued member of the CSTAHR team dedicated to erasing racism in health care. He was lost to colon cancer in 2018.

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Dr. Stephen Hwang

February 2020

Creating Urban Health Solutions: Promises & Perils

Dr. Stephen Hwang - Director, Centre for Urban Health Solutions, St. Michael's Hospital; Professor of Medicine, University of Toronto; Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

Dr. Hwang's work to improve the health and well-being of people experiencing homelessness was first inspired by the resilience, dignity, and kindness of homeless men and women at a shelter where he volunteered as a university student.

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Sandro Galea, MD, MPH, DrPH

January 2020

Guns, Opioids, and Obesity: A Population Health Lens on Three Contemporary Epidemics

Sandro Galea, MD, MPH, DrPH - Dean and Robert A. Knox Professor, Boston University School of Public Health; Professor of Family Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine

How population health principles can inform our understanding of three epidemics of our time and to better understand how we might mitigate the consequences of current syndemics.

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Dr. Michael Fine

April 2019

Standing Together: What family physicians can do to build a health care system that cares for all Americans

Dr. Michael Fine - Writer, community organizer, and family physician

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Bob Phillips

March 2019

Professional Suicide: Medicine Heal Thyself

Bob Phillips - Executive Director, Center for Professionalism and Value in Health Care

The Center for Professionalism and Value in Health Care is an organization dedicated to creating space in which patients, health professional, payers, and policy makers can work to renegotiate the social contract - and working to define value across the health care spectrum, reaching beyond medicine to engage the broader health care community.

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Levitt Distinguished Speaker Series
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